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Gender Influences on Academic Perception of Education 4.0 in a Comprehensive University

Table 1: Respondent Profile

Respondent profile Frequency Percentage (%)
Gender Male 101 79.5
Female 26 20.5
Age (Years) 30 and below 3 2.4
31-40 66 52.4
41-50 42 33.3
51-60 15 11.9
Qualification Master’s degree 114 89.8
Ph.D. 13 10.2
Faculty FKE 22 17.3
FKK 1 0.8
FKM 5 3.9
FP 26 20.5
FPHP 15 11.8
FPP 15 11.8
FSG 2 1.6
FSKM 23 18.1
OTHERS 18 14.2
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