The Awareness of Rotu Program: Whether is it Bound on Patriotism?


This research paper aims to assess the level of patriotism awareness and knowledge within the Reserve Officer Training Unit (ROTU) framework. This research involved a quantitative population study with a total of 2261 participants, comprising ROTU cadets from all 20 public universities. Upon data collection, a descriptive analysis was conducted to examine the participants' responses comprehensively. The analysis allowed for a systematic and quantitative evaluation of the ROTU cadets' understanding and familiarity with patriotism concepts and practices. The findings of the study revealed a strong consensus among ROTU respondents, indicating a prevailing belief that ROTU is closely associated with patriotism. Specifically, a significant majority of respondents expressed "strong agreement" with the notion that ROTU is linked to fostering a sense of patriotism. Moreover, the study also found that ROTU respondents strongly agreed that participation in the ROTU program contributes to the enhancement of individuals' patriotism levels. This finding reinforces the view that ROTU plays a vital role in cultivating the participants' commitment and love for their country. Furthermore, the majority ROTU respondents identified that "always preparing to protect the country" was recognized as pivotal in nurturing genuine affection and devotion to the nation. These findings collectively underscore the pivotal role of ROTU in nurturing a strong sense of patriotism among its participants, fostering values of dedication, loyalty, and willingness to sacrifice for the country. The alignment of ROTU respondents' perspectives on these aspects indicates a shared understanding of ROTU's role in promoting patriotism and national devotion among the participants.

Keywords: Patriotism, ROTU, Social Issue


The concept of patriotism holds great significance in Malaysian identity and is highlighted in governmental policies and initiatives aimed at fostering national unity and allegiance to the nation. The foundation of Malaysian patriotism is deeply ingrained in the country's cultural diversity, history, and values, and is closely associated with the National Principles, known as 'Rukun Negara’. The Malaysian government has implemented several programs and schemes to promote patriotism among the citizens, with the National Service Training Program (PLKN) being a prominent example. This compulsory program is targeted toward all Malaysian citizens who are 18 years old and is designed to promote national unity and inculcate a sense of accountability and loyalty toward the country (Hashim et al., 2020).

In addition to the PLKN, the Malaysian government has established the Askar Wataniah or Reserve Military Unit, which is a voluntary reserve force of the Malaysian Armed Forces and has been operational since 1958. While the primary goal of the Askar Wataniah is to assist the regular armed forces in safeguarding the country's territorial integrity, providing relief during disasters, and ensuring security for national events, its voluntary nature also helps to cultivate a sense of patriotism and national unity among its members (Bahagian Pasukan Simpanan, 2022).

Through Askar Wataniah, the Reserve Officer Training Unit (ROTU) program was developed as an extension initiative and was introduced in public universities in Malaysia during the 1980s. Initially, universities such as Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Universiti Malaya (UM), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), and Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) launched ROTU programs, which have since expanded. Currently, all 20 public universities in Malaysia have successfully established ROTU programs (Yaacob & Omar, 2004).

However, the specific types of ROTU programs offered may vary across universities. For instance, some universities may offer all three types of ROTU programs, including Wataniah, Royal Malaysian Naval Volunteer Reserve (PSSTLDM), and Royal Malaysian Air Force Volunteer Reserve (PSSTUDM), while others may offer only one or two of these programs. Among the universities that offer all three types of ROTU programs are UUM, USM, UiTM, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), and UPNM.

While others offer only one or two of these programs for instance UM, UPM, UTM and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) has only offering Wataniah and PSSTLDM. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UniMAS) and Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) has offering the Wataniah and PSSTUDM. Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSHA) has only offering PSSTUDM. In addition, UKM, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Universiti Perguruan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), and Universiti Teknikal Malaysia (UTEM) offer only the Wataniah program.

