Analysis Of Current Labor Market Trends And Barriers


The article considers various trends that act as imperatives for the formation of human capital at present in Russia. The analysis notes the correlation of economic crises formed by foreign agents, the processes of digitalization, automation and disproportions in the system of interaction between higher education agents and organizations. This trend arises due to a number of risks shifted between agents, the acquisition of more social functions by educational diplomas and their substitution of its direct meaning. This involves the emerging additional responsibilities of teaching staff, the lack of common standards of educational programs, teaching and methodological complexes of disciplines among educational institutions with the same approved set of specialties. The focus on relevance in the educational sphere leads to the opposite results: the necessary specialists are no longer in demand by the time of graduation, which indicates the need for convergence between the state, educational institutions, students and final agents, i.e. organizations that need competent specialists. The data obtained in the course of the analysis report about the imminent growth of demand for highly qualified specialists with all the competencies necessary to perform professional duties, the decline of low-skilled labor, and a significant change in the composition of in-demand specialists by 2030. A significant role in the emergence of imperatives for the formation of an effective labor force is played by historically formed patterns that describe in detail the general image of Russian entrants, students, education workers and directly the employee already performing their professional functions.

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Publication Date

31 October 2024

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European Publisher



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1st Edition




Cite this article as:

Somko, M. L., Epikhin, A. I., Epikhina, G. V., & Toriya, T. G. (2024). Analysis Of Current Labor Market Trends And Barriers. In D. K. Bataev (Ed.), PROOF: Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism (SCTCMG 2023), vol 135. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 412-425). European Publisher.