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Self-Efficacy, Religiosity, Financial Behavior, and Financial Well-Being

Table 1: Demographic Details of Respondents

Variables N Percentage (%)
Age 20 to 25 20 9.1
25 to 30 47 21.5
30 to 35 51 23.3
35 to 40 49 22.4
40 to 45 23 10.5
45 to 50 12 5.5
50 to 55 7 3.2
55 to 60 10 4.6
Gender Male 68 31.1
Female 151 68.9
Education Secondary School 39 17.8
Diploma 58 26.5
Bachelor Degree 65 29.7
Master Degree 47 21.5
PhD 10 4.6
Marital Single 48 21.9
Married 165 75.3
Windowed 3 1.4
Separated/Divorced 3 1.4
Employment Regular full time 197 90.0
Regular part time 2 0.9
Temporary full time 7 3.2
Temporary part time 9 4.1
Causal employee 4 1.8
Income Below RM2000 49 22.4
RM2000 to 3999 90 41.1
RM4000 to 5999 44 20.1
RM6000 to 7999 20 9.1
Above RM8000 16 7.3
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