Modernization Of Educational And Methodological Support Of Disciplines Based On University Requirements


One of the main tasks of the current educational policy is the active introduction of educational work with students into the educational process of Russian universities, as the most vital component of the quality of training of a new type of graduate with the vast potential of personal and professional competencies. The paper examines the experience of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service (VSUES) in organizing and implementing educational work with students in the educational process. The purpose of the work is to propose the use of specific forms of practical tasks in the process of subject learning, that solve not only the prominent professional but also educational tasks of the content of the training, based on the academic discipline "The Russian language in business communication." They include the formation of a conscious civil position; the desire to develop the ability to preserve and increase moral, aesthetic, cultural, educational, and universal values and guidelines in new economic conditions; and the development of individual capabilities to realize the value of the education and cognitive activity, and the like. The methodology of the analysis of normative-legal and scientific-pedagogical literature allows us to conclude that the transformation of traditional approaches in the use of educational process mechanisms is observed in the system of higher education. The article considers and proposes a set of evaluation tools for the development and assimilation of each learning unit of the discipline that correlates with the value potential of a particular task and provides recommendations.

Keywords: Competent approach, educational work, modernization of higher education, russian language in business communication


The issues and problems of education are at the centre of increased attention from scientific and public thought. The preservation of the identity of the cultural code of the nation and the accumulated knowledge of entire generations, contributing to the foundation for the harmonious development of an individual in society, depends only on the state of the whole education system.

Nowadays, the Russian educational system is experiencing the next stage of modernization (Zinchenko et al., 2020). An integral and comprehensive update of all the constituent elements of the education mechanism is taking place, considering the dynamically changing requirements of modern society. At the same time, it is necessary to bear in mind the experience and traditions of the national pedagogical school. Education is presented as a leading national potential of state development and an essential source of intellectual resource of the entire nation (Federal..., 2012).

Transformational changes in modern society entail the restructuring of all public institutions, including the education system that services must meet the needs of each individual, a society, and the state as a whole. It is expected that a graduate with a set of universal and professional skills, as well as a set of universal cultural and moral value orientations, will appear on the labour market after graduation. Therefore, the principles of educational work, which are laid down in the content of the concept of modernization of education, are of great importance, since the purpose of the new type of training is to ensure the entry of each graduate "into society as its adequate member" (Trushina, 2020, p. 38).

Following the "Methodological recommendations for the development of a syllabus and calendar plan of educational work of a higher educational institution" (2021) educational work is considered by the authors as an activity. It aims at organizing the educational environment and managing various types of students' activities to create conditions for their familiarization with the socio-cultural, moral, and spiritual values of the national heritage.

According to the methodological recommendations proposed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Russian universities need to develop not only an educational syllabus, which determines the unity of the main characteristics of the realized educational activities but also the basic education curriculum framework (BECF), including an educational syllabus applied by the higher educational institution and developed for the period of its realization.

In the given paper, the authors propose considering the formation of educational tasks and their implementation in the educational process based on the training course "The Russian language in business communication." This discipline is mandatory for all BECF in VSUES.

Problem Statement

According to the modern requirements fixed in the educational state standards of a new generation, a teacher needs to use in the educational process the central principles of educating a well-bred person, that is, a person "educated, knowledgeable, understanding, and creative" (Vesmanov et al., 2020, p. 106). Thus, the higher school system is designed to carry out educational work to fully implement the priorities set out in the federal law "On Education (Federal'nyj zakon, 2012), "the national project "Education," and other regulatory legal acts.

The State Program for the Modernization of Higher Education proposes applying the competence approach (CA) as the main and basic one. The competence approach is traditional and actively used in the domestic higher education system to determine the content and methods of teaching. The concept of CA is considered in detail in the works of researchers of Russian pedagogy.

A syllabus realization in higher education is implemented through CA. Such approaches as axiological, systemic, system-activity, cultural, problem-functional, research and project, resource, health-saving, and informational should also be considered. Educational work at the university is a significant structural element of learning. Educational tasks can be integrated into the methodological foundations of the pedagogical process. Modern researchers, teachers, and managers of higher education often associate educational work with extracurricular activities. They believe that students form moral, ethical, and cultural qualities while participating in social and cultural events at the university or beyond. For example, Tartysheva and Solovieva (2019) consider the effectiveness of the educational process at university and conclude: "A student forms personal, moral and ethical qualities during his participation in educational activities, including those carried out outside the classroom" (p. 301). In its turn, the teaching staff of Tula State University offers the organization of group events, support for student organizations, together with a system of moral and material incentives for active students to solve educational tasks at the university (Trushina, 2020). Identification of the degree of conjugation of the concept of educational work at the university with the universal skills of the Federal State Educational Standard 3++ allows all participants of the educational process to function effectively (Gabinskaya et al., 2020). The International student club, including both Russian and foreign students, successfully operates at Kursk State Medical University, whose educational work is aimed at popularizing the Russian language and culture, preparing them for the dialogue of cultures, and fostering interethnic harmony (Dmitrieva, 2019). It is crucial to take into account that the university does not directly affect the formation of meaningful values of students (love, family, friendship, and others) but can affect the development of so-called instrumental values (patriotic orientation, role models, and the like) (Puzanova & Larina, 2021). Thus, each educational institution forms its specific strategy for the development and realization of educational tasks, depending on the student contingent, the area of training and specialities at the university (Stryukovskij et al., 2018), and the specifics of the educational activities. At the same time, a curator is given the leading role in the formation of the educational foundations of the teaching process (Martyshenko, 2020), who, in its turn, "in cooperation with other teachers form the intra-university education system" (Kulikova et al., 2018, p. 1).