In addition, the ROTU program in Malaysia aims to train future officers for the Malaysian Armed Forces or Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM), it places a strong emphasis on character-building, leadership, physical fitness, and academic excellence (Bahagian Pasukan Simpanan, 2022). The program is designed to instill discipline, teamwork, and patriotism among its cadets. In addition, the ROTU programs provide military education and training, as well as opportunities for community service and participation in national events and activities, with the objective of fostering a sense of national identity and commitment among university students (Bahagian Pasukan Simpanan, 2022). The ROTU program is a three -year course that runs in parallel with a student's undergraduate studies, and upon completion, successful candidates are commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the Malaysian Army, Navy or Air Force (Bahagian Pasukan Simpanan, 2022).

Problem Statement

Despite the various initiatives to promote patriotism in Malaysia, challenges remain, especially in light of social fragmentation. It is crucial for the government to continue developing and implementing effective policies and programs aimed at promoting patriotism and national unity among the Malaysian population. The Malaysian government has implemented several initiatives and policies to promote patriotism and national unity, including the use of Bahasa Malaysia as the official language, commemorating national holidays and events, promoting national symbols, and incorporating Malaysian history and values into the school curriculum. Additionally, programs such as Biro Tatanegara, PLKN, Askar Wataniah and ROTU have been established to develop and train citizens' sense of patriotism.

The notion of patriotism is commonly linked to concepts such as loyalty, adherence to laws, safeguarding national interests, love for the nation, pursuit of national objectives, prioritization of national needs, support for local products, social activism, military service, nation building, and pride in the country's music, flag, history, culture, and other aspects. To cultivate and reinforce patriotism, individuals must be guided, trained, nurtured, and advised appropriately based on their unique circumstances and backgrounds. Moreover, the idea that patriotism is not an innate quality but rather a learned behaviour that can be fostered through deliberate efforts by leading individuals towards a deeper understanding of their country's history, culture, and values, is crucial in developing a stronger sense of attachment and loyalty to one's nation.

Patriotism is a concept that has been interpreted and defined differently throughout various cultures and historical periods. Its fundamental meaning entails a profound affection, allegiance, and dedication to one's country, including its populace and values. Patriotism encompasses a sense of responsibility and obligation to the nation and a willingness to contribute to the greater good. It often correlates with national identity, as individuals typically identify closely with their country and regard themselves as part of a broader community. Additionally, patriotism can encompass a sense of satisfaction and admiration for one's country's accomplishments and a commitment to upholding and protecting its ideals and principles.

According to the works of Embong (2000) and Mustapha (2006, as cited in Hashim et al., 2020) the prioritization of patriotism is deemed essential for the advancement of nations and civilizations. Sabri et al. (2014) emphasizes the significance of placing the nation's interests above individual needs, which is regarded as a vital aspect of patriotism. Ramli (2018) argues that in modern times, patriotism encompasses more than just sacrificing oneself during times of war, but also involves working collaboratively towards the nation's development. Mohammad (2005) observes that patriotism has undergone a transformation over time, whereby in the past, people were loyal to individual Raja or rulers in each state, but today, allegiance is directed towards the country's sovereignty (kesetiaan kepada negara yang berdaulat).

Ramli (2018) asserts that patriotism should not be exclusively focused on being against an enemy during wartime, particularly since the majority (75%) of the current Malaysian population were born after the country's independence and, therefore, have no direct experience of war. Scholars such as Hussiin et al. (2009) has also discussed this perspective on the correlation between the younger generation and the lack of patriotism due to being born after independence.

Othman (2019) proposes that individuals who have a sense of patriotism should demonstrate their affection for their country by exhibiting the national flag, wearing traditional attire, and commemorating important historical events. However, a study conducted by Shariffuddin et al. (2020) found that a majority of respondents had not effectively practiced patriotism in their social lives. The authors stressed the need for concerted efforts by various stakeholders to cultivate patriotism, especially as present-day expressions of patriotism appeared to be confined to specific racial or regional contexts. Moreover, issues related to the use of Bahasa Malaysia as the national language, as discussed by Zain (2018), have also been linked to the concept of patriotism. Challenges associated with the use of Chinese wording have been perceived as an obstacle to fostering a sense of national identity and unity. Another aspect influencing patriotism pertains to the role and challenges faced by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, as highlighted by Aling (2020). These challenges may impact perceptions of national loyalty and devotion. Furthermore, the failure to comprehend the nation's history and cultural heritage, as revealed by Samsu et al. (2020) has been identified as a contributing factor to the weakening of patriotism.

