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Modeling The Assessment Of Technogenic Risks Impact At Arctic Enterprises

Table 2: Forecasting the volumes and areas of oil spills in the water area

Accident Volumediesel fuel spill, m3 Spill area SGC onwater areas, m2 Time after the start of diesel fuel discharge into the Yenisei River, s The distance to which the DF slick spreads downstream of the Yenisei River from the place where the stream flows into, calculated by the analytical method, m The distance to which the DF slick spreads downstream of the Yenisei River from the confluence of the brook stream, calculated by the neural network method, m
Destruction of the onshore process pipeline in the area of possible impact on the lake 92.42 235 - -
Destruction of the onshore process pipeline in the area of possible impact on the stream 92.42 772.5 m2 - area of pollution of the stream+30817 m2 - area of pollution of the Yenisei River 3600 7668 7560
7200 15336 15210
10800 23004 23432
14400 30672 31072
Destruction of the onshore process pipeline in the area of possible impact on the Yenisei River 92.42 31604 m2 - area of pollution of the Yenisei River 3600 7668 7468
7200 15336 15131
10800 23004 23127
14400 30672 30821
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