Students' Pedagogical Support Modeling In The Organization Of Social-Educational Work: Conceptual Foundations


This paper highlights the conceptual foundations of the pedagogical support model for children who require specific assistance. It is realized in the framework of actualizing ideas of preserving and developing social values in humanistically oriented interaction. The author presented pedagogical support as one of the methodological foundations of social and educational work in school. The model reveals the correlation level between the teacher's subjective position and his actual pedagogical activities, demonstrating his level of knowledge in this activity. All the components in the presented model of pedagogical support indicate the need for the formation of integration, which presupposes fruitful interaction between all subjects of the socio-educational process. It creates "synergy," increasing the work efficiency through the specialists' opinions exchange, coherence of social intervention, and overall control over joint activities. The ability to cooperate and search for objectively general help overcome the utilitarian-practical approach and create a specific communication environment. The author presented the leading directions in the developed pedagogical support model in social and educational work in school conditions. The author used three trends, the first of which was analytical-diagnostic, implemented through the study of the individual characteristics of the child's personality, which allowed the teacher to track changes in the behavioral peculiarities of the child's personality. The second was informative. The direction consisted in organizing an "internal dialogue" of a teenager with information. The significance of the third direction, organizational, was determined by including various technologies.

Keywords: Model, pedagogical support, social educational work


The complex nature of the integrative reform of Russian society determines the amorphous and ambiguous content of not only the social but also the educational space (Lubkov, 2020; Smirnov, 2020). The pedagogical environment is a contradiction of the traditional desubjectified paradigm. It is the space where the school socializing function and ideas about the preservation and development of social values in humanistically oriented interaction are often realized. Along with other, more progressive ideas, the costs and extremes of the transition stage often appear in education, representing a significant demand for the quality of education and the results of children's social development. Modern children live and socialize in an environment of constant transformations (Romanova et al., 2018). Children are much more likely to be affected by all the phenomena of social reality more vividly than other social groups since they are in socialization system formation with an unformed position towards these realities. Undoubtedly, there is a subject of attention of pedagogical assistance to children. The analysis of these issues in pedagogical theory and practice indicates the inability to solve them with the help of the traditional education paradigm. It is impossible not to pay attention to the time spent to realize the measures for pedagogical assistance since the amount of knowledge gained is in the first place. Indeed, time acquires a specific value "time is not just some objective entity. It can and should also be considered as an entity with its subjective characteristics adequate to a person" (Moskvina & Fishman, 2020, p. 150).

Problem Statement

Today, pedagogical assistance to children remains relevant since it creates significant communication space. Teachers should realize it in social and educational work. In this regard, a special place is occupied by the teacher's activity field, as pedagogical support, which becomes a productive method of positive socialization and an effective pilot of new humanistic values realized in the zone of personal interaction (Abulkhanova & Berezina, 2001).

The humanistic personality concept remains a source for prospective studies of the diverse views of teacher-student interaction (Kosenko, 2017). The ideas of a person's individual qualities formation, the development of his positive natural abilities, the need for pedagogical assistance in personal development have been commented on in the works of many scientists, such as Ryabikina and Tanasov (2010) and others. In their works, J. Dewey and P.F. Lesgaft highlighted views on the inadmissibility of violence against a child and respect for his personality. Sh.A. Amonashvili, I.P. Volkov, E.N. Ilyin, et al. focused on human relationships between the subjects of the pedagogical process as a specific condition for the harmonious development of personality (as cited in Abramenko, 2012.) Only humanistic concepts of a person as a creative individual expressing humanity in self-realization and self-actualization become a basis. It is a methodological foundation t that implements and develops an autonomous pedagogical support theory. A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, S.T. Shatsky, and others studied the teacher-pupil joint activity as a specific component of the education process (as cited in Abulkhanova & Berezina, 2001). A.V. Petrovsky, P.G. Shchedrovitsky, and the like emphasized the peculiar importance of pedagogical interaction between a teacher and a child (as cited in Abramenko, 2012).

The study results of the problem of pedagogical support in its socializing aspect, presented in the works of such modern authors as L.V. Mardakhaev, A.V. Mudrik, V.N. Shulgin, and the like who paid great attention to the categories of "social education," "social and educational work," situations of personal interaction between a teacher and a student (as cited in Abramenko, 2012). Yu. P. Azarov, A.V. Mudrik, and others considered the role of the teacher the personality's development and transformation (as cited in Azarov, 1989).

Research Questions

Considering the specificity of social and educational work from the pedagogical support standpoint, it has its "targeting." Many scientists emphasize in their publications that any child can become the addressee of pedagogical assistance. Although, most often, it is the category of children whose behavior contradicts generally accepted social norms and rules. The question of pedagogical content is of debatable nature, namely, what is possible support in a child. Scientists assume that it is necessary to support the ability of a growing person's individuality to transform his attitude to life activity. Meantime, we can argue that personal support is crucial since every individual is unique. It is personal characteristics that allow a child to remain an individual. At the same time, many researchers consider pedagogical support as a means, a method, and a condition (Abramenko, 2012). They understand pedagogical support as a student's problem in an educational institution, as a teacher-pupil co-existence process with the child's interests and ways to solve problems that prevent the preservation of human dignity and achieve the desired results in various fields of activities independently. We also understand support as a specific activity that differs from education processes and upbringing. Meanwhile, it is common knowledge that problems do not form by themselves but are associated with particular processes: training, upbringing, development, socialization, and adaptation (Kosenko, 2017).

