Problems and Strategies for Developing Halal Tourism in West Sumatra Through IITC


This research aims for Halal tourism to grow and develop naturally in each region, especially in West Sumatra along with increasing Islamic economic and financial activities. This study analyzes some strategies for halal tourism development in West Sumatra using the Analytic Network Process (ANP) approach and focuses on the aspects of Halal Tourism Infrastructure, Hospitality and Services, Human Resources, MSME Center for Halal Tourism, Sharia Tourism Curriculum and Halal Certification. The results show that halal tourism has not grown significantly and has not yet become a strong tandem for Islamic economics and finance in West Sumatra. This shows that the main problem that has become an obstacle to halal tourism development in West Sumatra is firstly the low Halal Tourism Literacy index which is indicated by a lack of quality of Halal Tourism Curriculum and Majors. The second problem is the absence of an incubation center for halal tourism development such as the Islamic Tourism Center. In addition, the third problem is the absence of education and socialization of halal certification for the entire halal industry and MSMEs. The fourth problem is the role of Kaffah Islamic Financial Institutions or Sharia Fintech is not yet dominant in driving the halal industry. The last problem is the lack of branding and integration of halal tourism with other institutions so as to create a strong economic ecosystem and league.

Keywords: Halal Tourism Literacy, Islamic Tourism, MSMEs, Sharia Tourism, Sharia Fintech


Tourism is one of the mainstay industries in generating foreign exchange in various countries. Tourism has the potential to generate "exports", with a positive trend. Under certain conditions where there is a decline in commodity trade, the tourism industry is still able to show its trend with a continuously increase. Tourism is a sector that continues to grow. One indicator is the increase in tourist travel globally (Utami et al., 2019).

Tourists seek psychic and physical experiences. In the development of halal tourism as a whole, the management of the demands of tourists at the planning stage, visits and after visits should be managed based on the Islamic perspective (Rusli et al., 2019). The activities of Muslim travel when moving from one place to another or when it is in a place outside of their normal residence for a period of less than one year and to engage in activities with the Islamic motivation. It should be noted that tourist activities in Islam must be in accordance with Islamic principles generally accepted, that is halal (Jaelani, 2017). The halal comes from Arabic, which means "permitted" while being forbidden by his opponent means being prohibited or violated by the law. Knowledge is knowledge, awareness, and inequality of something obtained through experience and learning. Ability can also interpret as expertise and skills acquired by a person or group of people through a theoretical or practical understanding of a particular subject. Good knowledge about halal products influenced by experience and information about halal products. It is essential knowledge for consumers to decide to buy a product, especially halal products (Rahman et al., 2015, as cited in Huda et al., 2021)

Halal tourism is one sector in the Islamic Economy that is experiencing significant development in the world. Some of the driving factors are the increase in the world's Muslim population (the total in 2019 reached 1.8 billion), the rapid economic growth of Muslim-majority countries and the growing awareness of the Islamic lifestyle (Adriana et al., 2021). Huda et al. (2021) stated that halal tourism activities are a concept that integrates sharia values into tourism activities by providing various facilities and services that comply with sharia provisions. Halal tourism refers to the availability of tour packages and natural or cultural resorts that address Muslim values and needs, which include food and drink, prayer facilities, water equipped bathroom or toilet, and moslem male and female segregated swimming pools and spas (Arby, 2017; Battour, 2017; Chandra, 2014, as cited in Jazadi & Widari, 2019).

Tourism development in an area will have both positive and negative impacts. This positive impact will affect the physical condition and socio-economic life of residents around tourist attractions (Soekadijo, 1995, as cited in Purnamasari, 2011). Generally, the development of economic activities continues to increase, inseparable from the natural, cultural and artificial beauty of each country and can be the main capital for tourism development to become the driving force of the economy (Pasarela et al., 2022). Rasyid (2019) stated that the rapid development of sharia banking and financial institutions in the world also affects the growth of other sharia business sectors, one of which is halal tourism. The halal tourism essence is emphasizing the sharia principles in tourism management and services that are courteous and conductive to all tourists and the surrounding environment (Huda et al., 2022).

This halal tourism is intended for Muslim tourists (Muslim friendly) but does not preclude its use by non-Muslim tourists. For example, several things that need to be considered in halal tourism include hotels that provide prayer facilities for Muslims, provide halal food and drinks, have swimming pool and spa facilities with separate schedules or places for men and women. Likewise, transportation service providers are obliged to provide convenience for Muslim tourists in carrying out their prayers during the trip, in the form of providing a prayer place on the plane, notification when prayer time has entered, providing halal food and drinks, and providing Islamic entertainment during the trip (Sayekti, 2019).

After transforming into halal tourism, Islamic Tourism in Indonesia continues to find its momentum and enrich its treasures. The halal tourism potential in Indonesia is highly large but it has not been able to provide satisfactory results and contributions to the national economy, especially halal tourism in West Sumatra. With the population and militancy of the Muslim community in West Sumatra in implementing Islamic law, the halal tourism potential in West Sumatra is enormous based on aspects of halal destinations, nature tourism, halal food and beverage and Islamic finance. In West Sumatra, Halal tourism is believed to have a sizeable contribution in building the regional economy and being able to contribute to the national economy.

Halal tourism in every region in Indonesia is represented by Halal Destinations, Islamic Culture & History, Halal Food and Beverage, Local Wisdom, Spiritual Journey and even now added with the Halal Community Center and Halal Certification for MSMEs.

In West Sumatra, Halal tourism has a large and strategic ecosystem along with the growth of the Muslim store marketplace which continues to grow and the interest and awareness of Indonesian Muslims about halal tourism or Islamic finance which is currently starting to grow and develop. The potential for halal tourism is quite large, which is marked by growing the number of Muslim tourists who are interested in food, halal natural beauty destinations, local wisdom and Islamic culture and heritage of West Sumatra which are strengthened by Islamic culture and surau. This is motivated by the customary philosophy and culture of the Custom of Basandi Syara – Syara' Basandi Kitabullah.

