Process Model Of Pedagogical Support For Teachers Of The Future


The problems of interaction of science as a social institution with society and the state, along with issues related to the dissemination of scientific knowledge in a non-scientific environment, today become more relevant than ever before. Popularisation as a form of presenting scientific knowledge to a wide audience has become an independent sphere and field of activity of pedagogical universities. In the focus of attention of the authors of this study is pedagogical support for the teacher of the future in the field of popularisation of science as one of the priority tasks in ensuring the qualitative development of modern society. This also involves the formation of the general culture of the graduate of the university and intellectual abilities for competent actions in professional activity. The constructed process model of pedagogical support for the teacher of the future reflects a set of interrelated structural blocks. They are target methodological, substantive. The last one is productive (the expected result, oriented to the formation of cultural and enlightenment of the teacher of the future). The process model is set by the content of scientific approaches (cultural, competence, activity) and their corresponding principles (axiological, subjectivity, cultural creation, science-intensive, cooperation and partnership, research reflection). It allows actualising the mechanism of social partnership of educational and cultural organisations (value orientation – stable semantic attitudes – constructive parity relations – activation of subject-subject interaction – prognostic).

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Publication Date

31 October 2024

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European Publisher



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Ivanishcheva, N. A., Pak, L. G., Burlutskaya, E. V., Kulaeva, G. M., Kochemasova, L. A., & Konkina, E. V. (2024). Process Model Of Pedagogical Support For Teachers Of The Future. In D. K. Bataev (Ed.), PROOF: Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism (SCTCMG 2023), vol 135. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 572-579). European Publisher.