The literature analysis devoted to various aspects of pedagogical support demonstrates the following. We discovered that scholars didn't pay much attention to the problem of pedagogical support during social and educational work in a comprehensive school given to children. Therefore, we can state that pedagogical support is one of the significant functions of the educational system. As a function, it creates conditions for adaptation and pedagogical support, improving the education level. We developed a model to implement pedagogical support following the logic of actualization of intentions. The ability of the model to reflect the inevitability of a single network formation implies efficient cooperation between all subjects of the socio-educational process (Seviaryn et al., 2019).

Purpose of the Studу

The paper aims at forming a model according to which pedagogical support is a specific way of the education subjects' being, involving the teacher's assistance to develop positive socio-cultural behavior and students' life activities.

Research Methods

We could achieve this goal by a pedagogical support model creation, which reflected the importance of forming a unified network involving effective interaction between participants (Zinchenko et al., 2020) of the socio-educational process. The general knowledge of modeling and models developed concerning the educational institution's organization became the basis for creating a psychological and pedagogical support model.

The model of pedagogical support for children in social and educational work in school conditions in our interpretation assumes the integration of two processes: the organization of work with children and improving the quality of teachers' professional training. The model allows close interaction between teachers and children when creating an educational space. The development of a pedagogical support model will consider the aspirations of all the subjects of an educational institution. It includes administration, teachers, psychologists, and parents while implementing the process of pedagogical support. The specifics of the pedagogical students' support model require direct child-adult interaction. Thus, our proposed model is represented by two modules: an organizational-methodological module and a practical module. First of all, the organizational-methodological module organizes the improvement of the teacher's professional training as a system-organizing factor of the pedagogical support efficiency.

Interrelated principles that determine the logic of the model construction are:

- Humanization, individuation, and socialization: needs satisfaction and self-realization in the professional field, creativity, and communication (Borzova & Krinitskaya, 2021). A person needs to be especially interesting to himself and objectify knowledge about himself as a subject of professional relations (Schrufer et al., 2020).

  • Integrity (ensuring the unity of different areas of personal and professional development);
  • Cooperation (teachers' joint activity in the development of various activities: goals, means of implementation, expected results, evaluation criteria);
  • Technological effectiveness: expressed in the clarity of the element composition, the logic of the use of fixed assets, the ability to diagnose the stages of the process, and the coincidence of the results with a given goal;
  • Openness and autonomy (dialogue is impossible without an open statement of their problems, attitude to what is happening, and the activity content. We can see openness to another person's position as a willingness to understand and recognize a person's right to his own opinion (Marianovich-Shane et al., 2019).
  • Subjectivity. Only in the presence of a subjective position a teacher can maximize the development of a teenager's abilities to realize his "I" in relationships with others and with the whole world in its rich diversity, to comprehend his behavior, to anticipate the consequences of his actions under certain circumstances, both for others and himself, to critically and objectively evaluate himself, his knowledge and skills. The principle of subjectivity gives education the character of a dialogue. Dialogue is a specific orientation of subject-subject relations, which presupposes the presumption of the fundamental equality of the parties in terms of understanding facts, assessments, and relationships (Ermolaeva, 2012).

In our opinion, the pedagogical support model in social and educational work should actualize the teacher's desire to implement this assistance. It can occur only when using three theoretical and methodological approaches: differentiated, person-activity, and anthropological.

The presented approaches guarantee a structural unity of the pedagogical support components. These make it possible to optimize the ultimate result: pedagogical assistance to children.

The practical module is represented by areas that provide the content of reflection; types of support, where the model successfully organizes pedagogical activities, providing for the specifics of children's behavior. The analytical-diagnostic direction implies the study of the child, diagnostics, psychological and pedagogical characteristics, and recommendations. This direction is implemented through the child's personality individual characteristics study (Deci & Ryan, 1986). The diagnostic results are indicative for the child. They are significant indicators for the teacher, who organizes pedagogical support considering the results obtained. Diagnostics allow the teacher to track changes in the behavioral characteristics of the child's personality.

The informative direction consists of organizing a child's "internal dialogue" with information, prompting him to pay attention to himself and think about personality and behavior issues. It leads to the child's awareness of his social environment, ways of interacting with society, attitudes to cognition of the surrounding reality (Golovanova & Dermanova, 2018).

The organizational direction includes various technologies where the teacher-child joint activity is realized based on purposeful mutual influence on the personal development of emotional, value and motivational activity mechanisms. The success of the technologies implementation is ensured by activating the processes of self-knowledge and self-awareness, initiating the child's subjectivity (Slobodchikov, 2013), developing the skills of dialogic interaction, acquiring an individual activity style, and activating creativity.

