Pedagogical Preparation Of Future Teacher As Basis For Formation Of Civic Identity


The relevance of the article is substantiated by the attention in research works of domestic and foreign scientists to the formation of civic identity at different levels of training, including primary general education, basic general education, higher education. The study developed a methodological model as a backbone element in the structure of education of future primary school teachers based on the idea of the competency approach, incorporated in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education and the Professional Standard of the teacher. The model integrates individual-personal and individual-professional components of the future teacher's readiness to organize pedagogical activities with younger students to shape their civic identity. The article presents main components of this model and reveals indicators of readiness formation. The article describes ways for students to become ready for the formation of civic identity among primary school students in their future professional activities. The article presents the implementation of the model, carried out when teaching students disciplines of the main and variable cycle. The system-forming function of the model is for the design and implementation of the targeted, meaningful, organizational and diagnostic elements of this system of preparing the future primary school teacher for the formation of the civic identity of primary school students. Practical testing of the training system based on the developed model showed that its use contributes to the formation of common cultural and general professional competencies among students. The diagnosis revealed qualitative and quantitative dynamics of results at various levels: personal and professional.

Keywords: Civil identitypedagogical trainingprimary school


In the conditions of growth of the multicultural component of public life, society pay special attention to civic culture, responsibility and patriotism. These challenges of time led to the formulation of the task of ensuring the formation of a person’s citizenship, as the key task of education. An analysis of the literature has shown that the formation of civic identity is significant both in foreign studies (Peterson, Durrant, & Bentley, 2015; Sant & Hanley, 2018; Laker, Naval, & Mrnjaus, 2014), and in Russian scientists and practitioners (Petrova, 2013; Kalinina & Averchenko, 2017; Trofimova, 2017; Chistyakova & Lashkova, 2017; Zhikharevich, 2018). In this regard, the socially necessary direction of pedagogical activity is accompanying the process of civic identification of a person in the aspect of reflecting the changed paradigm of education.

In recent years, a regulatory framework has been developed for the organization of this process in the Russian Federation: the Law “On education in the Russian Federation”, the Federal target program for the development of education for 2016–2020, the concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the person of a Russian citizen, the state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020”, approximate program of education and socialization of students, Federal state educational standard of primary general education.

The formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity is one of the most important personal results of mastering educational programs of schools. In particular, in accordance with the Standard of Primary Education (FSES PGE, 2009), among primary school students it is necessary to establish the foundations of civic identity and worldview.

Transformation of targets in society leads to a change in the educational environment. According to the international comparative study of the quality of civic education (ICCS-2016), Russian primary school students demonstrated a significant increase in the quality of civic education knowledge, skills, values and personality orientation: in 2009, Russia occupied the 19th place, and in 2016 - the 7th (Polozhevets, 2017). According to the study, the main goals of citizen education are teachers and leaders of educational organizations consider promoting the dissemination of knowledge about the rights and duties of citizens, developing critical and independent thinking of students, promoting social, political and civic education, promoting ideas of environmental protection, developing students' skills and competences in solving conflicts. Among the important factors for improving civic education in school, teachers pointed out: the introduction of better-quality materials and textbooks (54.3%), the allocation of more study time for civic education (49.5%), an increase in the number of citizen studies projects (30.95%). It should be noted that teachers identify external ways in which the focus is not on selecting effective ways of organizing civic education, but on finding material learning aids and solving organizational issues. At the same time, an analysis of the research results showed that the level of civic education depends little on the frequency of extracurricular discussions of political and social issues and on the involvement of children in school activities. Thus, the National study on the assessment of the quality of citizenship education allows stating that there are achievements and potential for the development of civic education, but also determines the lack of competence of teachers in solving this problem.

In connection with the above, a reflection of the problem of the formation of the civic identity of the younger generation demonstrates awareness of the identity crisis, both at the state level and at the level of the implementation of educational activities. However, the problem is not sufficiently covered at the level of the meanings of its solution, the ways of translating state policy into educational practice are poorly disclosed. Therefore, the requirements for teacher competence in this area are increasing. A teacher involved in the process of forming the civic identity of primary school students himself must have a mature personal position, be aware of himself as a citizen of his country and also possess the methodological foundations of organizing this process, understand the potential possibilities of using various methods and technologies.