The shift in the paradigm of halal tourism to Moslem Friendly Tourism has indeed made the halal tourism industry experiencing a narrowing of space and scope. However, it is not a serious problem. The growth of the halal tourism industry and any trends that emerge later do not dampen the perception, definition and growth rate of halal tourism. The main problem is the factors that are a problem for the halal tourism development in West Sumatra amidst such great potential.

The problems of Infrastructure Development, Hospitality and Services, MSME Center and Halal Certification for MSME products have not yet certified requiring serious and fast handling to strengthen and accelerate the halal domestic ecosystem. The era of digitalization, which started from digitizing services at financial institutions to digitizing financial institutions, has made almost all financial institutions, including Islamic financial institutions, go digital. This is not only a challenge, but also an opportunity for the halal industry or halal tourism to collaborate and integrate with Islamic Financial Technology in strengthening networks and financing for MSMEs to participate and contribute to the era of global halal tourism.

Halal tourism in West Sumatra or elsewhere requires some kind of research room, study and development centre or Majlis Halal Tourism Science which creates new formulations, visions, studies, breakthroughs, innovations and leading strategies to develop halal tourism so that it always creates space and opportunities to see halal tourism development especially in West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Indonesia Islamic Tourism Center is a solution to minimize and overcome all these problems. It can be estimated that this will really be a much needed solution, because in the IITC (Indonesia Islamic Tourism Center), this is called an in-depth study of halal tourism or Islamic Tourism so halal tourism can be well developed in accordance with the guidance of Islamic law sourced from Al-Qur`an and Hadith or Prophet‘s Sunnah, so that later it is hoped that with the development and rapid progress of Indonesian halal tourism, especially in West Sumatra, it can make a major contribution to the growth, progress and economic welfare of people in Indonesia. In fact, with the existence of the IITC, Indonesia has the potential to become a mecca or pilot for tourism in the world which not only has an economic impact, but also more than that, namely as an alternative to making Islam as rahmatan lil 'alamin.

Problem Statement

The main problem faced by halal tourism in West Sumatra is the low level of literacy in halal tourism or product, and knowledge about Islamic tourism that has not been absorbed widely and deeply. This can be seen from the commencement of Islamic tourism majors or curricula on several public or private university campuses that have not directed halal tourism programs or majors with upgraded material that is integrated with the development of national and international halal tourism based on the Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI) so as to produce resources Humans really needed for Halal Tourism Industry.

Research Questions

How are the Existing Conditions of Halal Tourism Infrastructure, Aspects of Halal Tourism Hospitality and Services in West Sumatra? How are the Existing Conditions of Human Resources, Existing Conditions of MSME Center, Existing Curriculum & Departments, and the Availability of Halal Certification in Halal Tourism Development in West Sumatra?

Purpose of the Study

This study aims to analyze and examine the Existing Conditions of Halal Tourism Infrastructure, Aspects of Halal Tourism Hospitality and Services, Existing Conditions of Human Resources in Halal Tourism Development, Existing Conditions of MSME Center in Halal Tourism Development, and Existing Curriculum & Departments in Halal Tourism Development and the Availability of Halal Certification in Halal Tourism Development in West Sumatra.

Research Methods

A qualitative descriptive method was used in this study to answer the first problem formulation, then a quantitative descriptive method to answer the second problem formulation. Researchers described the collected data comparatively by dividing it into two categories, namely according to or not in accordance with the concept of Fiqh so that information is obtained empirically and is easy to understand. Qualitative research has a close relationship between ontology, epistemology, theoretical perspectives and methodologies and research methods. The main sources of knowledge in Islam are the Qur’an and hadith. Meanwhile, the source of knowledge according to the West is centered on reason (Arifandy, 2018).

From various places and regions in Indonesia, there are several areas that have the greatest potential for halal tourism, for the Land of Sumatra, West Sumatra is the area with the largest potential for halal tourism in Indonesia. In West Sumatra, halal tourism has a Legacy and Long History. It has an inspiring history. The design of this study was made to look at several important aspects that have not been optimally explored. This research is structured to develop a strategy to find a solution. Analytic Network Process (ANP), is a general theory of relative measurements used to derive composite priority ratios from an individual ratio scale, reflecting the comparable measure of the influence of interacting elements concerning control criteria (Saaty, 1999, as cited in Huda et al., 2021). While Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a decision-making support method developed by Thomas L., Saaty in 1980. AHP is a decision-making tool that describes a complex problem in a hierarchical structure with many levels consisting of objectives, criteria and alternatives (Agus et al., 2018, as cited in Hardini et al., 2023).

Data processing in this study uses super decisions software version 3.1. In this study, the researchers used Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods carried out in three steps. The first stage is conducting in-depth interviews with experts, practitioners and regulators to fully understand the existing problems related to the implementation of halal tourism policies and regulations in order to address problems and obstacles in developing halal tourism in West Sumatra. In addition, this research aims to achieve Islamic Financial Inclusion in the Halal Shariah Financial Inclusion tourism sector and as an effort to find solutions and novelties as breakthroughs and innovations from halal tourism development in Indonesia, especially in West Sumatra. The second stage, the results of the first stage were used to create the required questionnaire for collecting data from respondents. The third stage, ANP analysis is used to analyze problems, solutions and strategies for implementing policies regarding halal tourism development strategies in West Sumatra.

