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Displaying 10 articles of 200 total result(s).

Original Article

An Empirical Investigation of Career Optimism Among Turkish University Students

Original Article

Moderating Role of Trust on Relationship Between Formalization and Perceived Organizational Support

Original Article

Development of small businesses as basis for Russian economic welfare

Original Article

Employment Of Persons With Mental Disorders In The Uk – Legal Aspects

Original Article

Adherence to Recovery Exercise Program of Scapulohumeral Articulation After Breast Cancer Surgery

Original Article

Students’ Involvement in School and Parental Support: Contributions to the Socio-Educational Intervention

Original Article

Perception of resilience and social support of adolescents and young adults with ulcerous colitis – research performed at 5 gastroenterological outpatient wards in the Czech Republic

Original Article

Psychological Support For The Middle Age In A Crisis Condition