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Directions Of Digital Transformation Of The Agrarian Sector Of Russia

Table 2: SWOT Analysis of the Digital Transition of Agribusiness Enterprises

Strengths Weaknesses
Increasing the efficiency of production of basic agricultural products at enterprises of various forms of ownership Large financial costs for the introduction of digital technologies
Growth in labor productivity in agricultural enterprises with the introduction of digital technologies The need for training, advanced training and retraining of employees of agricultural organizations
Raising awareness of all business processes in agricultural production, increasing the efficiency of management decisions The complexity of the transition to digital platforms and analytical systems for processing large amounts of data, poor representation of their financial efficiency at the initial stage
Expansion of human capabilities in the workplace, the emergence of new professions and jobs Introduction of additional functions for information processing personnel
Involvement of a new generation of human resources in the industry, by increasing the attractiveness of the agro-industrial complex Resistance of individual workers, heads of peasant (farm) enterprises, heads of agricultural organizations to the transition to digital technologies
Opportunities Threats
Creation of additional jobs in the high-tech sector, including in programming, administration, networking, cloud solutions and big data processing The outlined lag of the agricultural industry during digital transformation
A significant increase in investment in the development of digital technologies in the agro-industrial complex based on the implementation of autonomous systems, digital platforms, software development, 5G network, cloud solutions, AI and machine learning, and the use of big data. Low clarity of the consequences of the introduction of digital technologies and economic effects for the majority of agricultural organizations of all forms of ownership
Possible technological breakthroughs in agricultural production based on the use of digital technologies Low qualification of personnel of agricultural organizations, opportunities for retraining are difficult to implement
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