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Empowering Responsible Consumers Through Ta’awun (Mutual Cooperation) for Sustainability

Table 2: Summmary of Feedback of Informants with the Elements of

Feedback of Informants Elements of Ta’awun
Views on mutual cooperation
Mutual cooperation among consumers is ideal but workable Al-Birr(righteousness)
Workable mutual cooperation is imbued with high willingness, ability, and piety Taqwa (piety)
Practicality of mutual cooperation Al-Birr(righteousness)
Practicality is in the economic, social and environmental senses guided by taqwa and al birr Both Al-Birr(righteousness) and Taqwa (piety)
A workable and practical mutual cooperation leads to good outcomes that are qualified by high willingness, ability, and piety. Both Al-Birr(righteousness) and Taqwa (piety)
Basis of mutual cooperation
Mutual cooperation among themselves if they have the willingness and readiness Al-Birr(righteousness)
Advocacy among consumers to call for mutual cooperation Al-Birr(righteousness)
Address resistance Al-Birr(righteousness)
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