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Influencer Marketing Strategy and Sustainability of Millennial Entrepreneurship

Table 1: Particulars of the business of participants

Types N Products offered Generation of owners Years in business Years adopting IM
Retail 1 Optometry products Gen Y 12 years 7 years
Beauty & health 3 Skin care, health drinks, cosmetics Gen Y (2 firms)Gen Z (1 firm) 6 years (2)3 years (1) 3 years3 years
Food & beverages 1 Restaurant Gen X 15 years 5 years
Diversified 1 Retail, Farming, Property Owner - Gen Y*MD – Gen X 4 years 2 years
Clinic 1 General practitioner, Health supplements, Beauty care Gen Y 10 years Owner-influencer (9 years)SMI (1 year)
Total 7
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