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Problems And Prospects Of Russian Rural Areas In The Covid-19 Pandemic

Table 2: Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural development in the Russian Federation

Consequences of COVID-19
Negative consequences Positive consequences
- reduction of incomes of the population due to restrictive measures;- rise in unemployment due to restrictive measures;- underdevelopment of engineering infrastructure;- reduction of social infrastructure incomes due to restrictive measures;- increased environmental pollution due to the influx of population into the village; - diversification of the rural economy (development of the service economy, Internet trade); - deurbanization of the population (short-term and long-term);- reopening of existing and opening of new paramedic stations;- development of infrastructure improved the quality of life of the rural population;- development of transport infrastructure (due to the development of rural tourism and the deurbanization of the population);- motivation of young professionals to attract them to work in rural areas;- development of information infrastructure;- development of rural tourism;- development of small and medium-sized businesses (craft production, eco-production, etc.);- accelerated transformation of agriculture through the introduction of digital technologies and platform solutions;- increased government support to address the negative impact of the pandemic;- increased consumption of eco-products;- improved ecological situation in cities during the period of self-isolation;
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