The need to prepare future teachers for the formation of civic identity of primary school students is also recorded in strategic documents on the modernization of education (the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation until 2025, the Professional Standard of the teacher, the Model of the level assessment of teachers' competencies, in the report “Russia 2025: From Personnel to Talent”). In the Professional Standard of the teacher, as the necessary labor activities related to educational and developmental activities that the primary school teacher must implement as part of the labor function, there are the following competencies : the formation of citizenship, the formation of tolerance and behavioral skills in a changing multicultural environment, positive multicultural patterns communication The teacher should know the basics of multicultural education, the basic laws of the process of socialization of the individual (Profstandart, 2013). In the target competence model 2025, the group of social-behavioral skills includes intercultural interaction, including awareness, social responsibility, cross-functional and cross-disciplinary interaction.

The Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of “Pedagogical Education” at the undergraduate level (FSES HE, 2016) includes the following competences aimed at preparing future teachers to work on the formation of students’ civic identity:

  • general cultural: the ability to analyze the main stages and patterns of historical development for the formation of patriotism and citizenship; the ability to use basic legal knowledge in various fields of activity; willingness to realize the social significance of their future profession and the motivation to carry out professional activities;

  • professional: readiness to implement educational programs in a school subject in accordance with the requirements of educational standards; ability to use modern methods and technologies of training and diagnostics; the ability to solve problems of education and spiritual and moral development of students in educational and extracurricular activities; the ability to use the capabilities of the educational environment to achieve personal, metadisciplinary and substantive learning outcomes and ensure the quality of the educational process by means of the taught subject.

These competencies are the benchmarks for preparing the future elementary school teacher to form the foundations of civic identity. The result of this training is the readiness to form the civic identity of primary school students.

Problem Statement

The relevance of our work lies in expanding the approach to shaping the readiness of the future teacher as the basis for the formation of the civic identity of Russian primary school students. It is impossible to prepare for the profession without referring to the individual, forming a personal position, integrating into the social space.

Research Questions

The subject of the article is the characteristic of the process of pedagogical preparation of the future teacher as a system, the central element of which is the model of readiness of future teachers for the formation of the civic identity of primary school students, as well as theoretical and empirical study of the possibilities of the model for designing and implementing targeted, informative, organizational and diagnostic elements of this system.

Purpose of the Study

Prove the effectiveness of pedagogical training of the future teacher as the basis for the formation of the civic identity of primary school students through the use of the model of their readiness for this activity as a target, integrating the personal and professional readiness levels of the future primary school teacher and establishing the connection between the components of the civil identity of the future teacher and primary school students.

Research Methods

The authors carried out the study using a set of complementary methods. In the course of the theoretical work, the method of analysis and comparison of modern normative documents regulating civic education of domestic and foreign literature was used, which presents the experience of pedagogical theory and practice of the formation of civic identity. A simulation of the educational process in higher education was also conducted on the basis of comparison, systematization, and generalization of information.

In the process of experimental work for the study and synthesis of practical experience, the authors used an empirical study aimed at studying educational processes in the context of pedagogical activity. The authors also developed a diagnostic toolkit, including questionnaires and questions for an oral survey of students, aimed at identifying the readiness of future primary school teachers to form the civic identity of primary school students. The selection of tools was carried out taking into account the assessment of all components of readiness at the personal and professional levels.


Readiness for the formation of civic identity of primary school students is a complex structural education, which includes knowledge, worldview, intellectual, communication skills, and professional pedagogical skills. It must be carried out purposefully and comprehensively, as there is a correlation between the components of the personal and professional readiness levels. The personal level presupposes self-awareness and self-reflection of oneself as a citizen, one’s socially significant views, and the presence of a positive orientation towards patriotic and civic values, the desire to increase one’s civic competence for personal and professional purposes. The professional level includes possession of the content of civic identity of younger students, indicators of the manifestation of its individual components, skills to build professional activities (use forms and methods of work in accordance with the specifics of individual components of students' civic identity), and readiness to be responsible for the results of civic education of primary school students.

