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Series: European Proceedings of Educational Sciences

Education and City: Quality Education for Modern Cities

Proceedings of the Fourth Annual International Symposium "Education and City: Quality Education for Modern Cities" (ECQEMC 2021), 23-25 August, 2021, Moscow, Russia

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About the Proceedings

The volume contains selected, peer-reviewed papers from The Fourth Annual International Symposium "Education and City: Quality Education for Modern Cities" (ECQEMС 2021), which took place on 23-25 August 2021, in Moscow, Russia.

The objectives of the symposium included presenting new research findings in the field of education quality; integrating educational systems and programs into modern urban spaces; creating new research teams and promoting scientific networking; exchanging experiences and ideas regarding contemporary views on education quality for megapolises; redefining the role of education and educational organizations in modern cities.

The conference included three thematic sections that covered the following areas:

  • Education for Sustainable Development: Kindergarten – University – City
  • Teacher Training and Professional Development – Urban Context Battle
  • Newly-employed Teacher in a Megapolis: Challenges and Priorities of Development

All submissions for ECQEMС 2021 were subjected to a double-blind peer review process by two experts in the related field. The number of submissions received was 59, presented 49 and reviewed was 38 and the number of submissions accepted was 26 indicating an acceptance rate of 68%.

The detailed programme of the conference is available at:


Education quality education assessment education and city urban education lifelong learning Big Data in education