A Dyadic Study: Managing Work-Life Balance, Problematic Internet Use and Procrastination


This study seeks to address lingering questions regarding parent-child relationships. It employs a dyadic approach, encompassing the examination of both external and internal factors including parental approaches and the attachment bonds formed between parents and the children. The study initially employed attachment theory and ecological theory to anticipate and understand how these factors interact with individuals' beliefs regarding the parent-child relationship. Additionally, drawing upon research on the interaction between work and family life, the study expected to uncover a connection between parents and children's problematic internet use (PIU) and procrastination. Thus, a questionnaire survey was used to collect data as part of a quantitative research design in this study. One hundred fifteen parent–child pairs responded to an online survey that yielded quantitative data. According to the current study’s findings, parental procrastination has a significant impact on a child’s procrastination. This study has highlighted the necessity of creating and putting into action strategies for preventing Problematic Internet Use (PIU) among students. The findings from this research will be valuable for educators, psychologists, parents, social workers, and researchers who are focused on preventing addiction among both adults and children.

Keywords: Academic Procrastination, Active Procrastination, Problematic İnternet Use, Parent-Child, Parent-Child Dyads, Work-Life Balance


The Internet is a global network that facilitates the exchange of information and communication. Constant technological advancement has made the Internet unprecedentedly accessible to the public (Yudes-Gómez et al., 2018). The ubiquity of low-cost, user-friendly computer hardware and applications (apps), such as portable computers, smartphones, games and many others, has led to an increase in internet usage throughout the world, which has already increased dramatically in recent years. According to the latest analysis by ‘Internet World Stats’, Internet usage has increased by 444.8 percent between 2010 and 2020. Due to the pandemic crisis, an unprecedented number of virtual ‘audiences’ began to emerge on numerous online networks. In addition, there are numerous advantages to using the Internet including quick access to information, global news, and personal email communication. Despite the benefits of the internet, its widespread use has led to an increase in the prevalence of Problematic Internet Use (PIU) (Waworuntu et al., 2022).

Concerns regarding Internet overuse have grown globally as the Internet’s use and popularity have grown exponentially (Sela et al., 2020). PIUs were found in high numbers in Southeast Asian countries (Lam, 2020). The advent of smartphones and tablets has compounded the situation, which has attracted both researchers and practitioners in recent years (Truzoli et al., 2020). This issue is similar to drug and alcohol addiction (Balhara et al., 2018; Chamberlain et al., 2018). Researchers have slowly started to pay attention to this issue as data on internet traffic, especially in the United States, has shown a shocking rise (Marquez, 2019). Meanwhile in Malaysia, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) reported in 2021 that this problem has spread to both rural and urban areas as a result of the expansion of internet access communities and public internet facilities throughout the country.

This means that over a quarter of Malaysians are internet-dependent. Adults who are employed use the Internet extensively. In depth, problematic internet use can be seen as an extension of the work-life balance of a parent (WLB). When many people struggle to manage their WLB in the present day, it is evident that these concepts are related. Failure to control WLB has caused individuals to spend more time in the virtual world despite the fact that this is the quickest and most convenient method. In addition, it has been discovered that the Internet can help employees balance their WLB. However, the same study also found that spending too much time on WLB may increase the severity of PIU (Baloğlu et al., 2020). Consequently, the most recent report by MCMC (2020) revealed that PIU not only affects adult users but is also becoming a serious problem among adults and children.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child defines a child as anyone younger than 18 years of age. A recent study on technological advancements revealed that digital access has a significant impact on the lives of many children. Children’s online time has surpassed TV time (Xie et al., 2019), and recent research indicates that most children prefer computers and smartphones to televisions (Kokka et al., 2021). For example, children in Malaysia prefer communicating via smartphones and laptops (Malaysia Communications & Multimedia Commission, 2020). Although there has been a rapid rise in Problematic Internet Use (PIU), it's clear that most children devote a substantial portion in daily activities to using technology (Alimoradi et al., 2019). According to prior research, there are two levels of PIU: moderate and severe (Xie et al., 2019).

