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Unlocking Malaysia's Sustainable Success: The Dynamic Link of Green Intellectual Capital

Table 8: First-Order Measurement Model Assessment

First Order Constructs Indicator Loadings CR AVE
Green Human Capital 0.943 0.806
GHC1 0.913
GHC2 0.896
GHC4 0.933
GHC5 0.846
Green Relational Capital 0.981 0.946
GRC3 0.954
GRC4 0.972
GRC5 0.962
Green Structural Capital 0.948 0.821
GSC2 0.848
GSC3 0.920
GSC4 0.939
GSC5 0.915
Sustainable Performance SPer1 0.852 0.953 0.804
SPer2 0.921
SPer3 0.875
SPer4 0.925
SPer5 0.907
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