Technological Features of Warehouse Operations in Third Party Logistics Services in Tamilnadu


Logistics is a vital element of monetary development, serving as a catalyst for a country's firm competitiveness. Its theatres a decisive role in driving both countries and firms towards success. Nevertheless, the logistics commerce now grapples with exorbitant costs and subpar efficiency. The appearance of keen logistics presents a promising avenue to address these challenges. These characteristics show a key role in fostering the advancement of intelligent logistics. The primary objective of smart warehouses is to enhance the overall superiority, proficiency, and competence of warehouse operations, all while minimizing expenses and setbacks. This article delves into the technological facets of warehouse operations and efficiency within third-party logistics service providers in Tamilnadu. A qualitative-descriptive method, through an inclusive review of the applicable studies, remained used in this learning to develop a technology in warehouses. Designed to simulate warehouse operations in private companies in TN. Statedly, a stratified random sample assortment was applied in this study. The proposal put forward a framework that is suitable for creating an IoT-driven warehouse infrastructure. By utilizing information congregated from a specific company, the suggested design for a shrewd warehouse infrastructure effectively achieved real-time discernibility and traceability, leading to enhanced overall warehouse efficiency, among other benefits. The research framework was implemented in Tamilnadu; however, the outcomes of this study can lay the groundwork for future research in the realm of IoT smart warehouses. The empirical findings showcase the utilization of IoT technologies in different companies, which can be effectively implemented to enhance warehousing processes and yield positive outcomes.

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Publication Date

06 May 2024

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European Publisher



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1st Edition




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Raja, R., & Venkatachalam, S. (2024). Technological Features of Warehouse Operations in Third Party Logistics Services in Tamilnadu. In A. K. Othman, M. K. B. A. Rahman, S. Noranee, N. A. R. Demong, & A. Mat (Eds.), Industry-Academia Linkages for Business Sustainability, vol 133. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 499-509). European Publisher.