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Features Of Legal Regulation In The Field Of Education In Russia

Table 2: Interpretation of the concept of "educational service" (Lipkina, 2006; Polovova & Batalova, 2009; Terescenko, 2005; Ziryanova, 2009)

– E.D. Lipkina: a set of knowledge, skills, abilities, and a certain amount of information that are used to meet the needs of the individual and society;– S.A. Zaichikova: a system of knowledge, skills and abilities that are used to meet the needs of the individual, society and the state;– V.N. Zotov: the amount of information and practical skills transferred to the individual in the form of general and special knowledge;– N.N. Tereshchenko: a whole range of activities to meet the needs of the individual to improve the existing and acquired skills;– V.P. Shchetinin: a system of knowledge, information, skills, and abilities that are used to meet the needs of the individual, society and the state. – R. Dzhaparova: transfer of systemic knowledge and inculcation of practical skills tested by experience for a certain type of occupation;– A.O. Chentsov: formed in the scientific and pedagogical work, which is a kind of scientific work;– A.M. Strizhov: purposeful activity characterized by the interaction of participants in the educational process and aimed at meeting the educational needs of the individual;– I.B. Romanova: labor activity of an economic unit to meet the needs of a certain subject in education;– T.A. Son: the result of educational, managerial, financial and economic activities of an educational institution to meet the production needs for training, retraining and advanced training of the staff, and the needs of individuals for obtaining a profession (qualification, retraining).
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