These findings collectively emphasize the significance of studying patriotism, particularly in the context of ROTU cadets. The relationship between ROTU programs and patriotism becomes crucial as it offers insights into the potential impact of such programs on fostering a sense of national pride, unity, and commitment among the participants. These variations highlight the need for further research to investigate the effectiveness of different ROTU programs in fostering patriotism and national pride among Malaysian youth. Understanding the factors that influence patriotism and identifying the challenges faced in nurturing a stronger sense of national identity can inform the development of effective strategies to enhance patriotism among university students, contributing to a more cohesive and united society.

Research Questions

The primary research question of this paper encompass three key facets. Firstly, the investigation seeks to assess which degree of correlation between ROTU participation and the manifestation of patriotism. Secondly, the study aims to assess either gauge the potential of ROTU involvement in fostering patriotic sentiments. Lastly, what inquiry into the instrumental factors that establish a connection between ROTU participation and the cultivation of patriotism is undertaken. These overarching research inquiries collectively serve the purpose of elucidating the extent of awareness and comprehension pertaining to patriotism within the framework of ROTU.

Purpose of the Study

This study aimed to delve into this relationship by investigating the attitudes and awareness of ROTU cadets towards patriotism specifically to examine whether is it bound or not on patriotism. Notably, prior research by Muslim and Alias (2004) shed light on the weak level of patriotism, particularly among students. Their study revealed that factors such as non-involvement in uniformed school bodies, lack of pride in celebrating Independence Day, and a perceived lack of seriousness on issues concerning national sovereignty, such as the Pulau Batu Putih dispute, contributed to this deficiency.

The relationship between ROTU and patriotism has garnered significant interest. ROTU programs are specifically designed to foster patriotism and national unity among university students. Given the significance of the points raised, this paper must thoroughly investigate the instruments that genuinely relate to the concept of patriotism. Understanding the perspectives of ROTU respondents is vital as their views may diverge from those of other groups, particularly Malaysia's younger generation, who lack first-hand experience of the country's pre-independence era. This warrants a critical re-evaluation of the factors that influence patriotism and the ways in which ROTU programs may effectively promote a sense of national pride and unity among the youth.

By exploring the instruments that align with the concept of patriotism, the study can offer valuable insights into the specific elements that resonate with ROTU cadets and contribute to their perception of patriotism. This analysis will enable a deeper understanding of the factors that shape the participants' sense of loyalty and dedication to the nation, shedding light on their perspectives and experiences.

Research Methods

Before commencing the report writing process, the collected research data from the Google Forms link and the relevant literature review underwent a rigorous and thorough analysis to effectively address the research question and achieve the specified objectives. The survey method was employed as the research methodology for this study. A Google Form link questionnaire, consisting of 22 queries, was utilized, and it was distributed to the entire population of ROTU cadets, totalling 2261 respondents, from 20 public universities in Malaysia. The successful response rate was achieved when all 2261 respondents completed the questionnaire. The 22 queries were thoughtfully organized into three main sections. The first section focused on gathering relevant personal data from the respondents. The second section was centred around exploring the ROTU students' interests and motivations for joining the ROTU program. Lastly, the third section comprised carefully crafted questions designed to elicit the ROTU cadets' perspectives on patriotism and the instruments that they associated with the concept of patriotism. This segmentation of the questionnaire aimed to ensure alignment with the research objectives and facilitate a comprehensive analysis of the respondents' views. To enhance clarity and comprehensibility, the questionnaire questions were carefully formulated to be easily understandable and unambiguous for the respondents. This approach sought to mitigate potential confusion and ensure accurate responses from the participants.

The research utilized a two-way scale to elicit responses from the respondents. The first scale involved choices between "strongly agree", "agree", "unsure", "disagree" or "strongly disagree". Finally, the second scale permitted respondents to tick multiple instruments that they perceived as related to the concept of patriotism. This multi-faceted scale allowed for a nuanced understanding of the respondents' perspectives and preferences concerning patriotism and its associated instruments.

