Development Of Innovative Industrial Clusters: Problems, Tools And Prospects


Innovative clusters are capable of producing innovative activities, using other (non-financial) factors of growth, namely, intellectual potential (equity) created in these territories that strengthen innovative activity in the territory of clusters in regions. The extent of influence of innovative development on regional economy is revealed through indicators of costs for technological innovations and the amount of shipped products. We discovered that the high ratio of correlation 0.91 shows a direct link between these indicators. This indicates the necessity of continuing to make investments in innovations that will entail growth of the shipped products. The products will be reflected in such indicators the gross regional product, value added, receipts in the budget and other indicators. Correlation and regression analysis also confirm the interrelationship of the researched factors which has practical applications for public authorities and local self-government in case of acceptance of management decisions.

Keywords: Clusterdevelopmentregion


Cluster policies and programs are promoted by governments at national and regional levels, bringing more resources and legitimacy to cluster construction. These policies have been the focus of study by many academics. Philip McCann in his book (Gordon & McCann, 1999) addresses the problem of relations among participants of a cluster from the point of view of geographical access, innovative processes within industrial clusters, the possibility of decreasing transactional expenses and the ways for improving the structure cost. The book builds the classification on the basis of three key signs of a cluster: net accumulation, industrial complex, social entrepreneurial networks. The first type of a cluster is rare in modern economic environment and is based on the model proposed by Alfred Marshall in 1968. The second type of a cluster is described in works of classical economists like Weber (cited in Asheim &Cooke, 2006), and also in neoclassical theory. This type is used in the real production sector specifically in the extracting and processing industry. The third type of cluster is widely adopted in modern market economies (Verbeek, 1999).

Some authors investigate the problem of decreasing transactional expenses, as well as the process of creation involving value added cost in clusters and allocation of the main cluster initiatives in the region in general. In this case development of a cluster is based on the line of ascent: the first stage requires presence of key participants: universities and colleges, research institutes, federal development programs, and industrial resources. After the implementation of the first stage is complete, the second stage of the development of a cluster is established by professionals who are engaged in the production of semi-finished and finished products. The third stage is the highest level of development of a cluster and leads to allocation of special enterprises engaged in relative and supporting industries necessary for functioning of a cluster. (Roelandt &Hertog, 2000)

Some academics (Cooke, 2010) identify existing and developing clusters with innovative development of regions that is expressed in growth of the following indicators: gross regional product, gross regional product per capita.

Table 01 shows the theoretical (conceptual) approaches to determine the essence and content of the concept of the "innovative cluster".

Table 1 -
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Problem Statement

Nowadays the Russian Federation is implementing a program called the "Strategy of Innovative Development of the Russian Federation till 2010" that provides different Development programs of the innovative territorial clusters obtaining sources of financing (Vershinina, Goryainova, Zhdanova, & Maksimova, 2016) from various levels of the budget system of Russia: federal, regional, and local. Table 2 shows these sources of financing. The two pillars of the development of innovative industrial clusters in Russia are: territorial- industrial complexes (TIC) and the state support. This paper investigates one of the state tools of support for design and development of innovative territorial clusters: Special economic zones for industrial development.

Table 2 -
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Table 3 -
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Table 4 -
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Table 5 -
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The state supported innovative territorial clusters in order to achieve the following aims of the development of innovative industrial clusters for medium and long term period.

Table 6 -
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Table 06 shows that the total amount of investment for the development of clusters across the period 2012-2017 is to increase for more than 50% or for 227bln roubles, the volume of investment costs is to increase 3 times and reach the 946.1bln of roubles. The number of employees in the organizations participants of a cluster is to increase for more than 54.2 thousands of people and the number of high productive working places for more than 26.1 thousands units.

Research Questions

In compliance with the theories of economics innovative development the large share of the costs for technological innovations guarantees in future high rates of profit performance due to the disposal of commodities, works and services at the enterprises – cluster participants.

Analysis of relationships between the amount of costs for technological innovations and amount of the shipped products in cluster.

