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Pedagogical Preparation Of Future Teacher As Basis For Formation Of Civic Identity

Table 1:

Value-semantic component Motivational component Cognitive component Behavioral component
Personal level
Attitude to the content of civic identity Readiness for the manifestation of civilian qualities Conceptual content Experience in civil actions
Ability to positive self-determination of their own civic identity; has civil convictions, orientations towards patriotic and civil values Readiness to engage in the activities of various subsystems of civil society, is able to build partnerships with various representatives of the social environment Owner of civic concepts, understand one’s relationship and specificity. Presents ways to incorporate into civil society Experience of social initiative, social action, social responsibility, social solidarity, protection of their rights and the rights of others, the experience of expressing their own citizenship
Professional level
Owns the content of civic identity of younger students, indicators of the manifestation of its individual components
Value-semantic Motivational Cognitive Active
He has a sense of patriotism and pride in his country, its people, and respects its history and traditions.He has the acceptance of its ethnic identity. He has interethnic tolerance. Respects traditional russian values; follows moral standards. He has a sufficient level of cognitive interests and motivation to study issues of civic content, the presence of effective motivation, sufficient for the manifestation of the activity component He has historical and geographical image of russia; knowledge of the main historical events of the state, its achievements and cultural traditions, holidays, general cultural heritage of russia. The idea of the state organization of russia. Knowledge of state symbols, basic rights and duties of a citizen; their ethnicity Participates in school government within age competencies. Compliance with the norms and requirements of school life, the ability to enjoy the rights and fulfills the duties of the student; fulfillment of moral norms. Participation in public life, orientation in the events taking place in the country and the world
Result: can use the forms and methods of professional activity in accordance with the specifics of the individual components of civic identity of primary school students
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