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Embracing New Norms: The Contributive Factors to Student Online Learning Readiness

Table 1: Variance Inflation Factor Value (VIF)

Constructs Items VIF
Learning Environment I have problem to have a group discussion for my assignment due to poor internet connection 1.52
I have a problem in getting enough information for assignment due to a lack of brief from lecturers 1.72
I have a problem in handing in assignment to lecturers because some of them use different platforms to hand in the assignment 2.11
Online Learning readiness I have confidence to use any applications or software for online learning 2.36
I seek assistance when facing learning problems 1.73
I can follow online learning well 1.97
I have often participated in online learning training 3.16
I can understand course material well through online learning 2.48
I am ready to take part in online learning 2.4
I have managed time well 2.26
I carry out my own study plan 2.16
Student emotions I frustrated when my computer or smartphone crash during online class 1.71
I feel excited to explore a new learning method 1.47
I feel proud and relieve whenever my assignment gets positive feedbacks from lecturers 2.48
I believe the motivation for learning is a crucial factor for student to maintain focus 1.94
I feel angered because certain things happened outside of my control 1.81
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