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EpCT - European Proceedings of Computers and Technology

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Book and conference Proceedings Titles

Hybrid Methods of Modeling and Optimization in Complex Systems

Proceedings of International Workshop "Hybrid methods of modeling and optimization in complex systems" (in the framework of The Eleventh International Conference on Mathematical Models and their Applications), November 22-24, 2022, Krasnoyarsk, the Russian Federation

Predrag Stanimorovic
Alena A. Stupina
Eugene Semenkin
Igor V. Kovalev

Series: European Proceedings of Computers and Technology

Volume: 1

Pages: 1 - 403

Publisher: European Publisher

Published: 27 February 2023

International Conference on Digital Transformation and AI-Driven Innovation Management 2025 (ICDTAIM 2025)

Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Transformation and AI-Driven Innovation Management (ICDTAIM 2025), 28-29 April 2025, Arab Open University, Oman

Dr. Shireen Muhammad
Prof. Madya Dr. Syufiza Ahmad Shukor
Ts. Dr. Irny Suzila Ishak
Dr. Kabaly Subrahmanian
Dr. Subrahmanian Muthrahman
Dr. Afshan Younes
Dr. Mahmood Al Wahibi

Series: European Proceedings of Computers and Technology

Volume: 2

Pages: 1 - 1

Publisher: European Publisher

Published: 15 August 2025
