Internal psychological factors (subjective) |
External psychological factors (objective) |
mental processes: |
- features of cognitive processes reflecting internal information on the subject of marriage (adequate thinking, analysis of situations, ability to analyze, and introspection) as a way of thinking, ability to get rid of toxic thoughts (Chesnokova, 1982; Horney, 2007), emotional-volitional processes,- mental development (Vygotsky, 2005). |
- psychology of life and stereotypes, traditions and cultural values of society,- influence of the legal system of society in the sphere of family and marriage,- provision on freedom of rights and restrictions in society,- social relations and roles, professional employment, one’s being (subject-spatial environment, time, space of interpersonal relations, etc. (Ryabikina, 2005),- how to respond to the pressure of the group (impossibility, unconscious acceptance of the line of behavior and opinion of the group), conformism (informed external consent with internal divergence from the opinion of the group), and conscious consent (acceptance and active upholding of its values, norms and ideals) (Leonidova, 2014–2020),- psychological pressure of society by a small or large group, hierarchy of organized systems of social environment (Ivanova, 2009), imposition of the opinion of society (conformity (Locke), stiffness, guilt, shame, taboo,- information from the outside world, environment, including negative (propaganda), authorities, idols, fanaticism, patriotism, co-independence (symbioses),- influence of the circle of communication,- style of family upbringing, setting of the parent family,- level of education,- logistical resources and capabilities,- ability to financial planning in the life path of events, including the events of marriage. |
psychological properties: |
- type of temperament, properties of the nervous system, character traits, accentuation, settings and abilities, conflict). |
- value orientations, values of marriage and family values,- beliefs,- established personal meanings (Leontiev, 2003) about marriage (Rogers, 2012),- preferences,- established system of ideas of an individual about himself, the self-concept (“Self-image”) or conscious, reflexive part of the personality (Leontiev, 1981),- in general, the “Image of the World” of a person (Leontiev, 2003), or the internal worldview capable of distorting reality,- “phenomenological field”, which contains “everything that happens at any given moment inside the body and may potentially be realized” (Rogers, 2012), associations with marriage, links between mental phenomena,- focus of the individual on marriage, - intra-personal roles and identifications, personal identity (Erickson, 2006), values, norms, ideals,- peculiarities of the boundaries of the psychological space of an individual, individual need for privacy,- isolation, personal privacy, preferences, need for personal space, sovereignty (Nartova-Bochaver, 2008). |
- age periods and stages of personal development (Erickson, 2006), and limitations,- physical health (external to the psyche), psychosomatics, including other personality orientation (interests), manifesting itself outside and affecting psychosomatics,- deviance of the living environment, unhealthy lifestyle (Ivanova, 2009),- changing sexual orientations,- external environment, situations, difficult living conditions, emergencies, instability, threats, cataclysms, deprivation, maladaptation (Druzhilov, 2013). |
mental states: |
- mental states (term by Levitova), various forms of stress, phobias and fears, depression, level of anxiety, “extreme” and crisis states (addictive behavior, aggression, hidden aggression, state of autism, internal conflicts, protective mechanisms; neurotization, psychological traumas, post-traumatic stress disorders) (Ananyev, 2006; Zhuravlev & Volovikova, 2014), impairment of consciousness; level of personality mental activity (Myasishchev, Rubinstein),- personal experience and that of others; understanding the intrinsic nature of the pathological process (Pevzner, 1981; Vygotsky, 2005). |