The dissemination of the Google Form link to the ROTU cadets was executed by their respective ROTU cadet officers, using a provided list of names. This method ensured efficient and targeted distribution to the intended participants, facilitating a substantial response rate. The comprehensive research design, careful construction of the questionnaire, and thoughtful use of scales aimed to produce reliable and meaningful findings concerning ROTU cadets' attitudes towards patriotism and the instruments associated with this vital national value. By analysing the data collected through this process, the study aspired to contribute valuable insights to the understanding of patriotism promotion within the context of ROTU programs and the broader Malaysian youth population.

In the initial phase of this study, a pilot test was conducted to validate the questionnaire's reliability and effectiveness. Thirty ROTU cadets were randomly selected to participate in the pilot test. The primary objective of this test was to evaluate each item in the questionnaire and determine its suitability for inclusion in the final study. After careful analysis of the pilot test results, it was evident that each item in the questionnaire performed satisfactorily. This positive outcome provided confidence in the questionnaire's ability to accurately measure the intended constructs related to patriotism awareness and knowledge among ROTU cadets. The satisfactory performance of the questionnaire items demonstrated their capacity to effectively capture the targeted information and shed light on the respondents' perspectives regarding patriotism. With the questionnaire's validity confirmed, the validated version was integrated into a user-friendly Google Form link. This digital format allowed for easy distribution to a broader population of ROTU cadets, encompassing a total of 2261 respondents from 20 public universities in Malaysia.

For this research, a quantitative approach was chosen, enabling the collection of numerical data and facilitating statistical analysis. By adopting this method, the researchers could obtain a comprehensive understanding of the respondents' awareness and knowledge levels in the practice domain of patriotism. To efficiently gather data from a diverse population of ROTU cadets across various public universities, the researchers employed the Google Form Link as their data collection tool. By combining the quantitative approach with the use of Google Form Link, the research aimed to generate reliable and meaningful data that would facilitate a comprehensive analysis of patriotism perceptions and understanding among ROTU cadets. This data-driven approach allowed the researchers to draw statistically sound conclusions and make well-informed interpretations based on the responses received.

Figure 1 presents the distribution of survey respondents among the 20 public universities that offer the ROTU program. The sample size is noteworthy as it encompasses the entire population of ROTU cadets in public universities, rendering it highly representative for the study. The information displayed in the table further highlights the number of respondents from each university, offering valuable insights into the distribution of participants across these institutions. This data plays a crucial role in ensuring the external validity of the study, as it enables the generalization of findings to the broader population of ROTU cadets in public universities. Thus, the information presented in Figure 1 is a fundamental aspect of the study's methodology, bolstering the reliability and validity of the research findings.

Figure 1: The Number of ROTU Respondents in Every Public University
The Number of ROTU Respondents in Every Public University
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This study has chosen to explore the gender differences between male and female ROTU cadets. Figure 2 displays the distribution of respondents between the two gender groups, which is relatively even. Specifically, 1151 respondents (50.9%) were female ROTU cadets, while 1110 respondents (49.1%) were male ROTU cadets. This balance of respondents from both genders is noteworthy and contributes to the study's validity and reliability as it allows for a comparison of the perspectives and experiences of both male and female ROTU cadets.

Figure 2: The Percentage of ROTU Respondents Based on Gender
The Percentage of ROTU Respondents Based on Gender
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To complement the primary data, secondary data from various sources were also incorporated. These sources included books, journals, theses, online materials, magazines, and newspapers. By incorporating multiple data sources, the study aimed to gain a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the research topic. Primary data provided direct insights from the ROTU cadets, offering real-time perspectives on patriotism awareness and knowledge levels. On the other hand, secondary data from diverse academic and reputable sources enriched the study with existing knowledge, context, and theoretical foundations related to patriotism and its instruments. In addition, by drawing from various scholarly works and credible publications, the research aimed to provide a more robust basis for its conclusions and enrich the overall quality of the study.

