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Influence Of Culture And Institutions On Economic Development In The British World

Table 3: Types of policies of the countries of the British Empire during the "First half of the 20th century" (First and Second World Wars, from 1909 to 1952)

Country 1909-1914 1915-1921 1922-1926 1927-1939 1940-1947
Australia <^ <^ >v <^ >^
Denmark >^ <^ >v <v <^
France <^ <^ >v <v <^
Netherlands >^ >^ >v <^ <^
Norway >v <^ >v <^ <^
Sweden >v <^ >v <v <^
United Kingdom >v <^ >v <v <^
Belgium <^ <^ >v <^ <^
Canada >v <^ >v <^ >v
Finland <^ <^ >v <^ <^
Germany <^ <^ >^ <v <^
India >^ <^ >v <v <^
Italy <^ <^ >v <^ <^
New Zealand >v <^ <v >^ >v
Portugal >v <^ >^ <^ >v
Spain <^ >v >v <^ >v
Sri Lanka <^ <^ >v <^ >v
Switzerland <v <^ >v <^ >^
United States >v >v >v <^ >^
Philippines N/A >^ <v <v <^
Burma N/A N/A N/A N/A <v
Greece N/A N/A N/A <^ <^
Ireland N/A N/A N/A >^ <v
Malaysia N/A N/A N/A <^
Nicaragua N/A N/A N/A >^ >v
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