Moderate PIU users spend less than two hours per day, five days per week, browsing the internet for personal use (Seki et al., 2019). PIU’s influence is currently unknown, but it will grow as Internet users spend more time online. When internet users begin to use the internet for longer than intended, negatively affecting people’s lives in various ways, the intermediate stage will become severe (Castellacci & Viñas-Bardolet, 2019). Severe Internet users spend at least two hours per day and at least twenty hours per week online (Xie et al., 2019). Furthermore, internet usage is frequently used for thirty-eight (38) hours per week, resulting in a variety of negative effects, including procrastination (Seki et al., 2019)

Procrastination, family problems, and unstable work-life balance are all possible consequences of problematic internet users (Obringer et al., 2021). The present study will focus on two (2) types of procrastination, which are procrastination in academics for children and general procrastination in parents. Scarce literature has been found relating to procrastination and PIU. In addition, it has a significant influence on the quality of life and family institutions, as well as psychological issues including loneliness and despair (Király et al., 2020). It may start showing signs of psychological dependency. People with severe PIU disregard their actual life duties, postpone daily work, damage parent-child relationships, and start avoiding everyday living activities. For example, studies in Southeast Asia believe that those with high PIU are more likely to procrastinate than those without high PIU (Truzoli et al., 2020).

In light of this, the aim of the current study is to investigate a dyadic study between parent and children in relation and bonding attachment approaches between parent and child. It will provide a solution and intervention for managing parental and children’s procrastination (Bolat et al., 2018). Aside from that, the present study will play a significant role in the evolution of internet regulation. Addressing the problem of problematic internet use among parents (adults) could have economic standpoint, as evidenced by Graafland (2018). It could lead to a decrease in work-related procrastination and an increase in employee productivity. Moreover, it can assist parents in gaining a deeper understanding of the importance of subsystem attributes within the relationship between parent and children particularly when evaluating the influence of technology on their children's lives (Baloğlu et al., 2020).

Literature Review

This research study will define the term “problematic internet use.” Then, the attachment and ecological theories of adaptation are discussed. Subsequently, the hypotheses are explained, including the underlying structure. Diagram 1 depicts the proposed model for this investigation.

Problematic internet use

Decades ago, the literature on the concept of PIU began to accumulate. The percentage of PIU growth continued to accelerate per year, with the majority of countries classifying PIU as severe (Graafland, 2018). Though many researchers have defined the issues related to internet usage as addiction, some researchers do not view the term “addiction” as an appropriate term to use because the term is actually for physiological dependency that is linked to a stimulus such as a drug. There are several terms for those who use the internet frequently including Pathological Internet Use (Mosse, 2001), Internet Dependency (Scherer, 1997), Problematic Internet Use (Caplan, 2002) and Internet Addiction (Young, 1998). Even though all terms come from the same “root,” this is still a source of disagreement among researchers, especially in the West.

In general, “problematic internet use” is defined as an uncontrollable emotional, physiological, and psychological response that leads to an addiction, substance abuse, or procrastination. Beard and Wolf (2001) proposed the words, which demonstrated that “problematic” is the most appropriate term with the fewest theoretical variations compared to other terms. To put it differently, Problematic Internet Use (PIU) is a complex condition characterized by cognitive and behavioural symptoms that lead to challenges in academic, social or occupational aspects of life.

As a result, PIU is the most suitable to be used in the present study due to its capacity to construct and relate to particular internet use problems. Furthermore, this phrase may be used to characterise behaviour in a broader sense, including the entire spectrum of undesirable behaviour. In addition, it may describe and characterise the real phenomena during data analysis (Restrepo et al., 2020). Despite the fact that the term “continuous” has been a point of contention among researchers, the goal of this study is to simply investigate if internet reliance on certain behaviours may exist.

The existing literature underscores the complex nature of problematic internet use (PIU). Different studies report varying prevalence rates, with specific populations like adolescents and young adults being more susceptible to PIU. Risk factors for PIU encompass individual factors (example: psychological traits, coping mechanisms), environmental factors (example: accessibility and social influence) and technological factors (example: specific online activities and platform features). PIU can have diverse consequences, negatively impacting mental health, academic or occupational performance and interpersonal relationships. Assessment tools and diagnostic criteria have been developed to measure PIU but establishing a universally accepted standard remains challenging (Seki et al., 2019).

Theory of attachment

The attachment theory has evolved a model that places greater emphasis on parent-child relationships (Ainsworth, 1978; Bowlby, 2005). This model is founded on a vast body of theoretical knowledge spanning ethology, psychology and control systems. John Bowlby (2005) aimed to investigate the nature, scope, and purpose of a child's attachment to a parent. When exploring the connection between theory of attachment and children who experience PIU, there are several possible associations and consequences to consider (Fonagy, 2018).

