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Displaying 10 articles of 101 total result(s).

Original Article

Typification Of The Economic Development Of The Leaders Of The World Economy

Original Article

Animated Infographic Video Post on Social-Media for Sustainability Awareness

Original Article

Fostering Business-Human Synergy: Building A Sustainable Future With Technology

Original Article

Task Force on Climate Disclosure: Examining Challenges and Opportunities

Original Article

Methodology For Assessing The Financial Sustainability Of A Commercial Bank

Original Article

Stand Your Ground: Theories Applied and Their Influence on Corporate Water Performance

Original Article

Exploring the Customers Perception on ESG Towards Malaysian Electricity Utility Company

Original Article

The Impact of Social Well-being on Sustainability Practice among Malaysian Manufacturing Firms

Original Article

Eco-Shift and Islamic Teachings Towards Environmental Sustainability: The Practice of Rainwater Harvesting