This paper deals with the following issues:

- evaluation of expected development of innovative industrial clusters in Russia;

- evaluation of innovative activity of the territorial regions with innovative industrial clusters;

-analysis of efficient functioning of special economic zones as a means of support and development of innovative industrial clusters in Russia;

-analysis of the volume of costs for introduction and development of technological innovations on the territories of innovative industrial clusters in special economic zones of industrial- production type;

-analysis of relationships between the amount of costs for technological innovations on the territories of innovative industrial clusters and in special economic zones of industrial- production type and the volume of produced and shipped produce.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this article is to provide theoretical and methodological approaches for the development of innovative industrial clusters, evaluation their modern conditions, the factors of cluster influence and the practical recommendations for improvement their functioning aiming at strategic development of Russian territories. For our purpose we used the indicators posted on the official site: costs for technological innovations and the amount of the shipped products. Table 07 provides specified data. We consider that these indicators most objectively reflect the positive tendencies developed in economy.

Table 7 -
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Research Methods

The methodological approach involves general scientific and specific methods. While preparing the theoretical part of this paper we applied methods of deduction, induction, and dialectical method of learning, retrospective analysis. We used the following empirical approach and methods; comparative method, group method, ranging, integral evaluation, statistical method, specifically vertical and horizontal analysis, correlation and regression methods, cluster approach, program aimed and systematic methods.

To determine the relationships between the values under consideration we introduced the concept of the sample empirical correlation moment to find out the sample correlation coefficient. An analytical form of relationship was designated where the alteration of the effective index (the share of amount of the shipped products) is stipulated by the influence of the factor (the amount of costs for technological innovations).


We calculated the coefficient of correlation to establish the connection between specified indicators. Table 08 shows the results of calculations obtained:

Table 8 -
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Thus, correlation coefficient is = 0.9189

This result testifies to high direct link and dependence of these indicators.

Then we carried out the regression analysis and its results are reflected in tables 09 .10.

Table 9 -
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Table 10 -
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The correlation and regression analysis calculated revealed a close direct link between the amount of costs for technological innovations (X) and the amount of shipped products. But the coefficient of determination equals 0.84 that means that we got 84% of confirmed adequacy of the carried-out calculations. You can see the turned-out equation of linear regression in fig. 1 :

y = 21.655x + 320984

Figure 1: The regression analysis of communication of amount of the shipped products and costs for technological investments (it is constituted by authors).
The regression analysis of communication of amount of the shipped products and costs for technological investments (it is constituted by authors).
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The result of the calculations done proves that the increase in costs for technological investments had a positive effect on economic indicators of companies’ activities in regions where innovative industrial clusters function.

We have also analysed indicators of costs for technological innovations and the volume of shipped produce in special economic zones of industrial production type and created the following model:

Figure 2: Correlation-regressive model of interconnection between costs for innovative technologies and the volume of shipped produce on the example of special economic zones of industrial- production type.
Correlation-regressive model of interconnection between costs for innovative technologies and the volume of shipped produce on the example of special economic zones of industrial- production type.
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This model reflects X- costs for innovative technologies in 2015. Y- volume of shipped produce in 2015.

y = 21.655x + 320984

R² = 0.8445

This model has a high index of determination ratio which is the evidence of model quality. The model shows that the volume of costs for technological innovations has a positive effect on the volume of shipped produce as well as on economic indexes of the development of the region.

From a wider perspective the innovative products and technologies developed will contribute to the growth of the regional economy and will involve state and other institutions like universities, standard agencies, research institutes, centers for further training, professional organizations, as well as institutions delivering support in the field of education, training and information, research and technical aid. In comparison with market deals between consumers and producers located far from each other, we believe that one of the main advantages of special economic zones is close location of organizations-participants ant institutions, high level of production cooperation and frequency of deals between them enhance the level of coordination and trust between participants of the cluster.


On the basis of our research we think that the following measures of state support will help pilot clusters in the territory of Russia:

  • ensuring support for development programs of pilot clusters within state programs and federal target programs;

  • provision of subsidies from the federal budget to budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation on joint financing of projects for development pilot clusters;

  • provision of subsidies from the federal budget to budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation within the program of support of a small business and average enterprises;

  • involvement of state institutes for implementation of actions provided within development programs of pilot clusters;

  • motivation of companies to participate in joint work with the state in implementation programs for innovative development of pilot clusters;

  • distribution of tax benefits in the territory of pilot clusters.