Let us look at the author’s model of the future teacher’s readiness to form the civic identity of Russian primary school students (Table 01 ).

The implementation of this model was carried out at the Irkutsk State University Pedagogical Institute with students enrolled in the direction of training 44.03.05. Pedagogical education (with two training profiles).

We suggested that the pedagogical training of future primary school teachers for the formation of the civic identity of primary school students should be built as a system in which the model developed can serve as a target. It will allow determining the organizational and pedagogical, substantive, pedagogical and methodological conditions for the organization of pedagogical training.

Let us proceed to the study of these conditions.

We have considered various informative ways of preparation. Among them is the development of special software and methodological support for academic disciplines of the main cycle: “Fundamentals of the organization of the educational process in primary school”, “Theory and methods of education (primary education)” and elective disciplines: “Formation of civic identity in primary school”, “Patriotic education in primary school”. As a result of mastering the proposed educational and professional content of students at the cognitive and emotional level, the formation of a “normal civic self-awareness” (A.A. Leontyev), mastering basic methodological knowledge and technologies of forming the foundations of civic identity among primary school students. As part of this path, we will be able to realize meaningful conditions for training. Not less important direction of training is the involvement of future teachers in the project, research activities in the process of implementation of term papers and dissertations, participation in conferences and seminars on the formation of civic identity.

We assumed that the use of dedicated paths will allow us to form the competencies embodied in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of 44.03.05. Pedagogical education (with two training profiles). But to confine ourselves only to the knowledge of the methodological foundations of the formation of civic identity among primary school students is absolutely not enough. The future teacher himself must have a civic identity, formed by a system of social values, have a strong spiritual and moral foundation, and have a civic consciousness, civic self-consciousness, and civic position.

These qualities, as a rule, are formed in adolescence, which falls on the last school years and the beginning of studies at the university. Consequently, the content and methods of preparing the future teacher are addressed not only to the sphere of his professional competencies, but also to his personality. The modern group of students is characterized by multiculturalism of the composition, which causes an increase in the requirements for communication interaction and tolerance of the participants of the socio-pedagogical environment, responsibility and freedom of personal choice, self-actualization.

Table 1 -
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In this context, we believe that the achievement of a personal level of readiness is impossible without the education of civic identity among future teachers. It should be aimed primarily at creating a sense of responsibility for the effectiveness of the educational process, in which the student acts not only as an object of educational efforts of teachers, but as a full participant. Therefore, it is necessary to educate among students a sense of responsibility of a citizen of Russia for their professional choice, understanding of the social significance of their present and future work. The development of students' ability to take personal responsibility for everything that happens at a university takes place in the process of active participation in the student government system, in solving socially significant problems through creative activities (contests, festivals, network conferences and forums, the development and implementation of socially significant projects), the course of obtaining by students an experience of independent social action, during social trials. Students are involved in the implementation of volunteer projects on the basis of an interdepartmental network of organizations of science, culture and sports.

The experience gained forms respect for the rights of other people, tolerance, self-esteem, recognition of the right to free and responsible choice of every person, readiness to accept and analyze social phenomena; independence in the choice of decisions, the ability to resist asocial and illegal actions and actions. So, there are the organizational and pedagogical conditions of preparation for the formation of civic identity.

Let us consider the substantive and methodological conditions of pedagogical training of a future teacher, aimed more at achieving a professional level of readiness in conjunction with a personal level, since the latter is a necessary resource for reaching a professional level.

For example, the goal of mastering the discipline “Forming civic identity in primary school” is to formulate readiness to use theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of future bachelors on psychological mechanisms and pedagogical conditions and methods of forming and developing the civic identity of younger students.

