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Eco-Shift and Islamic Teachings Towards Environmental Sustainability: The Practice of Rainwater Harvesting

Table 1: Eco-shift Step

Eco-Shift Step
Step 1 Changing the mind-set
Changing the mind-set involves three points that need to be properly understood. First, understanding the big picture that relate to our philosophy of life. Second, understanding the mission in our career paths and life and last, understanding the tangible targets that we would like to achieve within a specific period of time.
Step 2 Prioritising actions to be outcome-driven
Eco-shift is about transforming individuals and the entire community by changing their way of thinking, behaviours, habit and lifestyles. Prioritising is about knowing which action to be undertaken first in more efficient and productive manner. Outcomes in the context of Eco-shift are transformative changes in habits and culture towards achieving environmental sustainability.
Step 3 Using an appropriate methodology
In short, the methodology for environmental sustainability can be divided into two major categories, encouraging the use of green technology and enhancing the green cover. Green technology is synonymously linked with environmentally-friendly technology, eco-technology and clean technology. In general, three criteria that can be used to determine the ‘greenness’ of a technology, first, system which uses methods to produce eco-friendly products, second, system which uses renewable resources and third, system which changes the production line and waste patterns that are not harmful to the ecosystem. Green cover acts as a carbon sink involves forestation, reforestation, urban greening and other green initiatives. Its main objective is to offset the emission of greenhouse gases as a result of human activities.
Step 4 Focusing on a systemic approach
To make a transformative change on a personal, local or national level. For example on a personal level, we should start by changing our lifestyle to be more eco-friendly. On bigger scale, the eco-friendly lifestyle escalates the circular economy (CE). CE refers to a regenerative system where utilisation of resources, system inefficiency and waste generation are to be minimised. The minimisation may be achieved by having a close-looped system, employing the use of eco-design consumer products which involves processes of reclaim, reuse, recycle, up-cycle and revalue of materials and services.
Step 5 Selecting the appropriate performance indicators
We have to be clear on the performance indicators involved in order for our initiatives to be considered accordingly at local, national and global levels. There are many indicators used to measure initiatives, programmes or policies related to environmental sustainability. For example Agenda 2030 and the SDGs.
Step 6 Adjusting the three shifting levers
There are three important levers to bring about change in many fields of life. First, regulatory framework; second, strong relationship and third, public participation. Regulatory framework includes processes, approvals, enactment of laws and implementation of the approved laws. Strong leadership covers leadership at various levels. A strong leadership drives relevant issues to be discussed, to progress further with its implementation, familiarisation and cultural acceptance. Public participation is a participative political practice and sometimes used interchangeably with stakeholder management. It also provides opportunity for the public to be involved in various initiatives including the decision-making that might affect them.
Step 7 Shifting initiatives
There are three basic shifting initiative that may be used to materialise the Eco-shift;Improved outcomes. Outcomes are changes that take place as a result of a set of activities. Improved outcomes mean enhancing changes in terms of its quantity and quality;Big and bold measures. Big and bold measures focus on strategic and transformative changes that require strong political will, high commitment and various resources; and Strong leadership to blend the initiatives. Strong leadership is needed to blend the improved outcomes with bold measures through various initiatives that will always be available for leaders to choose from and highly dependable on its leadership capability to choose and to move forward with the limited resources available.
Step 8 Action Action Action
Action is to be outcome-driven in Eco-shift. The 9 Eco-shift step will be outcome-driven by enhancing its cultural components such as habits, behaviours, cultures and irreversible changes. The formula of outcome consists of three elements, plan, event and perception. Plan in the context of Eco-shift includes changing the mind-set, prioritising actions, using an appropriate methodology, focusing on a systemic approach, selecting appropriate performance indicators, adjusting shifting levers and the shifting initiatives. Event is actions that need to be taken correctly and need continuous improvement. While, perceptions is the ability to observe or become aware of something and the way in which something is regarded, understood or interpreted.
Step 9 Reviewing for continuous improvement
Continuous improvements is important in moving forward in order to increase productivity, reduce inefficiency and achieve better outputs and enhanced outcomes. There are many tools for continuous improvement. Among the commonly used is a four-step quality model: plan-do-check-act (PDCA) or Deming Cycle. All this methods focusing on the culture of change, being objective-driven, involvement by all employees through teamwork, benchmarking and waste minimisation and time management.
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