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The Influence of Human Governance Towards Sustainable Supply Chain Management Disclosure

Table 1: The search strings.

Scopus TITLE-ABS-KEY (("human governance" OR "human trait*" OR "human character*" ) AND ( "sustainable supply chain management" OR "SSCM" OR "supply chain" OR "supply chain management" ) OR ( "disclosure" OR "report*" OR "annual report" OR "sustainab* report" ) ) TITLE-ABS-KEY (("human governance" OR "human trait*" OR "human character*" ) AND ( "sustainable supply chain management" OR "SSCM" OR "supply chain" OR "supply chain management" OR "sustainable reporting" OR "sustainable supply chain management disclos*" ) )Date of access: April 2023
Web of Science of access: April 2023
Google Scholar allintitle: sustainable supply chain management human OR governance OR board OR characteristicsDate of access: April 2023
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