First of all, children who have established a secure attachment style may exhibit enhanced resilience and coping abilities, which may serve as a protective factor against excessive internet usage or PIU. Children with secure attachments often benefit from a stable support system provided by their caregivers (Parents) and are more inclined to seek solace and connection through offline relationships, rather than relying excessively on online interactions (Daoud et al., 2021). To date, in the context of insecure attachment specifically anxious or avoidant attachment styles, children may demonstrate an increased tendency to seek emotional fulfilment or validation through online activities. The internet can function as a compensatory mechanism, fulfilling unmet emotional needs and providing a sense of control and belonging that may be lacking in their offline relationships (Restrepo et al., 2020).

Besides that, under this theory also mentioned about children with insecure attachment experiences such as those characterized by anxious or avoidant attachment styles, may exhibit an increased tendency to engage in excessive internet use as a means of escape or avoidance from real-life challenges, conflicts, or negative emotions. The internet can provide a temporary diversion or create an alternative virtual reality where they perceive a greater sense of control and find momentary relief from emotional distress. In addition, children with high level of PIU may face difficulties in developing and maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships (Johnson, 2019). However, it is important to recognize that attachment theory can provides a theoretical framework and helps to understand the association between attachment patterns. It is crucial to acknowledge that PIU is influenced by multiple factors and attachment is just one aspect to consider when comprehensively examining this intricate issue.

Theory of ecology

The ecological theory has been frequently discussed in various aspects of work-family studies. The conceptual framework for this study is based on Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) ecological systems theory and a part of Voydanoff’s (2001) application of the principles to work, family and community studies. Besides that, when examining PIU from an ecological theory perspective, several key aspects are relevant.

Firstly, the first level in ecological system is micro-system. The micro-system encompasses the immediate environments in which individuals regularly interact, such as with family, peers or in school. In the context of PIU, factors within the micro-system such as family dynamics, parenting styles, and peer influences has played a significant role. For instance, inadequate parental monitoring or a peer group that encourages excessive internet use can contribute to the development of addictive behaviours in children. Second is Meso-system. This level refers to the connections and interactions between different micro-systems. In relation to PIU, it is involving the interplay between various contexts such as the influence of family dynamics on school experiences or the impact of peer relationships on internet use. For example, any conflicts between parents and teachers regarding internet rules or peer pressure to engage in online activities can contribute to the development of addictive behaviours as well (Sela et al., 2020).

Thirdly is Macro-system. This system is pertaining to the wider cultural and societal influences that impact can an individuals' lives. This encompasses factors including cultural values, social norms and policies. When considering PIU, the macro-system plays a role in shaping the prevalence and expression of addictive behaviours. This also includes cultural attitudes towards technology, societal norms regarding online behaviour and regulations surrounding internet access. These elements collectively contribute to the influence of the macro-system on the development and manifestation of PIU. Lastly, Chrono-system. In this system it is acknowledges that individuals' environments are constantly evolving, with changes occurring over time. Furthermore, PIU can be influenced by factors such as advancements in technology, shifts in social norms and personal life changes. For instance, the widespread use of smartphones and the growing integration of technology into our daily lives have played a role in the emergence of PIU.

To date, according to the concept, macro-systems (cultural orientations) have an effect on both meso-systems and micro-systems (interactions between work, family, and community) (individual domain of work, family, and community). This study found that the needs and resources of work, family, and community directly affect the work-family interface (conflict and enrichment), while the work-family interface directly affects the results of work, family, and community (Dogruel, 2021).

Hypothesis Development

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
Conceptual Framework
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The effect of work-life balance (WLB) on parental problematic internet use

In Lam and Wong (2015), the relationship between WLB and parental PIU is not made clear. Referring to the Theory of Attachment, Dahl et al. (2020) studies demonstrated that WLB is positively correlated with parental PIU. It is viewed as an extension of the work-life balance of a parent (WLB). Many individuals are presently battling to maintain a WLB and concurrently, must deal with a multitude of issues resulting from the poor quality of their WLB. Failure to manage the issues has caused people to develop health behaviour syndrome and spend more time in virtual worlds to relieve stress, especially when this is the quickest and most convenient method (Waworuntu et al., 2022). In addition, it has been discovered that the Internet helps employees balance their WLB (Brough et al., 2020). However, the same study revealed that excessive WLB spending can also lead to the severity of PIU. Aside from that, WLB is associated with employee performance and productivity within an organisation. The quality of WLB depends on how well employees handle and balance their work and personal lives (Kelliher et al., 2019).