Objectives of the discipline are:

  • Formation of knowledge of bachelors about the essence of social identity as a mental property of a person; mastering the concept of civic identity, requirements for the level of formation of civic identity of primary school students, ways of forming civic identity

  • Formation of skills to analyze programs for the formation of civic identity, to identify components of civic identity (value-semantic, motivational, cognitive, activity); develop programs and projects for the formation of civic identity of primary school students; the formation of competencies that allow using of modern methods and technologies for the formation of the civic identity of younger students in the educational process and extracurricular activities.

  • Formation of students' ability to develop their own civic identity.

Planned results of mastering the discipline:

  • personal results: students will change their horizons in the field of civic identity, they will be able to identify the problem field associated with the state and upbringing of Russian civic identity. The level of civic identity of the students themselves will change, i.e. their national and civil identification on the cognitive and emotional levels will become more differentiated and complete; self-assessment of their citizenship; the level of semantic motivation for civic activity;

  • training outcomes: future primary school teachers will be able to diagnose and characterize the civic identity of particular students; to design and implement various forms of training in the educational and extracurricular activities of primary school students , while relating the level of formation of components of civic identity among primary school students with the methods of work used.

The content of the discipline includes several sections:

Section 1 . Socio-philosophical foundations of the formation of civic identity of primary school students. The concept of civil society. The concepts of citizen, citizenship, civil identity, the crisis of civil identity: the historical aspects of the development of ideas in Russian philosophical thought and their essential characteristics in modern society.

Section 2 . Psychological foundations of the formation of civic identity of younger students. The concept of social identity as the ability to live with others, as the basis of self-esteem, types of social identity, the phenomenon of multiple social identity in the life of a modern person. Identification as a psychological mechanism.

Section 3 . Pedagogical foundations of the formation of the civic identity of primary school students. Patriotic education and patriotic education in Russia. The historical aspect (children's and youth organizations, children's literature as a means of civic education). Ideologization of civic education in the Soviet period. The transition from the ideas of civic education to the idea of ​​civic education in the post-Soviet period. The study of human rights and the rights of the child as a meaningful description of the transition to the ideas of civic education. Studies of the quality of civic education in the Russian Federation and abroad.

Section 4 . Methodical approaches to the formation of civic identity of primary school students. The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard to the results of the formation of civic identity. The pedagogical significance of the formation of civic identity in primary school. Components of civil identity of primary school children and indicators of their formation in elementary school. Reflection of the goals and content of the formation of civic identity in the program of education and socialization of younger students, their place in the basic educational program of primary school. Forms and methods of work on the formation of civic identity.

In the process of studying the discipline, we use various interactive methods: lecture-dialogue; discussion; constructing clusters for understanding the essence of concepts; business game; compilation of educational portfolio on the subject; free design classes with primary school students and design for the given parameters.

As examples, here are some tasks for students:

Task 1. In the work “The strategy of socio-cultural modernization of education: towards overcoming the identity crisis and building a civil society” Determine what you do not know, what information is not enough for you, what concepts you do not have to answer these questions? (task for actualization and reflection of own cognitive experience, for elaboration and argumentation of one’s own personal position).

Task 2. To develop a lesson or extracurricular activities in order to form the civic identity of primary school students:

  • Determine the substantive direction of education (spiritual, moral, historical, patriotic, legal, labor, environmental, etc.), formulate the topic, and determine the path of implementation (lesson or extracurricular activities).

  • Define goals, objectives, and expected results of the lesson. Formulate in accordance with the requirements for the results of the formation of civic identity (Federal state standard of primary general education, Model program for the education and socialization of primary school students). Highlight the leading component of junior high school students’ civic identity that you intend to form.

  • Select content, organizational form and methods of work. Describe them. Argue your choice. Prove that the given content and methods of work will contribute to the achievement of the planned result.

  • Describe how you will assess the achievement of results and their level. (task for the design of elements of professional activity, the argument of the choice of professional actions).