In this research, descriptive analysis techniques, specifically frequency analysis, were employed. This statistical method, facilitated using Excel, involves summarizing data by calculating the frequency or occurrence of values or categories within the dataset. By utilizing frequency analysis, the researcher can generate a frequency table or graph, offering a visual representation of the data's distribution. Frequency analysis serves as a valuable tool to gain insights into the characteristics of the dataset. It allows for the identification of patterns, trends, and outliers within the data, facilitating a better understanding of the research subject. This technique aids in exploring the prevalence and distribution of various responses and perceptions related to patriotism awareness and knowledge among ROTU cadets.

Following data collection, the gathered data underwent thorough statistical analysis to identify potential patterns or relationships. These analytical findings were subsequently utilized to draw well-founded conclusions and generate informed recommendations aligned with the research question and objectives. The survey method was considered a suitable approach for this study, as it enabled the collection of a substantial volume of data from a diverse and representative pool of participants. This methodological choice ensured a comprehensive and comprehensive understanding of the perspectives and attitudes of ROTU cadets regarding patriotism and its related instruments. Moreover, by employing various statistical techniques to analyse the quantitative data, the research could derive objective and impartial insights into the research question. These statistical analyses allowed for the extraction of meaningful patterns and associations within the data, enhancing the validity and reliability of the study's findings.

Finding: The Patriotism and ROTU Respondents

The study's results suggest that there is a positive association between ROTU cadets and patriotism based on the practice action, syllabus and training method (Panduan Askar Wataniah, 2006). The research investigated the link between patriotism and ROTU respondents, and discovered a correlation between the two factors, which has important implications. The questionnaire responses revealed that most participants expressed a strong level of patriotism, demonstrated by their agreement with statements like "I am proud to be Malaysian" and "I am eager to serve my country."

According to the research findings, there is a positive association between ROTU cadets and patriotism, indicating that those who have undergone ROTU training are more likely to display patriotism compared to those who have not. This relationship can be attributed to the values instilled by ROTU training, such as a sense of duty and loyalty towards their nation. The study also found that ROTU cadets expressed a stronger sense of national pride and a willingness to defend their country when needed (Yusof et al., 2017).

The results of this study have significant implications for policymakers and military leaders in promoting patriotism and national identity among citizens, especially young adults. The findings suggest that ROTU training can be an effective means of fostering patriotism and national pride. These results could inform policymakers' decisions and help them understand the factors that contribute to patriotism, which can guide the development of policies and programs aimed at promoting a stronger sense of national identity.

ROTU and patriotism from difference gender ROTU perspective

To gauge the perception of ROTU and patriotism, the study utilized a five-category scale comprising the following response options: "strongly agree", "agree", "unsure", "disagree" and "strongly disagree". This deliberate categorization aimed to comprehensively assess the respondents' awareness and views regarding the novelty of ROTU and patriotism to the country. The researchers opted for this scale to obtain nuanced and differentiated responses from the respondents. By offering a range of response options, the scale allowed the participants to express their opinions in a more nuanced manner, thereby facilitating a thorough understanding of their perspectives on the subject matter.

Using this five-category scale, the research sought to explore the various levels of agreement or disagreement among the ROTU respondents, thereby shedding light on the intricacies of their attitudes towards ROTU and patriotism. This approach enabled the researchers to gain valuable insights into the diverse viewpoints within the ROTU cadet population and contributed to a more comprehensive analysis of the research question. Figure 3 illustrates that the majority of male and female ROTU cadet respondents strongly agree that ROTU is related to patriotism. Specifically, 747 male ROTU cadet respondents (67.3%) and 647 female ROTU cadet respondents (56.2%) strongly agree that ROTU is related to patriotism. Moreover, 319 male ROTU cadet respondents (28.7%) and 454 female ROTU cadet respondents (39.4%) agree that ROTU is related to patriotism. Conversely, only a small number of ROTU cadet respondents disagree with this notion, with only 2 male ROTU cadet respondents (0.2%) and 3 female ROTU cadet respondents (0.3%) expressing disagreement. Additionally, 15 male ROTU cadet respondents (1.4%) and 1 female ROTU cadet respondent (0.1%) strongly disagree that ROTU is related to patriotism. A small percentage of ROTU cadet respondents remain unsure about the relationship between ROTU and patriotism, with 27 male ROTU cadet respondents (2.4%) and 46 female ROTU cadet respondents (4.0%) expressing uncertainty.

