Series: European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Freedom and Responsibility in Pivotal Times
Proceedings of International Forum «Freedom and responsibility in pivotal times» (FaR 2021), 19-23 April, 2021, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
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About the Proceedings
The objective of the conference is to establish an academic discussion on cultural and social problems relevant for ethnic, professional, and social communities in Russia and surrounding states. The event is supposed to be the dedicated to the discussions, opinions and reports concerning cultural, legal, historical, and political aspects of social transformations altering local communities and affecting global trends.
The topic of the conference is important not only from the academical view point. It actually helps to understand the political and social processes taking the place in the world. The globalization is the key feature distinguishing our times in historical process. The global transformations affect local communities in various and unpredictable way. Global economic trends affect the everyday and professional life of people. Modern social media alters the way people communicate and interferes with the traditional relations and religious worldview. Social mobility makes cultural and identity preservation more difficult than ever before. All this makes the globalization is the very important object for thorough study.
235 submissions received, 221 full papers were subjected to a single-blind review process and 156 full texts were accepted for publication. The main thematic sessions of the event were:
- Humanism and current trends in the development of civilization
- Transformatıon of values in crisis and transition epochs
- Social transformations in the space of national security geopolitics
- New forms of legal awareness and prospects for the development of civil society in the information age
- Communication technologies in a digital society
- Modern media space: challenges of the digital age
- Dynamics of public consciousness in the cultural and historical space
- The role of the teacher in a changing World
- High technologies and transformations of socio-economic systems
- Political discourses in critical epochs.
The detailed programme of the conference is available at and the conference website is available at