The scope of this research is explained in Figure 1 below:

Figure 1: ANP/AHP Calculation Algorithm
ANP/AHP Calculation Algorithm
See Full Size >


The results of ranking the strategic priorities that must be implemented for halal tourism development in West Sumatra through the Indonesia Islamic Tourism Center are explained on Table 1 as follows:

Table 1 - Strategy priority ranking
See Full Size >

Dr. H. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia saw the condition of West Sumatra's halal tourism infrastructure as good, so that it can support Muslim-friendly tourism development in West Sumatra. Basic attributes such as clean toilets, visiting religious facilities, and halal food can easily be found in destinations, tourist objects and creative economic centers in West Sumatra. Apart from that, Islamic community life is based on the Custom of which is the main support for Muslim-friendly tourism development in West Sumatra.

The pandemic has in fact increased the quality of our readiness in the concepts of adaptation, innovation and collaboration. In addition, this adaptation in the hospitality and service industries is carried out in the implementation of health protocols and CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment Sustainability) certification which is actually with the concept of. For example, if we talk about food, the halal logo is not only on every menu and packaged food, but also how does the food have nutrition so that it improves not only the comfort of tourists, but also their health side. Hospitality and services are also enhanced by utilizing digital platforms in marketing tourism products and serving tourists. Improvement of services ranging from modes of transportation to accommodation and lodging.

Competitiveness and superior Human Resources (HR) are resources that have firstly knowledge about how to serve, especially tourists who come from foreign countries and domestic tourists. For instance, the Muslim Tourism service, I brought ASEAN delegations from Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam and Singapore. Secondly, knowledge about equipment and tools is needed by Muslim tourists in tourism services, for example also modest fashion or Muslim clothing. The third is the development of attitudes or behavior in serving Muslim tourists, of course with courtesy, friendliness and so on.

MSMEs are the heart of halal tourism. There is no halal tourism without the participation of MSMEs. It is because MSMEs are the driving force for almost 65% of our economy, and MSMEs provide employment opportunities for a total of 90%. The MSME Center is really needed, inasmuch as it also makes tourists easier to find some MSME products in the West Sumatra region. As an example, they are not only Spiritual (Groups Who Just Look Around), but they also become (Snacks and Buying Groups) for MSME products such as culinary, rendang, fashion, songket, and handicrafts.

The tourism department should also focus on halal tourism since this is a very extraordinary sector. We really urge to focus on halal tourism as this growth is very significant.

Therefore, halal tourism and the Islamic economy as a whole are actually a way and match beyond halal certification. Thus, this certificate is one of the central and strategic components, but not everything. However, it needs to be acknowledged that this halal certificate is an acknowledgment of the halalness of a product and later services issued by the implementing agency for halal product guarantees through a written halal fatwa by the authorized institution.

In addition, Buya Mahyeldi Anshorullah, the Governor of West Sumatra Province and Chair of the West Sumatra Sharia Economic Community said that the potential for halal tourism in West Sumatra can be seen from several things including Halal Food and Beverages. This means that people come to West Sumatra for Culinary Tourism, namely looking for food. Tourists say that there are only two culinary delights in West Sumatra, such as Delicious and Very Delicious. In Minang Language (). Even Rendang was asked as the most delicious food in the world by CNN International.

The next strength of Halal tourism in West Sumatra is the power of Halal Destinations in the form of Natural tourism which is strengthened by Islamic Culture and Heritage. Foreign tourists are happy with the Mentawai Islands and the Mandeh beach area. Inbound Tourism attracts domestic and foreign tourists to see the splendor of Pagaruyung Palace which is closely related to the spread of Islam in the archipelago.

Another attraction for halal tourism in West Sumatra is the strength of MSMEs and their traditional markets. Tourists often ask me (Mahyeldi) why Indomaret and Alfamart are not found in West Sumatra. This is a clear proof of the power of traditional markets and MSMEs. The people of West Sumatra, who are predominantly Muslim, do not want Traditional Markets and MSMEs to be contaminated with markets that come from outside. Naturally they want to grow and develop with the potential they have.

Traditional markets and MSMEs in West Sumatra are increasingly visible during the Holy Month of Ramadhan and before Eid al-Fitr. There was a tremendous surge in economic growth. Both commercially, namely trade and socially in the form of Infaq, Zakat and Alms and endowments. The creative economy in traditional markets and MSMEs in the month of Ramadan comes under the name Pabukoan Market selling all creative MSME products with various tastes. Traditional market traders and MSMEs during Ramadan get extraordinary profits from the economic strength of the real sector.

The halal tourism growth in West Sumatra is in line with awareness of the Sharia economy. This indicates how important human resources are represented by the young generation who are rich with skills and competencies to build their hometowns using halal products made by domestic people because in each region they have their respective masters in halal products. There is currently an increase and growth in the community in transactions with the Sharia economy in West Sumatra. They come to Sharia Banks, Sharia Cooperatives or

With its uniqueness, Halal tourism in West Sumatra is one of the best ways to improve people's welfare. It is supported by the Regional Regulation on Halal Tourism and the traditional religious philosophy of Basandi Syara' and Syara' Basandi Kitabullah. Padang cuisine is definitely Halal. Hajj and Umrah pilgrims from outside West Sumatra and from West Sumatra themselves bring rendang as their provision while abroad.

Furthermore, Sutan Faridz Daulat Yang Tuan Raja from the Pagaruyung Islamic Kingdom who is housed in the Selindung Bulan Palace as the Pagaruyung Palace actually saw that the potential for Halal Tourism in West Sumatra is closely related to the period of the spread of Islam in the archipelago because Minangkabau has high customs and philosophy, namely Custom of Basandi Syara ' – Syara' Basandi Kitabullah which began in 1403 AD to coincide with the 9th century Hijriyah. It was precisely the end of the 14th century and early 15th century.

Halal tourism in West Sumatra is developing inasmuch as West Sumatra has the Marapalam Oath which states that West Sumatra people apply to him Sharia law. The Halal tourism law has been passed by the provincial government through local regulations on halal tourism.

