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Problems And Prospects Of Russian Rural Areas In The Covid-19 Pandemic

Table 1: Modern problems of rural development of the Russian Federation

Pre-pandemic problems Problems caused by the spread of the pandemic
Economic problems
- low income;- monospecialization of the rural economy;- cutbacks to funding of the state program “Complex Development of Rural Territories”;- balanced creeping inflation;- low transfer of innovative technologies in rural areas;- low access of rural people to financial resources; - reduction in incomes of the population with the introduction of restrictive measures;- threat of disruption of the production cycle up to its interruption due to mass illness of workers;- interruptions in the supply of raw materials, goods, finished products with the introduction of restrictive measures;- spike in prices for certain product groups;- additional costs for preventive measures (disinfection, purchase of personal protective equipment, etc.);- limited access to traditional marketing sites for farm products;- mass suspension of many enterprises;
Social problems
- urbanization of the population;- low access to medical services (lack of paramedic stations and lack of doctors);- standard and quality of life of the rural population lags behind that of the urban population;- limited access to education caused by the territorial factor (including the absence of schools in remote villages); - rise in unemployment;- exacerbation of the public health problem;- limited access to distance education due to lack of access to the Internet;
Infrastructure problems
- underdevelopment of engineering infrastructure;- lack of transport infrastructure;- underdevelopment of information infrastructure;- underdevelopment of social infrastructure; - lack of transport infrastructure hinders the development of rural tourism;- impossibility of remote work in the absence of the Internet;- reduced demand for social infrastructure services;
Environmental problems
- climate change;- reduction of biodiversity, soil fertility, deforestation and desertification, freshwater scarcity and pollution. - pollution of natural recreation areas due to the increase in the number of vacationers;- increased water consumption due to hygiene standards related to the prevention of infection.
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