Theoretical And Methodological Approaches To Ethnocultural Education Of Students In Project Activities


One of the most important tasks of education is the formation of civil and ethnic identity, patriotism and morality. It is necessary to appeal to the wealth of ethno-cultural traditions, to the moral experience of many generations, to traditional values. The purpose of the study is to determine the effective ways of ethnocultural education of student youth in project activities in the sociocultural environment (multicultural) environment. The main methods are system analysis and synthesis of psychological, pedagogical and sociological literature; analysis of programme and regulatory documents; study of the experience of practical activities in the field of ethnocultural education of youth and students; experimental work: included observation, questionnaires, technologies of information collection, its processing, analysis, evaluation, forecasting. The article analyses the concepts of "culture", "ethnos", "ethnic culture", "education", "ethnocultural education". Based on the analysis, the authors conclude that ethno-culture is defined by the totality of human knowledge about nature and society, a way of understanding the world around us, a way of self-development and self-consciousness of the people. Ethnocultural education is interpreted as the assimilation of values that allow understanding, use and variant interpretation of the received knowledge and form the basis of socio-cultural consciousness of an individual, contributing to the comfortable existence of the younger generation in the specific conditions of multiculturalism of the modern world. The article reveals the importance of methodological approaches; it reveals the principles of ethnocultural education. The experience of project activities in the socio-cultural environment of educational organisations is presented.

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Publication Date

31 October 2024

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European Publisher



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1st Edition




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Grevtseva, G. Y., Tsiulina, M. V., Bashtanar, I. M., Taratuta, G. A., Pererva, O. Y., & Antipova, E. I. (2024). Theoretical And Methodological Approaches To Ethnocultural Education Of Students In Project Activities. In D. K. Bataev (Ed.), PROOF: Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism (SCTCMG 2023), vol 135. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 454-461). European Publisher.