Halal tourism in West Sumatra is supported by Halal Natural destinations. Its beautiful nature, which is still largely preserved, must continue to be managed by the West Sumatra provincial government. The main problem in Halal tourism in West Sumatra is the availability of quality and competitive human resources. Human resources for Halal tourism still need a lot of improvement. There is a need for guidance in the form of training and workshops.

The Department of Halal Tourism or Sharia Tourism is currently very important for educational institutions to optimize Halal tourism development in West Sumatra. Optimizing Halal Tourism in West Sumatra begins by providing education about Halal Tourism so that people in West Sumatra, who are predominantly Muslim, can quickly encourage Halal Tourism in West Sumatra while still paying attention to the Ethics of Muslim Travel.

Moreover, Ustadz Irawan Taqwa Lc. MA, The Secretary General of the Indonesian Middle East Alumni Network, (JATTI), said that the Halal Tourism Infrastructure in Indonesia, especially in West Sumatra, has experienced many improvements and changes in a better direction. The militancy of the Minangkabau people in carrying out their religion and customs is impressive. This potential is a privilege and uniqueness for West Sumatra compared to any other region in Indonesia. The spirit of Bung Hatta, Buya Hamka, Agus Salim and the Great Ulama Syekh Ahmad Khatib Al Minangkabawi became the motivation and inspiration for the Minangkabau people to develop a Sharia economy and halal tourism.

From the Hospitality and Services aspect, tourist attractions in West Sumatra, such as bathrooms, have begun to be repaired and there are already places for ablution and places for prayer. Food in West Sumatra is confirmed to be Halal and you can't find Padang cuisine there. Because all the food here is native to Padang and Minang. Padang cuisine is only found outside of West Sumatra.

OIC countries with a Muslim majority need halal foods and products from West Sumatra. The halal tourism progress in West Sumatra shows a very positive trend. Since being led by Sandiaga Uno, Halal Tourism in Indonesia, especially in West Sumatra, has grown rapidly. Slowly but surely by utilizing and optimizing the potential of each area.

Sharia hotels in West Sumatra are currently taking the concept of The Islamic Megapolitan Hotel or with the Islamic Cosmopolitan Hotel in collaboration with Islamic Local Wisdom, making Syariah Hotels present with uniqueness that is reinforced by Islamic symbols. West Sumatra does not yet need a Five Star Hotel like Pullman or Hyaat in Jakarta. Sharia Hotels in West Sumatra that are needed are hotels whose infrastructure synergizes with nature and local wisdom.

HR Human Resources in halal tourism that are needed at this time are resources that reflect morality and Islamic scholarship which are equipped with knowledge products about Islamic Tourism. In addition to lectures, workshops, training and certification of halal tourism workers are needed in Indonesia, especially West Sumatra. Tour Leaders or Tour Guides must have skills in foreign languages, especially English and Arabic.

Even though I am a Palembangnese, I am focused on developing the Hajj and Umrah congregations in West Sumatra Province. Most of my travel pilgrims come from West Sumatra and Pekanbaru and also of course from Palembang. Services are the most important point in the tourism sector. In the language of Sharia Tourism, it is called al-Khidmah Muzayyadah. West Sumatra has militant MSMEs.

In West Sumatra or Palembang, there are still many PTKAIN or other Islamic campuses that have not opened Islamic Tourism or Halal Tourism departments/studies because Halal Tourism has become a trend not only in Indonesia but has gone worldwide and the need for the tourism sector in the future will be a major need for the community. Muslim, especially in Indonesia, is the largest population in the world. Educational institutions that have Sharia Tourism Study Programs/Departments are urgently needed. Halal tourism in West Sumatra of Indonesia has become a world trend that is able to revive the national economy. The role of the government, stakeholders and the community must work together and side by side to make Indonesia one of the world's halal tourism meccas and an example for the world so that Halal tourism in Indonesia, especially in West Sumatra, is not only a business product but also an alternative to make Islam.

Then, Dr. H. Sapta Nirwandar, SE, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy for the period 2011-2014 in terms of infrastructure, especially operational aspects of Halal tourism in West Sumatra, there are still relatively few or still need a lot of support from the Central Government. The expected support is like what happened in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. In fact, if you look at Indonesia, it is a country with the greatest popularity of Muslims, with statistical data at 87% Muslim. In Asian countries, the Muslim population is also large and numerous. Logically, Muslim tourists should travel to Indonesia, particularly West Sumatra.

Muslim tourists in the context of Muslim-friendly tourism are also allowed to export to Bali in addition to West Sumatra because there is nothing detrimental economically. Padang restaurants are currently more numerous in Bali than suckling pig restaurants. To fix infrastructure, at least we have to implement 3A, such as Amunitis, Hotel Facilities, Restaurant Facilities, and Shop Facilities.

First, there are not many hotel facilities or even very few hotels with a halal label or Sharia-based hotels. It is only a few hotels in Jakarta and Jogjakarta. As far as I am concerned, there are only one or two sharia hotels in Solo and one sharia hotel in Bali. Totality, there are only two Sharia Hotels. In other words, the infrastructure is still lacking. Not to mention if we talk about Halal Restaurants which must also be supported by Sharia Transactions or by Sharia Contracts. Muslim Traveler Ethics is maintained with covering the genitals.

Muslim Traveler Ethics is a way to solve infrastructure problems because Muslim Based Customers are quite large, namely 1.8 billion Muslim population in the world. Hundreds of millions of world Muslims are a very profitable part in terms of developing the Halal Tourism market.

Aspects of Hospitality and Service at Hala Tourism in West Sumatra are very excellent and fun. This aspect is characterized by Akhlaqul Karimah. Akhlaqul Karimah is reflected with a smile, greeting and courtesy in providing services. Hospitality and Service Aspects are built with the Ta'awun Concept

Glorifying guests means giving a positive response to Muslim tourists. Halal tourism is also in line with our religious teachings. Even if I may say earlier, we must stay in touch or keep in touch. In the context of tourism, this is Visit, which has long been the jargon of Global Tourism, where other people have also done that.

