Priority Directions Of The Transport Policy Of The Russian Federation


The article is devoted to the analysis of the main directions of the state transport policy in modern conditions. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of the principle of openness as a process that allows increasing the degree of transparency, accountability of public transport management, the possibility of direct participation of the population in the preparation and evaluation of public management decisions, public control over their implementation. The conclusion about low motivation of the authorities to improve the tools of openness and the practice of their implementation due to irrelevance of comparison is substantiated, as the specifics of functioning individual ministries and departments do not always allow approaching the issue of transparency of their activities in the same way. The formation of a unified information portal (system) covering all types of transport, designed to collect, store and present data (characteristics, indicators, indicators, documents), characterise the state and level of development of the transport complex by various criteria. This happens by type of transport, by time periods, by level of territorial division: by region, by municipal districts, by sections of transport routes, etc. The research methodology is a set of general-scientific and private-scientific (comparative-legal, formal-legal) methods of cognition. The conclusions have practical significance and can be used in the process of improving the legal regulation of key directions of transport policy of the Russian Federation and their implementation.

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Publication Date

31 October 2024

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European Publisher



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1st Edition




Cite this article as:

Lantseva, V. (2024). Priority Directions Of The Transport Policy Of The Russian Federation. In D. K. Bataev (Ed.), PROOF: Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism (SCTCMG 2023), vol 135. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 604-610). European Publisher.