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The Impact of Education and Technology on Sustainability and Profitability in the Banking Sector

Table 2: VARDL Test

Dependent Variable: D(ROA)
Method: ARDL      
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.*
Long Run Equation      
D(CR_FL) 2.589585 0.019541 132.5196 0.0000
D(ELE_PAY) 0.199262 0.001485 134.1635 0.0000
D(COM_1_REN) 0.04851 0.002037 23.81823 0.0000
D(ROE) 0.029294 0.00042 69.76924 0.0000
Short Run Equation      
COINTEQ01 -0.224813 0.057862 -3.885312 0.0002
D(CR_FL) -46.68676 37.44856 -1.24669 0.2146
D(ELE_PAY) -0.166573 0.116914 -1.424745 0.1564
D(COM_1_REN,2) -0.237343 0.139736 -1.698513 0.0916
D(ROE,2) 0.015014 0.006672 2.250382 0.026
Constant -0.393244 0.21523 -1.827082 0.0698
Observations 290
Root MSE 0.35827 Mean dependent var -0.016699
S.D. dependent var 1.146193 S.E. of regression 0.538885
Akaike info criterion 0.186015 Sum squared resid 40.94593
Schwarz criterion 2.286968 Log likelihood 148.3307
Hannan-Quinn criter. 1.025057      
Note: Selected Model: ARDL(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)      
Dependent Variable: D(CO2_EM)
Method: ARDL      
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.*
Long Run Equation      
D(CR_FL) 5.380392 1.362619 3.948567 0.0001
D(ELE_PAY) 22.19648 4.429198 5.011401 0.0000
D(ROE) 0.698334 0.1745 4.001908 0.0001
D(COM_1_REN) 9.895061 2.222691 4.451838 0.0000
Short Run Equation      
COINTEQ01 -0.022779 0.0379 -0.601025 0.5488
D(CR_FL) -27.66656 53.80231 -0.514226 0.6079
D(ELE_PAY) -1.965288 2.187063 -0.898597 0.3704
D(ROE,2) -0.04874 0.058199 -0.837483 0.4037
D(COM_1_REN,2) -0.282401 0.578948 -0.487782 0.6265
Constant 0.916817 1.103684 0.830688 0.4076
Observations 290
Root MSE 1.2727 Mean dependent var 0.15782
S.D. dependent var 2.25256 S.E. of regression 1.914309
Akaike info criterion 3.466085 Sum squared resid 516.7055
Schwarz criterion 5.567038 Log likelihood -374.8406
Hannan-Quinn criter. 4.305127      
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