Present study investigates the correlation between Work-Life Balance and Parental Problematic Internet Use. Although WLB is one of the most important issues in research, there are few studies in the PIU area. This investigation will focus on the following:

H1: Work-Life Balance has a positive effect on Parental Problematic Internet Use

The effect of parental problematic internet use and children’s problematic internet use

Based on prior research conducted by Lam and Wong in 2015, it was found that parents exhibiting moderate to severe Problematic Internet Use (PIU) tend to have a favourable association with their children's PIU. It becomes apparent that these parents develop a strong attraction to the Internet even before their children start showing similar patterns of excessive Internet use. According to present study’s findings, only one study focuses on dyadic research between PIU parents and PIU children, whereas the vast majority of existing research focuses solely on individual PIU and mostly using quantitative method. Furthermore, it was found that parents’ internet usage played a significant role in moulding their children’s attitudes toward PIU. In the same study, it was noted that familial relationship issues can contribute to high rates of children’s PIU (Lam & Wong, 2015; Rouchun et al., 2021). Children with a high level of PIU are profoundly influenced by their parents’ behaviour (Sebre et al., 2020). Children are still under parents’ guidance and care. Hence, it's unsurprising that children become more immersed in the online world when parents fail to provide close supervision and monitoring. There has been little discussion about integrating this relationship to date.

This study examines the effects of problematic Internet use on the parent-child relationship. Despite the fact that parent-child relationships are positively correlated, there is still a paucity of research, and further investigation is required to confirm the significance of the present study’s hypotheses. This investigation will focus on the following:

H2: Parental Problematic Internet Use has a positive effect on children’s Problematic Internet Use

The effect of parental PIU and children’s PIU on procrastination

For many years, procrastination has been a growing concern and a major issue. From the perspective of children, procrastination has significant disadvantages, as it primarily results in poor academic performance. This was primarily caused by excessive Internet usage (Kandemir, 2014). Several studies have reported that procrastination is associated with an increase in annual growth rates (Glencross et al., 2021; Lam, 2020). Consistently, research has demonstrated that adult procrastination results in stress and adverse effects on family institutions and work performance (Fonagy, 2018). Moreover, a previous research conducted by scholars in Southeast Asia revealed that individuals exhibiting high levels of Problematic Internet Use (PIU) were more prone to procrastination when compared to those who were not in this category (Rozgonjuk, 2019). Due to insufficient research, little is understood about procrastination in PIU. Nonetheless, prior research has demonstrated a significant link between PIU (in general) and procrastination. Several studies have also reported that procrastination is associated with an increase in annual growth. Research has consistently shown that adult procrastination causes stress, which in turn hurts family relationships and work performance (Lam, 2020).

The second research question discusses the impact of PIU on parent–child procrastination. Several studies have produced estimates of how procrastination is linked to PIU, but there is still insufficient data and research needs to be conducted using various methods (Malouff & Schutte, 2019; Xie et al., 2019). The present study will address the following:

H3: Children’s Problematic Internet Use has a positive effect on Academic Procrastination

H4: Parental Problematic Internet Use has a positive effect on Active Procrastination


Quantitative data were gathered from both parties to confirm the validity of the study's model. Furthermore, additional data from parents were collected to double-check the results and acquire additional insights into potential associations. We conducted an online survey involving parent-child dyads in Malaysia to obtain this data. To ensure the reliability and validity of the results, all measurement instruments were adapted from established literature, as detailed in Table 1.

Table 1 - Adapted Instruments
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Due to the inclusion of minors in this study, parental consent was obtained prior to interviewing their children. A matched-pair survey was developed for this purpose. When the parent visited the survey website, he or she would be prompted to give permission for their child to complete the survey. If a parent granted permission by clicking a button, they were directed to complete the parent's survey. Upon finishing the parent's survey, parents were instructed to give the email address of their children. This quantitative survey specifically targeted respondents (child) aged between 13 to 17 who resided with their parents. Subsequently, once the parent finished their survey, the child had the opportunity to respond on the same page. Both sides were assured that all responses would be treated with confidentiality. To correlate the responses for each parent-child pair, specific identifying information, including the parent's name, telephone number/email, and place of residence, as well as the child's name and age, were collected. Following the alignment of the responses, any personally identifiable data was eliminated from the records. We implemented necessary precautions to protect the privacy of the respondents. Initially, there were 120 responses from parents and children paired together. After removing responses with missing or incomplete data, the final sample comprised of 115 valid matched pairs suitable to analysis.


