Performance indicators |
Factor indicators |
Russia |
Chechen Republic |
Income fromproperty |
Dividend Income |
-0.29 |
Reverse weak |
-0.14 |
Reverse weak |
Interest accrued on bank deposits |
0.82 |
pronounced |
-0.25 |
Reverse weak |
Interest income on state. and other debt bond |
0.69 |
conspicuous |
0.58 |
conspicuous |
Dividendincome |
Assets on IIAs in sharesNumber of IIAs: (Chechen Republic) |
0.94 |
stronglypronounced |
-0.50 |
reverseconspicuous |
Interest accruedon bank deposits |
IIAs assets in cash and depositsNumber of IIAs: (the Chechen Republic) |
0.99 |
stronglypronounced |
0.96 |
pronounced |
Interest income on state. and other debt bond |
IIAs assets in government and municipal bondsNumber of IIAs: (the Chechen Republic) |
-0.91 |
reversestronglyexpressed, |
-0.77 |
inverse expressed |