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The COVID-19 Pandemic Effect on Risk and Return of Malaysian Tourism Industry

Table 12: Estimates of COVID cases impact, vaccine progress, recovery, and death on international tourist arrivals

Variable OLS Q10 Q30 Q50 Q70 Q90
C -130.431 -66.946 -49.998 -254.939 -218.520 -276.648
Confirmed Case -0.077 -0.536* -0.636* -0.384* -0.148* -0.711*
Death Case -0.0938* -0.113* -0.039* -0.221* -0.074* -0.370*
Recover Case -2.402 -3.043 -3.034 -1.752 -1.653 -0.963
VP -0.042 -0.151 -0.018 -0.125 -0.087 -0.076
GRSI -0.001 0.001* 0.001* -0.001* -0.001* -0.001*
Oil(1) -0.267* 2.280* 0.179* -2.142* -0.790* -3.858*
ExR(1) 11.658 14.076* 10.211* 24.711* 17.340* 22.115
INF(1) 27.697 10.115 9.995 51.268 45.036 57.499
Adj./Pseudo R 2 0.737 0.544 0.484 0.597 0.700 0.788
Obs 30432
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