Halal tourism is a sizeable income and in Minangkabau especially the Hospitality and Service. Custom is very important because it reflects Custom of Basandi Syara', Basandi Kitabullah's Syara'. Syara' Mangato and Adaik Mamakai in Halal tourism in West Sumatra have a habit based on hospitality, meaning for example every time we come, we are greeted and served and that shows privileges to guests not to mention eating, there is a meal in congregation which is called eating Bajamba and that is part of hospitality because it shows togetherness not to mention the way to eat. Padang is also an expression of togetherness.

This is a reflection of the Hospitality and Service of Halal Tourism in West Sumatra. Of course, it has a culture that is very relevant to the conditions of tourism to be developed for people who visit there. Likewise with music and dance which are part of the customs that cannot be separated from there.

The aspect of human resources in West Sumatra is already quite advanced, some are even more advanced, in terms of education, there are already strata 3 there. Many have even become doctors, and not to mention the high schools. There are also quite advanced, so it's just a matter of how to optimize it so that you can synergize or build tourism destinations in West Sumatra with global destinations.

West Sumatra has great potential, moreover our brothers and sisters in West Sumatra are good at communicating and convincing people and experts in diplomacy like KH. Agus Salim, Sutan Sjahrir and Muhammad Hatta. This is also an asset for them to be able to socialize globally and nationally, so in my opinion, this halal tourism resource is suitable for West Sumatra.

The MSME Center which is the strength of domestic tourism in popular language is the existence of service advice or additional services and this is in line with the spirit of traveling simply for Muslims while traveling and maintaining prayer.

West Sumatra has the ability and advantages in terms of food, which has been provided a lot. Even in America, the trend is fast food. West Sumatra Padang is more than fast food. Although, the visitors have not arrived yet, the food has been served. Halal tourism in West Sumatra, in terms of culinary culture, can become a center for global tourism, but now it has become an international trend.

The Halal Tourism Curriculum in West Sumatra and Indonesia must be formalized in various PTKAIN and Islamic Universities and this must be understood by the government and all stakeholders. With a population of one Muslim in the world, 1.8 billion take it. What is rare is 20% divided by 5. You get around 180 million, that is a lot. Malaysians come to Indonesia especially to West Sumatra if they are interested as there are about 200 people every day * 7 can be 1400 people in one week if these 1400 people stay for a few days it depends on him for example in one day he eats Padang dishes like rendang and talua tea. That is only two kinds if he adds not to mention when he goes to Batusangkar or to Sawahlunto to buy silungkang songket. This means that tourism does not only visit destinations but it also drives the local economy which is worrying only if someone is bothering you. It is also impossible for the interaction to be weird, if it is between humans. It is normal or not some unless they come from radical or communist groups.

Halal tourism in West Sumatra must be supported by Halal Certification. This is an essential and substantial problem, but do not make it difficult in the process of getting it.

Halal tourism in West Sumatra is a Da'wah event which must include an element of convenience because it is very important that all MSME products are certified.

This awareness gives impetus that these Muslims must always eat halal food so that the food eaten is halal certified. So, it is guaranteed and registered, but not just certified and it is part of the protection of Muslim consumers and their products are 100% halal.

In addition, the MUI Fatwa Commission Center for Halal Tourism, Dr. dr. Endy M Astiwara, MA., AAAIJ., CPLHI., ACS., FIIS., CRGP., ASPM, stated that in terms of infrastructure in West Sumatra, it is pretty good. For the airport, the roads are pretty good. It needs to be widened again, then the parking lots and the instructions need to be increased.

Hospitality and hospitality services, of course, need to be improved because when entering the world of tourism. The culture of the people needs to be improved as same as the service. Especially where I have been to several places to eat, the service still takes quite a long time and the problem is still lacking. It does not quite fit anyway for the area of West Sumatra which has Islam culture, which is quite good, needs to be improved, including at the airport. The prayer room at the airport is necessary.

Human Resources in West Sumatra, I don't know now what they are like, but the point is they need to be made aware of what the world of tourism is like. The world of tourism is the world serving the world to deal with customers, so you have to be prepared with customers with various different cultures with different kinds of education and expectations. In brief, they have to be prepared to face what West Sumatra can offer them and also learn so that their expectations met.

Tourism in West Sumatra is not only for the upper class to enjoy the benefits of tourism or not only big businessmen from outside West Sumatra. So, this MSME center really needs to be improved and prepared again for this tourism, for example to places where souvenirs I have been to a place where souvenirs are quite big, right? The service is still not that fast, so this is for our people, it is normal for foreigners, of course, it should be shorter. This MSMEs must have innovations, for example various customs by means of different models or become men's shirts or t-shirts or what they become so that they will be varied without having to eliminate the culture of West Sumatra. The condition of the Sharia Tourism Curriculum, I still do not understand. I cannot answer number 6. It is about the urgency of halal certification, of course it is very. MSME certification needs to be very aware of halal tourism actors in West Sumatra.

According to H. Ayatullah Krisna Gunawan, ST., MT., M.Eng, Head of Compliance for the Indonesian Sharia Fintech Association Until now, there has been no significant collaboration between Fintech Syariah organizers and domestic Halal industry players in the context of abroad, the activities of traveling for Hajj and Umrah maybe for a safari to Turkey. There has been a lot of collaboration between the organizers of Fintech Syariah and the halal tourism industry players, for example, for Hajj financing. There is one organizer of Sharia peer to peer lending. If I may allow it to be mentioned, namely Amanah. They provide bailout funds for the Umrah pilgrims. They do not play Umrah, if they are specifically for Umrah there used to be called Best Greetings but that was not to help the pilgrims. It is however more to help Umrah and Hajj travel so that providing business capital assistance for umroh and hajj travellers,

Regarding Hospitality and Services, tourism is synonymous with services and services or even bigger hospitality. I do not worry anymore when I travel to West Sumatra that all the services provided will comply with halal rules, but especially for foreign travelers or tourists, maybe it will be a little confusing in my opinion. There are many residents, but there is no halal logo.

