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Human Factor As A Tool For The Safe Functioning Of A Corporation

Table 2: Typology of organizations based on a key type of knowledge in an organization

Seq No. Type of organization Key kind of knowledge Organization management features Actual problems of the organization
1. Addictedfrom experts Action-oriented knowledge driven by a specific context; acquired in the process of solving practical problems The most important is the work of experts. Status and power are based on professional reputation. Strong emphasis on training and skills development Assessment and development of individual competence. Computerization of a number of operations performed by qualified specialists
2. Addictedfrom analysts Intellectual knowledge based on abstract thinking skills and cognitive abilities The solution of innovative problems. Status and power are based on creative achievements. Design and matrix forms prevail Development of creative and problem-solving skills. Information support and design of expert systems
3. Organization routineknowledge Integrated knowledge contained in systems and procedures Technological or time-consuming processes. Hierarchical structure. Functional division of labor Organizational competencies and strategies. The development of integrated computer systems
4. Intensive communication organizations Cultural knowledge related to the process of mutual understanding Communication and collaboration in key processes. Empowerment through integration. Knowledge and experience are important at all levels of the organization. Creation of new knowledge. The process of collective comprehension of new knowledge. Development of computer support systems
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