Research Questions

A modern in-demand university graduate should fully master a set of the following skills, including hard skills, soft skills, and digital skills under the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard 3++, which is one of the indicators of the effectiveness of the modernization process of the higher education system. The problem of educating a "harmoniously developed and socially responsible personality based on moral values, historical and national-cultural traditions" (Lubkov, 2020, p. 46) is the focus of pedagogy. Therefore, the formulation, formation of educational tasks and their implementation in the educational process, in the content of training courses and their control through a set of evaluation tools of disciplines, allows achieving a high level of development of personal abilities of graduates, which, in its turn, improves the quality of the whole education system, and makes it possible to subsequently take leading positions for Russian universities in the world educational arena.

The educational environment formation of a modern university only within the framework of extracurricular activities seems insufficient since the formulation and further implementation of educational tasks is also feasible within the framework of educational activities. It is especially noticeable within the framework of the contact work of the teacher and students, together with students' independent work in each discipline of the BECF.

The topicality of the study of educational work, associated directly with the educational process, is quite apparent. Works, where teachers analyse the main characteristics of the educational work of the university's educational activities "in terms of the formation of universal student skills," are beginning to appear (Nalivaiko & Shinkoruk, 2021).

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the work is to consider (based on the training course "The Russian language in business communication") the educational tasks formation in the educational process, contributing to the development of a harmonious personality of the graduate as a future representative of a professional society.

Research Methods

The theoretical method lay in the basis of a theoretical and methodological foundation of the study that allowed analysing the content of regulatory and legal documentation (federal laws, state educational standards of higher education, methodological recommendations for the syllabus and calendar plan development of the educational work of the higher educational institution, and other normative documents) in the field of education. It also provided an overview of the scientific works of domestic researchers in general pedagogy, social and vocational pedagogical forecasting. Competence-based, value-oriented, systematic, system-activity, socio-cultural, research, and other approaches constitute the methodological basis of the given research.


The study of the discipline "The Russian language in business communication" is becoming extremely topical, as it contributes to the formation and development of business communicative competence. This training course is compiled under the Federal State Educational Standard 3++, corresponding to the universal competency-4 “can carry out business communication in oral and written forms in the state language of the Russian Federation and a foreign language(s)” (Borzova & Krinitskaia, 2021, p. 177).

"Methodological recommendations for the development of an educational syllabus and a calendar plan of educational work of a higher educational institution" (2021) contain fields of educational work. In the process of teaching the discipline "The Russian language in business communication," we formulated educational tasks that corresponded to the fields of educational work at the university. They are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Compliance of fields of educational tasks with the objectives of the discipline "The Russian language in business communication"
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According to the recommendations proposed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation on the development of BECF in the content of each discipline, it is necessary to determine not only the main goals of its mastering but also educational tasks. The authors introduce constructive forms of evaluation tools that demonstrate the level of effectiveness of the educational work carried out by the subject teacher in the classroom. A detailed description of the correlation of the content of the training course "The Russian language in business communication" with the educational tasks formed within the framework of a particular topic is presented in Table 2.

Table 2 - Compliance of educational tasks and evaluation tools with the topics of the training course "The Russian language in business communication"
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This ratio of educational tasks and evaluation tools corresponding to the training course "The Russian language in business communication" is based on the pedagogical experience of the teachers-authors who developed and introduced this training course. The proposed evaluation tools serve as a toolkit for the mechanism of educational influence on the subject of education, the student. They are aimed at identifying the potential of the entire educational environment of the student audience, and they depend on the lesson topic and the form of its realization. Such a mechanism of correlations of pedagogical actions, the thematic content of the discipline, the variety of evaluation tools helps identify the needs and motives of the students. This mechanism models situational connections and relations between partners of communication and forms a basis for a value-semantic unity formation of educational impact on the particular humanistic orientations formation of the student audience. It also helps all participants in the educational process to determine their subjective position.


Education and upbringing as the fundamental elements of pedagogical science are a priority of the state policy of the Russian Federation, which according to the law "On Education in the Russian Federation," are designed to educate a comprehensively developed personality in society (Smirnov, 2020).

The formation and development of the educational environment in a modern university cannot be carried out without its integration into the educational process. At the same time, a set of actions aimed at educational activities during and outside of the educational process is necessary to carry out educational work. Expanding a system for evaluating the effectiveness of educational guidelines development and the fields indicated in the methodological recommendations, together with the diagnosis of its quality, is becoming urgent. This situation needs careful study and further research, which will be required in the future.


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03 June 2022

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Borzova, T. A., & Krinitskaia, M. Y. (2022). Modernization Of Educational And Methodological Support Of Disciplines Based On University Requirements. In N. G. Bogachenko (Ed.), AmurCon 2021: International Scientific Conference, vol 126. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 156-164). European Publisher.