Let us imagine working with students on vocational training for the formation of civic identity of younger schoolchildren in the study of the academic discipline “Fundamentals of the organization of the educational process of elementary school”. Its development involves the formation of competences of future teachers in the effective organization of the educational process of primary school and the implementation of the requirements defined in the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, based on the use of modern pedagogical methods and technologies; development of methods of transmitting a personal position based on the transfer of the traditional values ​​of the Russian people. In the process of studying the discipline, students carry out the analysis of curricula, the selection of methods depending on specific educational tasks, pedagogical modeling and design of the educational process taking into account modern requirements in the field of primary general education and students’ personal characteristics, forecasting possible educational outcomes.

We give examples of tasks.

Task 1. To analyze the modern textbooks of elementary school (Russian language, literary reading, the surrounding world, etc.) on the example of one educational and methodical complex. Highlight topics that contribute to the formation of the personal characteristics of a graduate of an elementary school: loving his people, his land and his homeland. To study the tasks of textbooks and to conclude about their focus on the formation of various components of civic identity, to formulate the results of educational activities.

This task is proposed for students in groups. At the same time, groups analyze different sets of textbooks, which makes it possible to assess the possibilities of variable primary education programs for the formation of civic identity. It should be noted that when summarizing the results of the task, the students made a general conclusion: the textbooks do not adequately represent the tasks that involve the students expressing their own position, arguing, understanding social problems, and forming readiness for civil actions. The following task is aimed at the ability to design ways to solve this problem.

Task 2. To supplement the content of lessons with tasks, learning situations that imply the formation of components of civic identity, the achievement of which is not sufficiently represented in textbooks. Determine the purpose of the tasks, the expected achievement of students. When developing assignments to provide for the implementation of educational principles: a moral example of a teacher, relying on the student's initiative, cooperation.

The task contributes to the formation of students’ skills to relate the planned results laid down in the standard and implemented in textbooks with the results to which the teacher aspires. It should be noted that with such an organization of work, students are in a position to demonstrate their own values, the experience of personal civil behavior.

Task 3. To study the experience of the school of the city of Irkutsk in the inclusion of primary school students in socially transformative activities (Kalinina & Averchenko, 2017). Assess the effectiveness of the organization of work from the standpoint of accounting for all components of the educational process: the target; stimulating and motivational; meaningful; operational activity; control and regulation; reflective. Offer your options for the participation of primary school students in social trials (develop a social project, describe the stages of implementation).

In the process of learning, students perform research activities. The choice of topics for undergraduate and graduate studies indicates that students understand the significance of the problems of the formation of civic identity, education of citizenship, patriotism and choose appropriate topics.

At the stage of coursework, we offer students an open topic designer: “Forming civic identity among primary school students (through project activities, through research activities, through social initiative, through volunteering, through local history work, etc.)”. Students can choose any direction of research or offer their own, since the choice of the subject of study remains with them. This allows taking into account the range of interests of future primary school teachers and the existing experience in teaching.

Graduation papers have more complex experimental character. For example, in the 2017-2018 school year, students conducted research on the topics: “Formation of the civic identity of primary school students in the process of studying literary works”; “Folk art as a means of targeting primary school students to the value of the Fatherland”; “Pedagogical conditions of the formation of ethnic culture among primary school students in extracurricular activities”, “Local history activities as a means of shaping the civic identity of primary school students”.

Let us use the methods, organizational forms that students use when conducting experimental work with younger students during the period of research practice in school. For example, analysis of the author’s position of poets and writers of the native land, their relationship to the motherland; situations of moral choice and evaluation; “Dialogue-living”, which includes students in the awareness of the value of the Motherland for the Russian people, as a traditional universal value, understanding of its personal significance; family readings (study of works about the Motherland); analysis of social problems and life situations, finding ways to solve them; social actions; project activities, etc. We also note the importance of translating one's own position, experience of civic behavior, obtained by performing social practices, participation in public activities of the university when performing work for students.

Such work allows forming an awareness of “I” as a citizen of Russia, an understanding of personal involvement in the present and future of their country, their people, value attitude and interest in the traditions of the Motherland, initial experience of civic activity, etc., i.e. all components of civic identity (value-semantic, motivational, cognitive, activity).

