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Displaying 10 articles of 71 total result(s).

Original Article

Organisational Learning and Firm Performance of Credit Co-Operative in Malaysia

Original Article

A Preliminary Analysis on the Effects of Organisational Learning and Market Conditions on the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Growth of Small and Medium Size Hotels in Peninsular Malaysia

Original Article

Investigation of the Effect of Innovation and Internal Cooperation on Product Performance

Original Article

Exploring the Influence of Macro-Environment on Small Medium Size Hotel Entrepreneurs Predisposition to Adopt Strategic Orientation

Original Article

A Preliminary Analysis on the Connections between Technology Orientation, Organizational Learning, Market Conditions, and Growth of Small and Medium Size Hotels in Peninsular Malaysia

Original Article

Learning Orientation And Absorptive Capacity As Determinants Of Innovativeness And Firm Performance

Original Article

Determinants Of The Entrepreneurial Intentions: Testing The Ajzen’s Model In Turkish Sample