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Displaying 10 articles of 1050 total result(s).

Original Article

Scientific and Professional Development of Public Accountant Graduates in Uniguajira Colombia

Original Article

The Development of Personality by Capitalizing Multiple Intelligences

Original Article

The Quality of Public Services - Management of Urban Markets in Romania

Original Article

Economic and Entrepreneurial Education in Romania in the European context

Original Article

The Use of Moderation Technology at Lessons of Russian Language as the Development of Pupils’ Cognitive Activity

Original Article

Blogging in English as a Tool for Enhancing Students’ Motivation, Professional Development and Succeeding in the Labour Market

Original Article

The Relationship of Risk-Recognizing Competency of the Teacher and the Efficiency of Innovative Educational Activities

Original Article

Business Development Strategies For Oil-And-Gas Companies And Social Policies Of Eastern Siberia

Original Article

Psychological Support For The Middle Age In A Crisis Condition