In West Sumatra, especially Padang, there are still very few Sharia hotels based on my experience, so even if there are conditions, they are still 2 or 3 stars, if there are no 4 or 5 stars at all. So West Sumatra, especially the cities of Padang and Bukittinggi, because I've been there, what do you think about Batusangkar as a cultural center for Minang or Pagaruyung, yes, back to the glasses, it turns out that I see from the point of view of local tourists, again, there is no concern from my side as a Muslim, but if we look at it as a tourist from abroad, for example, I am a Muslim but of Japanese nationality, when I go to Batusangkar. In essence, I will be confused whether I have to shop or what halal tours are there, but with assistance such as grab, of course, with the help of Google, even if you do not have good language skills, or if you don't have good language skills, New I can get information which is accurate, but if we speak English or other languages, if we googling English or international languages or speaking Batusangkar, there is very little information obtained from the internet.

When it comes to Sharia fintech, we from AFSI have a collaborative program with several universities to increase their literacy and understanding of Indonesian Islamic financial and economic services, especially Sharia fintech. So far, not a single university from West Sumatra has collaborated with us, I think the level of literacy and understanding of the people of West Sumatra regarding Sharia fintech is still minimal but that is still my justification, but it needs to be validated with a survey later. Halal tourism or halal hospitality, so we're still talking about hospitality or tourism services in general, for example at MHI Bandung or at Sahid University Jakarta, specifically talking about Halala Tourism or Sharia Tourism, to my knowledge there isn't

More than 90% of Indonesians work in the MSME sector. There are still many people who do not know about it. Several years in the era of global globalization, the majority of the population of productive age are still working in the MSME or non-formal sector, which is one thing we need to be grateful for and from year to year. The growth is also quite significant, if you have collaborated in all fields such as business people, government, and so on and at the beginning of the pandemic too even though at the beginning it was quite declining we talked about 2020. The decline in MSMEs was quite declining but over time it still grew again

Talking about the problem of halal MSMEs needs to be supported by regulations, as far as I know, only a few local governments have supported this, maybe Aceh with its Qanun or West Java, which has issued PERGUB related to halal MSMEs, then several other provinces such as NTB and so on. But if we just talk DKI Jakarta, there has not been too significant for halal MSMEs to be implemented.

Regarding the halal tourism curriculum, it is also significant. I convey that at this time there is not even a university or high school that focuses on discussing this matter so even if it is very good because the faith is very high so if it can be in the full file by the source beautiful credible resources in this field will certainly increase Indonesia's position as a destination as a world halal tourist destination in my opinion. Because it is indeed a very big brand, in my opinion.

If we talk about halal certification, of course this is also very important in order to guarantee the confidence of prospective buyers of a particular product, especially in fintech itself. Alhamdulillah, we always collaborate with DSN MUI in issuing fatwas related to OJK or BI regulations.

Related to MSMEs that produce halal that require halal certification, this is a very important point in the perspectives of Sharia fintech organizers because when a product or company already has a halal certificate then submits financing or capital assistance to Sharia fintech, it is very important and quite crucial and increase the added value of MSMEs in the eyes of Sharia fintech actors, now related to the certification itself. As far as I know, in the field, MSME actors still have difficulty getting halal certificates, although the government has also made a free halal certification program several times for MSME actors, but indeed, there are hundreds of thousands and even millions of MSME actors in Indonesia, of course there needs to be other initiatives whether it's from the government side or whatever that can increase the growth of halal certification in Indonesia

According to the Main Director of PT Bank DKI, Fidri Arnaldy, who comes from Padang, West Sumatra, said that and the Koran have long been the basics of halal tourism in West Sumatra. Halal tourism in West Sumatra provides assurance that everything sold in West Sumatra is guaranteed to be halal products. Before the Islamic economy became popular in Indonesia, Halal Tourism or the Muslim Community in Minangkabau had already practiced Islamic Economics. First of all, in terms of infrastructure, it needs to be considered and the second is its human resources. An understanding of Halal tourism is in line with an understanding of how business ethics are in seeking sustenance and providing services as is the case with Islamic banking.

In this case, it must be understood what and how the Halal Industry is and how to generate profits in the future. How to face the weakness of an infrastructure and prepare it as a strength.

Information about halal tourism infrastructure in West Sumatra, who do not know West Sumatra's beautiful and famous nature. However, it is still constrained by the problem of the availability of information about its beautiful nature.

Saudi Arabia, Malaysia or the OIC countries with the largest Muslim majority have also continued to experience improvements in the hospitality aspect because this has also been frequently mentioned in seminars and conferences. The Halal Industry requires qualified Human Resources and the reality of human resource is still far from what was expected.

From the aspect of human resources, if you look at it from the perspective of experience in handling Islamic banking, namely for 22 months, it can be concluded that if the competency aspect is still far from Islamic banking, this also applies to halal tourism. There are our mistakes when educating people, especially during recruitment. When taking a psychological test, you need to ask what your goals are and what your motivation is at work.

Regarding the competence of that person, whether or not he really understands what and how Islamic Banking is. We can evaluate it in the development process or adaptive attitude to technological advances. Then the extent to which knowledge of macroeconomics is also combined with Islamic banking such breakthroughs have yet to be made.

Islamic banking is measured by tabs that occur every year, if there is a decline, it means there is a problem and something is wrong manually. When technology talks, we can see an increase in profits. Everything should go up and if it stagnates or decreases it means something is wrong. I suggest that Sharia Banking/Halal Tourism really has to work to carry out its managerial activities in Islamic banking.

