Meaningofthecontent |
Understanding of the read text and its content interpretation regarding the communicative intention |
Correct understanding and interpretation of the entire set of texts |
Correct understanding and interpretation of 2 text-primitives from a set |
Correct understanding and interpretation of only 1 text-primitive from a set |
Misunderstanding for all texts in the set |
Spellinghypothesis |
Writing a set of text-primitives analysis and possibility to forecast their writing in compliance with Russian language norms |
Proper estimation of the spelling correctness / non correctness, possibility to eliminate all the mistakes in the set of texts, picking correct spelling for the entire set of texts |
Proper estimation of the spelling, possibility to eliminate all mistakes in 2 texts in the set and/or finding the right spelling option for 2 texts in the set |
Proper estimation of the spelling, possibility to eliminate all mistakes in 1 text in the set and/or finding the right spelling option for only 1 text in the set |
Incorrect estimation of the spelling of the entire set of textsand/or incorrectspelling option for all texts in the set |