Production Of Low And Middle Class Concrete From Environmentally Friendly Raw Materials


The prospects and relevance of research regarding the analysis of concrete mixtures composition and the analysis of the properties of gravel-sand concrete mixtures are confirmed by the presence of a huge natural resource base for obtaining modern concrete composites. The article is devoted to the actual problem of using sand and gravel mixtures (SGM) to obtain concretes of low and medium classes. As part of the research, the compositions of concrete mixtures were developed for the preparation of concretes of classes B7.5–B30 on bank SGMs. Using the cement content ratio, a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the considered concretes on sand and gravel mixtures and normal concretes on standard aggregates from sand and crushed stone was carried out. The physicomechanical and deformative properties of various classes of concretes on SGM were studied; on the basis of the results obtained, a conclusion was made about the advisability of expanding the field of sand and gravel concrete mixtures and their application.

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Publication Date

31 October 2024

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European Publisher



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1st Edition




Cite this article as:

Murtazaevа, T. S., Saidumov, M. S., Mazhiev, K. N., Mazhiev, A. K., Mazhiev, A. K., & Zaipulaev, М. Y. (2024). Production Of Low And Middle Class Concrete From Environmentally Friendly Raw Materials. In D. K. Bataev (Ed.), PROOF: Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism (SCTCMG 2023), vol 135. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 308-314). European Publisher.