Sharia banking and the halal tourism halal industry start from micro, small and medium enterprises for halal industry itself. In the context of the MSME halal industry, it has its own way of strengthening development for MSMEs. The strength of Halal Tourism in West Sumatra is MSMEs.

The market is getting more open and we hope that MSMEs will upgrade. Maybe after playing at ultra-micro, KUR Syariah, after that it reaches the level of 500 until it goes up to commercial, if it goes up, it means it is just a success and Indonesian MSMEs are now above 90%. Indonesia is dominated by MSMEs. This means that proper governance is needed. All of the technological devices in transactions must be educated so that this digital transformation will not be in vain.

Halal Tourism also includes Islamic Banks whose sales must be good. Marketing via Instagram and Facebook is needed and education must be held for the wider community.

Regarding Halal Tourism Literacy or Sharia tourism literacy, actually one cluster that we consider today is still minimal and lacking. Increasing Islamic financial literacy or halal tourism literacy is needed by schools, training, workshops and FGDs on an ongoing basis.

Once people search Google, it means people need accurate and updated information and the website must be good. Information and services are services that must be sold by Islamic Financial Institutions or Halal Tourism.

When visiting Bali, our people, who are predominantly Muslim, are definitely searching to see if the restaurant is halal or not. This is important because people are headed in the same direction, namely Halal Tourism. But if we go to West Sumatra, those of us who openly sell pigs will definitely not be visited except for the ones in Pondok China.

Halal tourism in West Sumatra still requires halal certification with a strong and basic understanding of the halal tourism industry. The need for a halal certificate must be a priority and should not be complicated. As well as managing the halal label, do not price it at a price that is too high, making it difficult for MSMEs. Make it easy for people to be enthusiastic about entrepreneurship or becoming Muslimpreneurs.

According to Henry F Jusuf, CEO of the World Halal Industry and Trade Alliance Whita. We have heard a lot about the concept of halal tourism, but we do not know there is a study center or halal tourism in Indonesia is still being discussed but not something that has been formalized. Meanwhile, the Halal Center is more focused on food and medicine. This is related to all instruments that are inserted into the human body

However, when it comes to Islamic Tourism, we only hear about the concept of Muslim Friendly Tourism or things like that but there is no Center of Excellence yet where there is a place that studies Islamic Tourism and builds networking for a business entity in certain areas.

If a province or city/regency does this, that area will become a pioneer. All businesses related to halal tourism, whether it is food, shelter or medicine or sources of information related to destinations that we say are good, we must store data and information.

Everything related to data and information can connect and open new networks. So, networking connects supply and demand so that economic activity can be more efficient and also helps many people to find what they are looking for and can see current and developing opportunities and issues.

For Halal Tourism Human Resources in West Sumatra, it is still far from Excellent Services. Even though his intentions were good, the intensity of his execution was still far from what was expected. As an example, the official tourist centers of the world, whether in Japan, or in Dubai, or in Singapore, or in countries where the arrival of tourists in a year may be more than 15 million people.

Places like that are usually very strong in terms of the hospitality industry. But how can he interact with local or national or international communities. Halal tourism opens a network with all parties and continues to provide an image that Islam provides excellent services so that it can have a very memorable experience, especially in Halal tourism in West Sumatra.

An Excellent training center is needed so that students besides studying at school or university can also go on tour. How about Singapore? Tokyo anyway? Questions about how and that will provide a good insight or treasure of how the development of Islamic Tourism in Dubai, Qatar and other OIC countries.

This will provide a good insight or treasure for students so they can become the best leaders in hospitality and service in West Sumatra.

Halal tourism in West Sumatra must be able to compete with other regions because even in Indonesia we do not have to look abroad, there are already many writings on the world-class Center for Halal Tourism. We must be able to innovate in West Sumatra. We also have to own an identity that Halal tourism in West Sumatra is different.

We start from the very simple things. If there is a problem, the solution must be resolved wisely so that people have experience if they become tourists or Tour Leaders in West Sumatra, they must have commitment and integrity so that a center of excellence for a halal tourism center in Indonesia will be realized. It is possible that the improvement of human resources starts with commitment and integrity.

MSME center must become the gold standard or the golden sign of halal tourism in West Sumatra. Rendang, which is located in Painan, one in Payakumbuh, and one in Solok, tastes the same. That is how the process has the same taste image in the end. How is the halal process until the sale also has a uniform taste. This requires modern management or Islamic Management Strategic.

So that under certain conditions, we can combine what is called local treasures. What is local wisdom like with Modern Management in order to provide the best service to our customers or customers.

The first Halal tourism department that I saw, we have to see how the demand goes in that direction. Business owners in the Halal Industry and Halal tourism need this. Especially in the fields of hotels, restaurants, MSMEs and transportation services, so we also have to make a differentiation that those who graduate from halal tourism are indeed the best graduates than general tourism because they have special training with high standards or high standards, they always have insight so that they can differentiate between non-halal tourism graduates and he can distinguish between non-halal tourism graduates and special graduates of halal tourism.

When halal tourism graduates are proven to be more productive and have more economic benefits, the demand will naturally continue to grow so that the demand for halal tourism graduates who are certified diplomats with diplomas will be in great demand and will open up a lot of job opportunities compared to conventional ones.

Halal tourism in West Sumatra requires Halal Certification for all MSME products. The success of halal tourism anywhere, especially in West Sumatra, can be seen from the number of halal certificates. Halal Certification is still not evenly distributed in MSME products. The acceleration and growth of halal tourism in West Sumatra is the ease of obtaining halal certification. In a sense, everyone knows how to get this halal certificate so that he can place what is called validation of the food or product or service he provides as a halal predicate.

