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The Effectiveness Of Social Media In Promoting Self-Care During Covid-19

Table 3: The level of awareness on self-care through media

Construct Mean
I believed that the media could influence the perception of people towards the importance of personal hygiene. 3.69
I comply with the steps for personal hygiene conveyed by the media 3.65
I always wear a mask when going out as proposed by the media. 3.65
I always sanitize my hands when going out as proposed by the media. 3.65
I will take Screening test as a precaution step if I have the symptoms of COVID-19. 3.52
I will take shower right after I get home before I spend time with my family. 3.45
I was affected emotionally with the information on COVID-19 that was transmitted by the media. 3.34
I will wash the things that I bought as a precaution step during COVID-19. 3.10
I always wear gloves when going out as proposed by the media. 2.50
Overall 3.40
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