To identify the effectiveness of the model of readiness of future teachers to the formation of the civic identity of Russian primary school students and the chosen approaches to the organization of experimental work, a diagnostic study was conducted. The students of the Irkutsk State University Pedagogical Institute of 2nd (37 people) and 4th (34 people) year courses participated in conducted research in the direction of training 44.03.05. Pedagogical education (with two training profiles).

The formation of the “I-concept” as a prerequisite for broadcasting a personal position in further professional activity (Valeeva, Koroleva, & Sakhapova, 2013) was studied on the basis of an analysis of the results of the assignment, in which students had to write down 3 priority characteristics, building them in the downward rating. The leader was the student community. It is considered the most important by 31% of 2nd year students and 30% of 4th year students. However, in the sum of all the choices, the priority changes: the definition of its position “I am a student” decreases from 86% to 60%, respectively. The students' identity to their family is in the second place: “daughter”, “sister” position themselves 20.7% of 2nd year students and 30% of 4th year students. In the total amount of all elections, the priority is 62% and 50%, respectively. Characteristic "personality" ranks third. In the total election, quite close results were obtained: 44.8% of 2nd year students and 40% of 4th year students. However, within the priority position, this characteristic significantly decreases: from 37.9% in 2nd year students to 20% in the 4th year. This is due to the fact that in the period of completion of vocational training, the life course of students is determined. Thus, in the total number of elections, 4th year students identify themselves with the future profession of a teacher — 20% (3.4% of such students in the 2nd year); with mother and wife (including determining this role for themselves in the future life) - 40% (for the 2nd year only 17.2% were). As part of our research, identification of oneself as a citizen of Russia is significant. It should be noted that no student chose the first position, and by the absolute number of choices of 2nd year students this is a less attractive position - only 5% of students named her, but in the 4th year such students make up a rather large number - 39%.

Students’ civic knowledge was tested on the basis of their understanding of the main categories of civic education (citizen, civic consciousness). A formalized view of who a citizen is in 2nd year students: a significant characteristic is the place of birth and residence in the territory of a certain state (48% of students identified this essential feature distinguishing the citizen). The personal characteristics of a citizen were called by 41.4% of students. Examples of answers are as follows: a person who loves and respects his Fatherland, his culture and traditions, represents benefits for his country, recognizes himself as his patriot, etc. 27.6% of students call the legal aspect of a citizen’s life (a citizen enjoys rights and respects duties accepted by the state). Note that a significant majority of students (73%) indicated only one sign: territorial or legal. On the 4th year there were no such students. They called for several signs, with the leading place being occupied both by the personal attitude to the state in which he was born and residing, and by the responsibility for his country and an active life position aimed at its development (44% of responses).

In determining citizenship, students of the 2nd and 4th courses showed a rather close understanding of the category. However, it should be noted that 2nd year students define citizenship as belonging to the number of citizens of the state (34.5%), followed by the implementation of legislation, civic duties (29%), manifestation of qualities including duty, responsibility for the state, patriotism (24%), love and respect for the country (12.5%). The 4th year students in the first place mark manifestations of duty, responsibility for the state (60%), then belonging to a country (30%), fulfilling civic duties and laws of the country (10%).

To study the professional predisposition of future teachers, the readiness to take their own position within the framework of the priority orientation of their further pedagogical activity to achieve certain results, the students were asked: what kind of results should primary education be aimed at? It was necessary to record three important results in descending order of significance. Let us demonstrate the answers of 2nd year students. The priority for the formation of primary school students is motivation for learning activities, self-development (23.7% -in the first place), the formation of value-semantic attitudes is slightly inferior (20.7%), then the formation of the ability to learn from students is found (13.8%). However, in the general sample, the answers are distributed differently. Motivation is also in the first place (48.3%), and then priorities are shifted: in the second place is the ability to communicate, work in a team, interact with other people (44.8%), in the third place are subject results and the ability to learn (38). % in all answers). Formation of civic identity, patriotism, civic feelings and qualities was indicated only by 10.3% of the total number of elections. Qualitatively other educational results of primary school students were allocated by 4th year students. In the first place is the formation of value-semantic attitudes of 62%, followed by civil identity, patriotism and the development of the qualities of a patriot of his country (24%), the ability to learn (14%). In the total number of elections, students showed the same results and in the same order of priority: 100%, 73%, 52%, respectively. It should be noted that university graduates are characterized by a focus on the formation of younger students of civic identity.