Figure 3: ROTU Relate with Patriotism from Difference Gender ROTU Perspective
ROTU Relate with Patriotism from Difference Gender ROTU Perspective
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Implication on patriotism level by joining ROTU from ROTU difference gender perspective

To assess the perception of whether joining ROTU can foster a sense of patriotism, the study employed a five-category scale with the following response options: "strongly agree", "agree", "unsure", "disagree" and "strongly disagree". This deliberate categorization aimed to thoroughly evaluate the respondents' awareness and views regarding the potential impact of ROTU in nurturing patriotism towards the country. By employing this scale, the researchers sought to elicit nuanced and differentiated responses from the ROTU cadet participants. The range of response options allowed the respondents to express their opinions in a more detailed manner, facilitating a deeper understanding of their perspectives on the matter. Through the implementation of this five-category scale, the research aimed to explore the varying levels of agreement or disagreement among the ROTU respondents, thereby shedding light on the complexities of their attitudes towards the potential relationship between joining ROTU and the development of individual patriotism. This approach enabled the researchers to obtain valuable insights into the diverse viewpoints within the ROTU cadet population, contributing to a comprehensive analysis of the research question. Overall, the utilization of this scale played a crucial role in examining the ROTU respondents' perceptions regarding the correlation between ROTU participation and the cultivation of patriotism. The gathered data from this approach enriched the study's findings, providing valuable insights into the dynamics of patriotism promotion within the ROTU context.

Figure 4 presents the findings on whether the ROTU program can build up people's patriotism after joining it, as perceived by both male and female ROTU cadet respondents. The majority of the respondents agreed or strongly agreed that ROTU is related to patriotism. Specifically, 691 male ROTU cadet respondents (62.3%) and 576 female ROTU cadet respondents (50.0%) strongly agreed that patriotism can be built up by joining ROTU. Moreover, 253 male ROTU cadet respondents (31.8%) and 493 female ROTU cadet respondents agreed that ROTU can foster patriotism. However, 39 male ROTU cadet respondents (3.5%) and 63 female ROTU cadet respondents were unsure whether the ROTU program can build up people's patriotism or not. Additionally, 22 male ROTU cadet respondents (2.0%) and 17 female ROTU cadet respondents (1.5%) disagreed that the ROTU program can foster patriotism. Only a small proportion of respondents, 5 male ROTU cadet respondents (0.5%) and 2 female ROTU cadet respondents (0.2%), strongly disagreed that the ROTU program can build up people's patriotism.

Figure 4: Patriotism Build by Jointing ROTU
Patriotism Build by Jointing ROTU
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Instrument of patriotism in ROTU Program from ROTU difference gender perspective

To assess the respondents' perception of instruments related to patriotism, the study employed a five-category scale with the following response options: "willing to sacrifice for the country", "country always the main priority", "always loyal towards the country", "fostering the spirit to love the country" and "always preparing to protect the country". This deliberate categorization was carefully selected to encompass a comprehensive range of instruments and aspects associated with patriotism practices. By utilizing this five-category scale, the researchers aimed to capture a diverse set of responses, thereby enabling a thorough assessment of the ROTU cadets' awareness and understanding of various instruments related to patriotism. Importantly, the respondents were given the opportunity to choose more than one instrument they perceived as relevant to the domain of patriotism. By adopting this five-category scale and allowing for multiple selections, the study aimed to collect a rich dataset, offering valuable insights into the diverse perspectives and preferences regarding patriotism instruments among the ROTU respondents.

