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Healthcare Delivery and the Environment: Understanding Muslim Patients and Their Caregivers’ Needs

Table 1: Journal details

Authors Year Database Scope of Research
Zailani et al. 2016 WoS Predicting Muslim medical tourist satisfaction
Rahman et al. 2021 WoS Patient satisfaction and loyalty towards healthcare services
Md Shariff et al. 2018 Scopus Shariah-compliant hospital a practical journey
Rahman et al. 2018 Scopus Islamic medical care practice
Ratnawati et al. 2021 Scopus Improving satisfaction and loyalty
Rahman et al. 2017 Scopus Muslim-friendly medical tourism market
Zawawi and Othman 2018 Scopus Shariah-compliant healthcare services
Ramli 2021 Google Scholars Halal medical tourism
Masud et al. 2021 Google Scholars Ibadah friendly hospital
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