Strategies For Supporting Teachers In The Organisation's Digital Educational Environment


The article presents theoretical aspects of justification of strategies for supporting teachers in the digital educational environment of the organisation. The article describes the necessary professional and personal characteristics of modern "digital educators" as digital facilitators, integrators-mediators between the virtual and real worlds, generators of digital ideas. The ways to reduce the identified risks by means of substantiating the strategies of support for teachers in the digital educational environment of the organisation were determined. The strategy "Value orientation of teachers to accept the meanings and benefits of digitalisation of education" reflects the motivational orientation of this type of support for the conscious use by teachers of modern digital technologies, digital educational resources and technical means to improve the quality of creating various educational content in the digital educational environment of the organisation. The strategy "Activating the elimination of professional deficits of teachers in the field of information literacy" indicates the priority of timely identification of risky areas and emerging information difficulties in professional and pedagogical activities for their timely localisation and implementation of personalised support for teachers in the conditions of digital transformation of education. The strategy "Actualisation of the potential for constructive interaction between the participants of educational relations in a harmonious combination of online and offline formats" defines the guidelines for the organisation of blended, hybrid, distance learning from the position of building interactive communication.

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Publication Date

31 October 2024

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European Publisher



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1st Edition




Cite this article as:

Gennadievna, P. L., Alexandrovna, I. N., & Alexandrovna, K. L. (2024). Strategies For Supporting Teachers In The Organisation's Digital Educational Environment. In D. K. Bataev (Ed.), PROOF: Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism (SCTCMG 2023), vol 135. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 329-336). European Publisher.