This approach facilitated a comprehensive analysis of the factors that ROTU cadets associated with patriotism, providing a deeper understanding of the varied elements contributing to their sense of national pride and loyalty. By acknowledging the multifaceted nature of patriotism instruments and allowing for multiple responses, the study sought to enrich the research findings and contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of patriotism promotion within the ROTU context. Figure 5 indicates that the majority of male and female ROTU cadet respondents have associated ROTU and patriotism with various instruments. The highest number of respondents believe that ROTU and patriotism can be related to the instrument of always preparing to protect the country, with 940 male ROTU cadet respondents (84.6%) and 961 female ROTU cadet respondents (83.3%). Similarly, 893 male ROTU cadet respondents (80.3%) and 916 female ROTU cadet respondents (79.5%) believe that ROTU and patriotism are related to the instrument of fostering the spirit to love the country. In addition, 855 male ROTU cadet respondents (77.0%) and 849 female ROTU cadet respondents (73.8%) associate ROTU and patriotism with the instrument of always being loyal to the country. Furthermore, 814 male ROTU cadet respondents (73.3%) and 849 female ROTU cadet respondents (73.8%) believe that ROTU and patriotism are related to the instrument of being willing to sacrifice for the country. Lastly, the instrument of always prioritizing the country has been noted by 704 male ROTU cadet respondents (63.4%) and 654 female ROTU cadet respondents (56.8%).

Figure 5: Instrument that Relate between ROTU and Patriotism
Instrument that Relate between ROTU and Patriotism
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In conclusion, patriotism is a multifaceted concept that encompasses love, loyalty, and devotion to one's country. The study findings suggest that patriotism plays a crucial role in fostering national identity, promoting unity, and strengthening societal cohesion. which can result in intolerance, bias, and bigotry towards individuals who do not share the same national identity or values. Therefore, it is crucial for policymakers and military leaders to invest in initiatives that promote patriotism and national pride among citizens. Such initiatives could include programs like ROTU training, national events, and the use of national symbols and traditions. By fostering a stronger sense of patriotism, societies can work towards a more cohesive, united, and prosperous future.

The results of the study indicate that the ROTU program has been successful in instilling a strong sense of patriotism among its cadets, possibly due to the training and education provided. The majority of both male and female ROTU cadet respondents do not see ROTU as distinct from other uniformed organizations, but a comparable percentage of both genders agree that ROTU is similar to other uniformed bodies.

Furthermore, the study found that although a significant proportion of both male and female ROTU cadet respondents believe that ROTU is similar to other uniform bodies, more than 90% of both genders strongly agree and agree that ROTU programs are related to patriotism. This suggests that ROTU programs are successful in instilling a sense of patriotism in their cadets. Additionally, the majority of respondents from both genders strongly agree and agree that joining ROTU can help build patriotism.

Furthermore, the study indicates that the majority of male and female ROTU cadets have a strong awareness and belief in patriotism, which can be attributed to their training and education in the ROTU program. While both genders do not view ROTU as different from other uniform bodies, they strongly believe that the ROTU program is related to patriotism and that joining ROTU can build patriotism. Furthermore, the majority of male and female ROTU cadets agree that patriotism can be linked to several instruments, including always preparing to protect the country, fostering the spirit to love the country, being loyal to the country, willing to sacrifice for the country, and prioritizing the country.

Additional investigation is necessary to explore the precise impact of ROTU training on patriotism and national pride. Nevertheless, the outcomes of this study offer significant perspectives into the connection between ROTU training and patriotism, which can be explored further in future studies. Additionally, these findings have critical implications for enhancing and advancing ROTU programs and for policies and initiatives that aim to promote patriotism and national solidarity in Malaysia.


This research was supported by Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) of Malaysia through Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS/1/2020/SS0/UUM/02/18). We also want to thank to the Government of Malaysia which provide MyBrain15 program for sponsoring this work under the self-fund research grant and L00022 from Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI).


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29 November 2023

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Shariffuddin, M. D. K., Apandi, L. S. A., Ayub, Z. A., Wallang, M., Saad, R. A. J., Sagena, U. W., & Mat Junus, M. D. @. (2023). The Awareness of Rotu Program: Whether is it Bound on Patriotism?. In N. M. Suki, A. R. Mazlan, R. Azmi, N. A. Abdul Rahman, Z. Adnan, N. Hanafi, & R. Truell (Eds.), Strengthening Governance, Enhancing Integrity and Navigating Communication for Future Resilient Growth, vol 132. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 607-620). European Publisher.