In this accelerated process, doing not burden too much on MSMEs. If the business has developed, giving halal certificates can use a royalty system so that people will switch and want it because there will definitely be added value if it is supported by certification. If there is not, tourists are hesitant to get it. With this halal certification, what he does first is good for himself as a buyer or customer. Second, he also has options A and B, one has certificates, the other does not have a halal certificate, so he will prefer halal, plus more if added again if the quality is good.

Lastly, Prof. Rifki Ismal PhD, Assistance Secretary General Islamic Financial Services Board IFSB said that halal tourism infrastructure in West Sumatra First is a place of worship. Second is Syariah Hotel or Wisma Syariah. Third is the Market or market where Sharia MSMEs are bought and sold. Fourth, Guide or Tour Leader and information center about halal tourism and this is also included in the infrastructure aspect.

Halal Tourism Information, Websites, Applications and Digitalization are included in the infrastructure. Halal tourism in West Sumatra in the infrastructure aspect, if the current condition is that there are several objects that are already complete but some have not been touched. Usually, destination objects that have been well known for a long time, such as the Jam Gadang, have more complete infrastructure. Pagaruyung Palace has been well-known from the past, but if there are new objects, it may have to be completed.

The restaurant is included in the halal tourism infrastructure. The Hospitality and Service aspect of our people's culture is welcome friendly and that has become the character of the people of West Sumatra. The character is already very attached. But what needs to be added is the ability to speak foreign languages, especially Arabic and English. Tourists from the Middle East have started to come to West Sumatra a lot.

Aspects of human resources that are attached to the tourism department must be supported by PTKAIN majoring in Islamic tourism or halal tourism. In this condition, the National Sharia Economic and Finance Committee has designed a program for halal tourism, maybe they are also designing a program for universities.

KNEKS designed a program on fulfilling the sharia economy but not specifically on sharia tourism. PTKAIN in Indonesia has no significant program for halal tourism. While Halal Tourism Literacy is urgently needed, it can be incidental in nature at the beginning or a tourism program in the tourism department with additional Sharia tourism knowledge or a Sharia tourism concentration.

The name of the assisted MSMEs is then to increase the quality to explore in fostering MSMEs. It must be made a Cluster, then there will also be curation. Which MSMEs have potential, which ones have not yet been made? If we talk about how necessary or not the central government first looks at the potential of MSMEs in that area, especially in West Sumatra.

Next, it is reviewed how big the potential is. With the scale of the business and the number of actors, then the number of transactions in a market is calculated. Then if the potential is high and the number of transactions is large and the market has begun to expand, then the Central Government and the Provincial Government will create a kind of Center. The Provincial Government must cooperate with the Ministry of MSMEs. In building an MSME Center, Strategic Marketing is needed.

The economic sector of a country, if it has a uniqueness that is not owned by the economic sector of other countries, then it will have to be encouraged, for example, MSMEs which are specifically located in West Sumatra. For example, foods such as Rendang and Jerky Batokok Balado, Songket Silungkang and Pandai Sikek Weaving. Peci West Sumatra is good compared to Java, so what must be focused on is what other people do not have, so the key is the MSME center, namely its uniqueness and creativity.

Rendang and Jerky also have to be exported to foreign markets because Middle Eastern tourists really like Rendang and Jerky. It suits the tongue and tastes of the Middle Eastern market. Natural spices in Indonesia have the same taste and aroma that are favored by the Middle Eastern market. This is what makes the MSME market unique in Indonesia, especially in West Sumatra.

For halal certificates based on law number 4 of 2003 concerning orders or authority to give halal labels, it is the MUI or LPPOM MUI.

The Indonesian Islamic Tourism Center is a space for discussion and dialogue where aspirations, inspiration and brilliant ideas are created for the benefit of the people. It gathers Ulama, Scholars, Academics, Practitioners and Young Generation who formulate and think about the best and strategic things for the halal tourism development from time to time based on the Definition, Legacy, Justification and Scope Toward Sustainable Development Goals.


The results of the discussion and data processing using the AHP and ANP analysis techniques related to the explanation of problems and strategies for halal tourism development in West Sumatra through the Indonesia Islamic Tourism Center concluded that: 1) Existing condition of Halal Tourism Infrastructure in West Sumatra is quite good but has not yet become a top priority in the strategy for developing halal tourism in West Sumatra with a value weight of 0.151052 making it the 3rd priority; 2) Aspects of Hospitality and Services for Halal Tourism in West Sumatra are quite good but have not yet become a top priority in the strategy for halal tourism development in West Sumatra with a weighting value of 0.051484 making it the 6th priority; 3) Existing condition of human resources in Halal Tourism Development in West Sumatra is quite concerning so that it is a top priority in the strategy for developing halal tourism in West Sumatra with a weight value of 0.480876 making it the 1st priority; 4) Existing condition of the MSMEs Center in Halal Tourism Development in West Sumatra is quite good but has not yet become a top priority in the strategy for developing halal tourism in West Sumatra with a value weight of 0.061666 making it the 5th priority; 5) Existing Conditions of Curriculum & Majors in Halal Tourism Development in West Sumatra are quite good but have not yet become a top priority in the strategy for developing halal tourism in West Sumatra with a weight value of 0.173645 making it the 2nd priority; and 6) Availability of Halal Certification in Halal Tourism Development in West Sumatra is quite good but has not yet become a top priority in the strategy for halal tourism development in West Sumatra with a value weight of 0.080277 making it the 4th priority.


We would like to thank you for the Master of Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti which provides research funds in 2023.


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29 November 2023

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Rizqi, F. M., Rustam, R., Busnetty, I., & Syamsul, Y. (2023). Problems and Strategies for Developing Halal Tourism in West Sumatra Through IITC. In N. M. Suki, A. R. Mazlan, R. Azmi, N. A. Abdul Rahman, Z. Adnan, N. Hanafi, & R. Truell (Eds.), Strengthening Governance, Enhancing Integrity and Navigating Communication for Future Resilient Growth, vol 132. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 702-720). European Publisher.