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Gender Influences on Academic Perception of Education 4.0 in a Comprehensive University

Table 4: Descriptive statistics for perception of academicians on education 4.0 in comprehensive university (CU)

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
In my opinion the current academicians lack of exposure on the Education 4.0. 127 1 5 3.80 .987
In my opinion the current students lack exposure on the Education 4.0 126 1 5 3.64 1.077
I believe learning Education 4.0 is important to CU’s students. 125 1 5 4.38 .703
I believe Education 4.0 will change the learning methods in my class environment. 127 2 5 4.25 .734
I believe Education 4.0 will improve efficiency of teaching and learning process in CU. 127 2 5 4.21 .674
I believe Education 4.0 will bring greater benefits to the society. 126 2 5 4.22 .680
I believe education 4.0 is the next evolution of education processes, which make educators and students become smarter and better. 127 2 5 4.19 .675
I believe education 4.0 will give huge impact towards CU graduates employability. 127 2 5 4.20 .756
I believe Education 4.0 will involve significant cost to CU. 127 2 5 4.28 .712
I believe CU is ready for Education 4.0 implementation. 127 1 5 3.23 1.078
I believe Malaysian education environment is ready for Education 4.0. 127 1 5 3.54 .853
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