Profile of respondents

The respondents' profile encompassed a total of nine (9) items, which were divided into two sections: the first section gathered information about the parents, while the second section collected information about the children. In the first section, respondents provided background information related to their marital status, age, gender, region, work sector including the number of children in secondary school. The sample for this study consisted of 115 pairs of respondents, primarily with mothers providing responses in the first section. Participants' ages spanned from 29 to 58 years, with an average age of 44.67 years (standard deviation = 7.05). Regarding their place of origin, most respondents originated from the Central region, encompassing areas like Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, and Putrajaya. For more comprehensive profiles of the respondents, can refer to Tables 2 and 3.

Table 2 - Profile of Respondents (Parents)
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The second section is organized based on the children's gender, age and the location of the children’ school. Concerning the number of respondents (Children) enrolled in secondary school, the majority of parents had between 1 to 3 children in this group, and these children typically fell within the age range of 13 - 14 years old.

Table 3 - Profile of Respondents (Children)
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Assessment of measurement model

Discriminant validity

In the present study, we evaluated the discriminant validity of measurements using the HTMT ratio (Heterotrait-Monotrait) focuses on correlations technique, as suggested by Henseler et al. (2015). This technique is preferred due to its lower sensitivity in detecting discriminant validity issues. To establish discriminant validity, the value of HTMT ideally should not exceed the threshold of 0.85 (as suggested by Clark et al., 1995; Kline, 2011) or 0.90 (as indicated by Gold et al., 2001; Teo et al., 2008). Table 4 shows the discriminant validity of constructs. These results confirm that discriminant validity exists in this study.

Table 4 - Discriminant Validity
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Composite reliability

We employed Cronbach's alpha to gauge the degree of consistency. Ideally, a Cronbach's alpha value should exceed 0.7 for reliable consistency. However, given that present study focuses on evaluating problematic internet use, a Cronbach's alpha coefficient exceeding 0.6 is generally considered acceptable, as suggested by Nunnally (1975). It's worth noting that all the items have demonstrated consistency and reliability as indicated in Table 5, where all constructs or variables exhibit values greater than 0.6. Hence, the current study can confidently conclude that all these measurements are reliable and consistent. The summary of the reliability result is presented as below.

Table 5 - Summary of the Cronbach’s Alpha of Each Constructs
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A composite reliability value of 0.60 or higher is generally considered acceptable as indicated by several researchers including Fornell and Larcker (1981), Hulland (1999), Hair et al. (2010), Nunnally (1975). In this study, we conducted a Smart-PLS analysis to assess the measurement model and evaluate its reliability. The findings indicated that all values fell within the range of 0.758 to 0.939. According to the criteria set forth by Nunnally (1975); Fornell and Larcker (1981) these values are deemed acceptable. Consequently, we can affirm that all the constructs examined in our study exhibit reliability.

Assessment of structural model

Path coefficient

The significance of the path coefficients will be determined by calculating t-statistics on the path loadings between constructs. To date, we adopted a bootstrap resampling technique to calculate t-statistics.

Table 6 - Table of constructs (path coefficient)
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A non-parametric method (also known as bootstrapping technique) used to evaluate the accuracy of PLS-SEM (Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling), which helps ensure the stability of these estimates. In this analysis, we employed 5000 bootstrapped samples with an equal number of cases for all datasets. Table 6 illustrates the positive paths of all constructs in alignment with the hypotheses of the current study.

The lower work-life balance (WLB) in parents was found to be associated with higher parental problematic internet use (PPIU). The present study’s findings are consistent with Kokka et al. (2021), who found that PPIU is related to WLB. It also supports the results of previous internet addiction-based studies (Andangsari et al., 2018; Baloğlu et al., 2020). Hence, findings from this study indicate a positive relationship between WLB and PPIU (t = 10.38; p = 0.00).

Regarding PPIU and CPIU, the results demonstrated that PPIU has a direct effect on CPIU. This clearly demonstrates that parents are more attracted to the Internet than children are (t = 136.55; p = 0.00). The results of this study directly support the hypothesis. Despite the fact that the present study demonstrates a positive correlation between the two variables, there is still a paucity of research pertaining to them, as the majority of previous findings were limited to children with PIU. Positive correlations were found between PPIU and active procrastination (t = 24.34; p = 0.00) and CPIU and academic procrastination (t = 12.52; p = 0.00). Therefore, children and adults with a high level of PIU are more likely to engage in procrastination. This finding supports the findings of previous research (Balhara et al., 2018; Sirois et al., 2019).