According to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation the list of the actions which are selected for joint financing subsidies from the federal budget involves 74 events within 24 regional cluster projects. At the same time the greatest number of the applications (17) for federal subsidies were made by the Kama innovative territorial and production cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan.

According to the Ministry of Economic Development the priority project "Development of Innovative Clusters — Leaders of World-class Investment Appeal" is considered as the next stage in development of pilot innovative territorial clusters. Federal government will provide additional support in connection with the project for dynamically developing and world-class perspective clusters. It is supposed that approximately 5 territorial subjects of the Russian Federation where innovative territorial clusters are based will be chosen.

The main target indicators of project implementation are:

  • growth of development per one worker for 20% at least in relation to the level of 2016;

  • number of the high-productive workplaces created a new or as a result of upgrade of the available workplaces, the participation in organizing clusters – at least 100 thousand for 2016-2020.

  • investment attraction at the expense of non-budgetary sources – over 300 billion roubles for the years 2016-2020;

  • amount of works and projects in the sphere of the research and development which is carried out jointly by two and more participating organizations or one or more participating organization together with the foreign organizations at least 100 billion rubles for 2016-2020;

  • the number of patents for inventions in the participating organizations of clusters will grow 3 times at least in relation to the level of 2016;

  • number of the technological startups which received investments will be 300 for the years 2016-2020.

  • the amount of total proceeds from export of non-oil products by clusters and by the companies will double in relation to the level of 2016;

  • growth of an average share of value added in revenue by organisations participating in clusters for 20% at least in relation to the level of 2016.

Thus the innovative industrial cluster is a system of geographically adjoining interconnected industrial enterprises and the organizations complementing each other on the basis of forming a single corporate management strategy and cooperation. The interaction between the innovative potential participants of a cluster will create the competitive advantages for increase which will be expressed in creation of additional economic value added and lead to growth of cost of the companies and their investment appeal.

Now innovative activities of the entities and organizations in the territory of regional clusters are performed within programs of innovative development with participation of the state in the following areas:

  • reconstruction and upgrade of a property, plant and equipment (preferential direction of financing):

  • carrying out research and experimental development;

  • increase in a share of innovative products in a total amount of release.

Innovative industrial clusters are capable to produce innovative activities, using other (non-financial) factors of growth, namely, intellectual potential (equity) created in these territories that provide strengthening of innovative activity in the territory of clusters in regions.

We analysed data on innovative industrial clusters binding to their territory. The extent of influence of innovative development on region economy was revealed through indicators of costs for technological innovations and the amount of shipped products, the number of innovations. The high coefficient of correlation 0.91 shows high direct link between these indicators. With respect thereto it is necessary to continue to make investments in innovations that will entail growth of the shipped products to be reflected in such indicators as a gross regional product, value added, receipts in the budget and other indicators. We carried out correlation and regression analysis and they confirmed interrelation of the researched factors which have practical application for public authorities and local self-government in case of acceptance of management decisions.

There is strong evidence that state support of the development of innovative industrial clusters is efficient in special economic zones of industrial- production type.

Thus, it is possible to make a conclusion that allocation of innovative промышленный clusters promotes development of regions where they function. One more important point is the support of innovative clusters by the state at federal and regional levels. State support will help private sector in the conditions of financial crisis to increase the level of economic development of the territories and the country in general and independently.


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29 November 2017

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Sociolinguistics, linguistics, family psychology, child psychology, developmental psychology

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Tsertseil, J. S., & Kookueva, V. V. (2017). Development Of Innovative Industrial Clusters: Problems, Tools And Prospects. In Z. Bekirogullari, M. Y. Minas, & R. X. Thambusamy (Eds.), Cognitive - Social, and Behavioural Sciences - icCSBs 2017, October, vol 32. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 149-162). Future Academy.