The understanding by future teachers of the content of civic education was studied. A significant majority of 2nd year students (89.6%) civic knowledge (for example, the symbols of their state, its historical events, laws, culture, famous personalities, etc.) belong to the main content. An important place is occupied by personal qualities (feelings of pride for their country, duty, respect for the state and its citizens, etc.), 82.7% of students indicated them. Understanding their place and role in the state as an important component of the content of education was noted only by 10.3%. None of the 2nd year students did not single out the development of civic stance, the performance of civic-oriented activities, allowing for civic engagement. A deeper understanding of the content of civic education of primary school students was demonstrated by 4th year students. They included civic knowledge and feelings (80%), civic skills (77%), development of civic position (35%), readiness for active participation in the life of society and manifestation of civic position (72%), methods of civic behavior (72%).

To establish the ability of students to solve problems of civic education, they were asked to specify the forms and methods of work that should be used when working with primary school students. The 2nd year students indicated rather traditional methods, which to a greater extent contribute to the formation of civic knowledge, the acquisition of the experience of a valuable attitude to their homeland. These are thematic conversations, meetings with interesting people, excursions to monuments, museums, and demonstrations of presentations, films followed by discussion, reading literary works, quizzes, contests and holidays, participation in the celebration of Victory Day. Only one student indicated a way for students to get an active experience (holding work days). A wider range of forms and methods of work was given by 4th year students. Along with the traditional ones for elementary school, they also suggested including pupils in civil matters, taking into account the possibility for primary school students to show citizenship. For example, actions, social projects, research, role-playing and business games, dramatization, round tables, and collective creative affairs.


In conclusion the authors prove that the organization of pedagogical training of future primary school teachers to the solution of the tasks of forming the civic identity of Russian primary school students should be supported by appropriate pedagogical tools. An effective target tool can be a model of readiness of a future teacher for this activity developed by us, including the integration of personal and professional teacher readiness and the relationship of indicators of development of individual components of civic identity of future teachers and primary school students (value-semantic, motivational, cognitive, behavioral).

The model has a prognostic character. It allowed defining organizational-pedagogical, informative-pedagogical and methodical conditions for organizing pedagogical training.

The authors tested these conditions which have also proven their effectiveness. Organizational and pedagogical conditions made it possible to include students in a social and educational environment, which makes it possible to manifest and implement various social initiatives, to form civic qualities and experience of civic action. Part of these conditions was the inclusion in the curriculum of special courses, as well as the development of sections of disciplines, the content of which is aimed at the formation of components of readiness for educational activities.

Methodological conditions should be aimed at the development and use of reflexive tasks, based on the personal experience of civil attitudes, attitudes, behavior and experiences; design tasks of open type, implying a free choice by students of the content and ways of professional activity.

The methodological model of a future teacher’s readiness to form a student’s civic identity, a set of conditions for organizing pedagogical training, the content of disciplines, a set of model tasks and diagnostic tools can be used to build a professional space in other educational organizations that solve the problems of preparing future teachers for civic education and education of students.


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Publication Date

28 December 2019

eBook ISBN



Future Academy



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Edition Number

1st Edition




Sociolinguistics, linguistics, semantics, discourse analysis, science, technology, society

Cite this article as:

Petrova, M., Kalinina, L., Gusevskaya*, O., & Popova, I. (2019). Pedagogical Preparation Of Future Teacher As Basis For Formation Of Civic Identity. In D. Karim-Sultanovich Bataev, S. Aidievich Gapurov, A. Dogievich Osmaev, V. Khumaidovich Akaev, L. Musaevna Idigova, M. Rukmanovich Ovhadov, A. Ruslanovich Salgiriev, & M. Muslamovna Betilmerzaeva (Eds.), Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism, vol 76. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1220-1233). Future Academy.