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EpCT - European Proceedings of Computers and Technology

Author Guidelines

This page explains how to prepare your manuscript for submission to European Proceedings of Computers and Technology (EpCT). 

Editorial Policies

We strongly recommend you read our ethics and policies page before submitting. Please also review our open access and copyright policy.

The EpCT publishes manuscripts that have undergone either a single-blind or a double-blind review process. The organisers/volume editors are responsible for the choice of the peer review process for each Proceedings. Organisers/volume editors should follow international peer review standards by adhering to our Ethical Policy. The submitted manuscripts go through a peer review process managed by the conference’s own programme committee and external reviewers -when needed- selected by organisers/volume editors. European Proceedings holds the right to request peer review reports at any time.

For more information about our Peer Review Policy please refer:

Manuscript Preparation & Submission Checklist

You can access the EpCT Template from here and EpCT Copyright Form & Conflict of Interest Disclaimer from here.
 The corresponding author must submit the copyright form & conflict of interest disclaimer, either as a scanned PDF or image file (.png, .jpg) together with the manuscript to the organisers/volume editors. Kindly be informed that the manuscript will not be processed if these documents (copyright form & conflict of interest disclaimer) are not submitted.

Before submitting your manuscript, we strongly recommend you check out our Manuscript Preparation Guide for Proceedings Authors and Submission Checklist to ensure that your manuscript has been formatted and prepared according to the guidelines.

Manuscript Preparation Guide for Proceedings Authors now is also available in Russian.


Authors are responsible to list all funding sources in the Acknowledgments section of their manuscript. For more information, please check CrossRef’s Open Funder Registry.


ORCID Identification

We encourage all authors to register for an ORCID and associate it to their manuscript. It allows authors to manage publication information effectively and improve their research profile. With an ORCID, authors can be assured that all their publications are correctly attributed to them and facilitate tracking by funders, institutions and other researchers.

If you haven’t registered for an ORCID iD yet, Register for your unique ORCID identifier. It only takes a minute to complete your details to obtain your ORCID.


Open Access and Licensing

All articles on the European Proceedings digital library are available through “Gold Open Access” and bear Creative Commons Licenses either CC BY or CC BY-NC-ND licenses that allow the articles are immediately freely available online immediately and permanently for everyone to read, download and share.

The conference organisers will liaise with European Proceedings and provide you with details of pricing and conditions in their conference website. In our model, the authors or their institution/funders pay an Article Publication Charge (APC) to the conference organizers while registering to a conference. Publication fee will be covered by the conference organizers. There will be no extra cost for authors for publication.


Online Publication of Your Manuscript

Once a Proceedings is published online, all articles will be available in PDF, XML, and HTML formats. No changes are allowed after this stage. Upon publication, each proceedings issue is allocated an ISBN number, whilst all articles still retain the ability to be individually cited by assigning a DOI number.

For further information about EPr’s correction and retraction policy, please see

To further explore our digital archiving and sharing policy please see


Book and conference Proceedings Titles

Hybrid Methods of Modeling and Optimization in Complex Systems

Proceedings of International Workshop "Hybrid methods of modeling and optimization in complex systems" (in the framework of The Eleventh International Conference on Mathematical Models and their Applications), November 22-24, 2022, Krasnoyarsk, the Russian Federation

Predrag Stanimorovic
Alena A. Stupina
Eugene Semenkin
Igor V. Kovalev

Series: European Proceedings of Computers and Technology

Volume: 1

Pages: 1 - 403

Publisher: European Publisher

Published: 27 February 2023

International Conference on Digital Transformation and AI-Driven Innovation Management 2025 (ICDTAIM 2025)

Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Transformation and AI-Driven Innovation Management (ICDTAIM 2025), 28-29 April 2025, Arab Open University, Oman

Dr. Shireen Muhammad
Prof. Madya Dr. Syufiza Ahmad Shukor
Ts. Dr. Irny Suzila Ishak
Dr. Kabaly Subrahmanian
Dr. Subrahmanian Muthrahman
Dr. Afshan Younes
Dr. Mahmood Al Wahibi

Series: European Proceedings of Computers and Technology

Volume: 2

Pages: 1 - 1

Publisher: European Publisher

Published: 15 August 2025
