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Universal Access To Cyberspace Through Master’s Degree Programme Development

Table 2: Risk analysis

Risk Obstacle Measures to reduce or prevent each risk
Problems with the purchase of equipment The sale does not include the equipment necessary for the implementation of the project Installing a local version of Moodle on a computer, which will allow you to continue developing course elements with the subsequent transfer of the developed material to the E-courses server
Server failure Server of E-courses not working Transition to domestic software with characteristics that satisfy the project
Lack of software required for course development Foreign software is not available for purchase due to sanctions and the inability to pay abroad by card The structure of the course is being revised in accordance with changes in curricula
Change in the internal rules of the university Changes have been made to the curricula of the magistracy by hours and semesters of the implementation of the discipline Exercises and assignments should be designed in such a way that students with different levels of English proficiency can complete the course, assignments should be included to teach how to use modern translation programs
Level of knowledge of a foreign language At the stage of course development, it is difficult to predict the level of foreign language proficiency of masters Constant monitoring of the implementation of project stages, filling out the project implementation diary, timely making changes to the project implementation plan aimed at fulfilling the project result on time
Mistakes in planning the stages of project execution When planning the stages, mistakes were made in the sequence of stages, the timing of the project Regular meetings with team members, timely reminders and control over the fulfillment of commitments, if necessary, search and involvement of other specialists
Failure to complete tasks by team members Due to the workload of other projects and work, team members do not fulfill their obligations Timely conduct of test checks created during the development of tasks, involvement of students and teachers of the department in test checks of tasks, adjustment of tasks based on the results of test checks
Conflict of expectation results Designed assignments in a course do not work as intended Elaboration of the possibility of using domestic services (Rutube, VK and others)
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