Meanwhile, the teacher's activity demands knowledge of different types of support, namely: informational, behavioral, emotional, and personal.

We can characterize the social space in which the child is located by inconsistency. Children are introduced to social experience and knowledge, receiving positive and negative information. Information support consists in providing correct and reliable information. The same data can be perceived positively, negatively, or neutrally.

Information support displays the exchange of ideas, thoughts, feelings, and information. It will allow the teacher to establish appropriate communication and contact with the child fast. Information support ensures that children and teachers can conduct a flexible and constructive dialogue, establish morality in the relationships developing the information the information exchange, perceive and adequately interpret information in joint activities.

Behavioral support is aimed at the child's satisfaction with himself. Providing this support, the teacher helps the child develop a responsible attitude towards himself and others, treating them with respect and patience. Knowledge of social norms will enable him to realize himself as part of a social community, willing to overcome circumstances, to take responsibility for his behavior (Burns, 1986).

Supporting children's behavior allows the teacher to affect children's self-esteem and steadiness and stimulate their desire for success and self-development in education, influencing their personality.

The emotional and personal support provided to the child will help them acquire emotional sensitivity to others' opinions. The effectiveness of pedagogical support consists, first of all, in the joint activity of its participants, where the child experiences a sense of joy for success and compassion for surrounding them people's failures (Abramenko et al., 2018).

We implemented a practical direction in the form of technologies designated as social.

Technologies of pedagogical support are, first of all, the organization of teachers-children joint activities. The child's participation in the technology implementation will allow him to realize and evaluate himself, gain self-confidence and significance for others, and adequately assess others (Schipanova, 2015). The effectiveness of technologies implementation in the model is ensured by activating the self-knowledge and self-awareness processes, initiating the child's subjectivity, developing the communication skills, acquiring an individual style of activity, and activating creativity.

The implementation of pedagogical support technologies becomes a purposeful and pedagogically organized action. The teacher is assigned the role of a consultant to encourage the child's participation in it.

When implementing a model of pedagogical support in social and educational work in a school environment, a teacher needs to consider the internal and external threats of the model. Each of the elements that make up the model may be at risk. For example, the risk on the part of the school administration is a process of bureaucratic tools that can sometimes lead to various kinds of organizational drawbacks. There may be the orientation of the administration and teachers to realize the cognitive component first of all. The risk on the part of the child is the inability to foresee all possible variations of his reactions to the activities of the support program, a low level of moral development, a lack of interest in teacher-child joint activities. The risk on the part of parents to react very emotionally from passivity to open rejection of the events, fear of the unknown, non-standard, unwillingness to "wash their dirty linen in public."

The proposed model of pedagogical support will make adjustments to the teachers' activities content and organization. Thus, the model allows for the reconstruction of social and educational work at school. We can implement a pedagogical support model based on the education process and extracurricular activities. We should note that the proposed model also makes it possible to apply it in the school social and educational work for any age group.


The developed model reflects the joint activities of subject teachers, class supervisors, and school psychologists. Their participation is expressed in counseling and providing targeted assistance to children. The model of pedagogical support allows solving the following tasks:

  • Provide the child with information about his mental qualities, abilities, and awareness of his role in society;
  • Creation of motivation for teamwork, the ability to obey group discipline, and defend personal rights;
  • Formation of communication skills and correlation of personal interests with the interests of others;
  • Assistance in the pursuit of initiative, independence, ability to finish activities and take risks, and not be afraid of taking responsibility;
  • Correct time-management;
  • Formation of a positive attitude to a healthy lifestyle;
  • Involvement of each child in the activity.

Teachers should implement the model during one academic year in three stages.

At the first stage, the teachers working in these classes who have expressed their willingness to function within the framework of the pedagogical support model plan their actions. At the second stage, they test the psychological and pedagogical support model. At the third stage, educators organize analytical activities.


The proposed pedagogical support model will change the teachers' work and become a basis to restructure educational work at school. Moreover, teachers themselves understand the need to implement new forms of pedagogical activity and new technologies organization, to improve their professional skills. All this gives the child the opportunity to be able to:

  • test his capabilities and strengths in a variety of life situations, based on which he must establish subjective behavior;
  • create an opportunity to express diverse views and use a variety of varying ways of describing and analyzing the same phenomenon;
  • exchange positions and points of view in the discussion and be involved in the decision-making process;
  • be independent, active, and communicative;
  • foresee the social consequences of personal actions;
  • stimulate the need for communication.

At the same time, we should mention that during the implementation of this model, clarification and coordination of its components may happen, which will undoubtedly affect its quality and objectivity.


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Abramenko, N. Y. (2022). Students' Pedagogical Support Modeling In The Organization Of Social-Educational Work: Conceptual Foundations. In N. G. Bogachenko (Ed.), AmurCon 2021: International Scientific Conference, vol 126. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 25-32). European Publisher.