Present study investigated the association between work-life balance (WLB), parent problematic internet use, children problematic internet use and procrastination. The first variable discovered; work-life balance has been identified as a significant contributor to the PIU elements. The disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have led to changes in work and family routines, resulting in the establishment of new daily work patterns. Majority of adult respondents indicated that working from home continues to be restrictive. This can lead to increased Internet usage, including accessing all necessary documents and conducting online meetings. Even though it allows them to work from home, the majority of respondents reported that nothing changes and that it becomes more stressful to manage, which has a significant impact on PIU.

The study's findings imply that Problematic Internet Use (PIU) isn't limited to affecting either adults or children in isolation but rather is an issue that impacts the whole family unit. The research uncovered that children's PIU has both direct and indirectly effects on their parents' PIU, suggesting that the level of PIU in children can be influenced by the level of problematic internet use in their parents. These study results hold significance as they represent the first investigation into the association between a dyadic group (parent-child) and procrastination. According to this perspective, procrastination appears to proceed PIU in a guided sequence of events.

This study demonstrated that procrastination is positively and significantly associated with parental and children’s PIU, providing some empirical support for this relationship. This discovery will provide researchers with a deeper comprehension of the interplay between parental and personal factors influencing children with Problematic Internet Use (PIU). The study's methodology has generated valuable evidence that can be utilized to refine and enhance the interpretation of the findings at this juncture. To achieve the objective of the study, it is important to take preventative steps such as informing and teaching parents how their own behaviour affects their children’s manner of using the Internet.


The findings of this study revealed some empirical evidence of an association between parental and children’s PIU and procrastination. This discovery provides researchers with an enhanced understanding of the dynamics involving parental and individual factors affecting on children's Problematic Internet Use (PIU). To date based on the study’s methodology; there is evidence that can support a directed interpretation of the findings. The results of this study indicate that PIU is not an individual matter of adults or children, but a familial problem. The first hypothesis was partly confirmed. The level of work-life balance in parents is a crucial contributing factor to the PIU issue. The second hypothesis was also confirmed. Children's Problematic Internet Use (PIU) exerts both direct and indirect effects on parental PIU, which means parents can affect the level of the children’s PIU as well.

The third and fourth hypotheses have uncovered a statistically significant relationship between parental and children's Problematic Internet Use (PIU) including procrastination. This marks the first instance where the connection between a dyadic group (parent-child) and procrastination has been explored, and the findings have the potential to be ground breaking. From this perspective, procrastination appears to proceed PIU in a directed pathway. It is imperative to implement preventive measures such as educating and informing parents about how their own behaviour can influence their children's Internet usage habits. Our quantitative investigation has provided fresh insights into the proposed relationships. Additionally, this study delved into the factors leading up to and the consequences of problematic internet use from the unique perspective of the parent-child dynamic. This relatively novel phenomenon has not received extensive scrutiny from traditional internet researchers.

The current study had several limitations. Firstly, data regarding exposure and outcomes were gathered through self-reported questionnaires, potentially introducing bias in the reporting of these variables. Nonetheless, it's crucial to emphasize that this bias is probably no differential. Secondly, the study employed a cross-sectional design which means that the evidence provided can only offer suggestive associations and is insufficient to establish causal relationships as outlined by Greenland and Rothman (1998).


The researchers would like to extend their gratitude to all the reviewers for their valuable suggestions, which have contributed to the enhancement of this paper. Furthermore, the writers would like to express appreciation to University Malaysia Pahang (UMP) for providing funding support for this research. (Grant Number: RDU200315).


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29 November 2023

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Awi, A. A., Tamyez, P. F. M., Zainudin, N. M., & Panatik, S. A. (2023). A Dyadic Study: Managing Work-Life Balance, Problematic Internet Use and Procrastination. In N. M. Suki, A. R. Mazlan, R. Azmi, N. A. Abdul Rahman, Z. Adnan, N. Hanafi, & R. Truell (Eds.), Strengthening Governance, Enhancing Integrity and Navigating Communication for Future Resilient Growth, vol 132. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 123-138). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2023.11.02.10