Conditions For Creating A Regional Mechanism For Scientific And Methodological Teachers Support


The article substantiates the need to create a sustainable regional mechanism for scientific and methodological support of teachers of general and additional education, which is caused by new priorities in state policy, pedagogical science and educational practice. These fields induce to rethink the essence, structure and content, identify methodological guidelines, search for conditions, effective means, methods, technologies of scientific and methodological support for the professional and personal development of teachers. The goal of this project is to create and operate a sustainable mechanism for conducting specialized research on the territory of the South and North Caucasian Federal Districts in the field of methods and practice of teaching educational disciplines, as well as the involvement of scientific and pedagogical workers of the FSBEI HE Adyghe State University in the continuous development of teachers regions of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District by consolidating and joint use of scientific, human, material and technical resources and educational organizations to achieve main targets of the national project “Education”.

Keywords: Support, scientific and methodological support, teaching staff, the system of general and additional education


In modern socio-cultural conditions, the innovative nature of the changes carried out in the field of education requires the creation of a sustainable regional mechanism of scientific and methodological support for teachers of general and additional education, the activities of which will be aimed at theoretical comprehension, generalization and introduction into mass pedagogical practice of the innovative experience of leading scientists and practicing teachers. Developed by the Ministry of Education of Russia and approved by the decision of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and National Projects on December 24, 2018, the Passport of the National Project “Education” consists of 10 projects, including the “Teacher of the Future” project, one of the results of which should be formation of a sustainable mechanism for effective scientific and methodological support of pedagogical workers in the system of general and additional vocational education. For effective work in this direction, it is necessary to introduce new models of dissemination of the identified effective innovative experience, namely:

ensuring a new quality of the advanced training system that ensures the process of introducing innovations;

creation of an effective structure for the dissemination of innovative experience, which should be based on the organization of interaction between teachers and educational institutions on a network basis;

expanding the range of educational services and the sphere of corporate communication, interdepartmental, interregional interaction;

organization of cooperation and partnership in solving the problems of developing innovative practices (Vaganov, 2009).

Scientific and methodological support as a form of scientific and practical interaction of the pedagogical community creates conditions for increasing the level of professional competence of teachers and leaders of educational organizations, comprehending and appropriating new knowledge and skills, building their own style of professional activity (Begidova, 2017).

Problem Statement

In our region, training of specialists in the areas of 44.03.01 Pedagogical education, 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two profiles), 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education is conducted only on the basis of the Adyghe State University. In this regard, the problem of creating and functioning on the territory of the South and North Caucasian Federal Districts of a sustainable mechanism for conducting specialized research in the field of methods and practice of teaching educational disciplines, as well as involving the scientific and pedagogical workers of FSBEI HE "ASU" in the continuous development of teachers regions of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District.

Research Questions

The subject of the research is scientific and methodological support, which is understood as the technology of a stable mechanism of interaction with educational staff, when the accompanying person does not solve the problem for the teacher, but teaches him to find, invent, borrow the most reasonable solutions that are relevant for each person in his specific life situation (Galitskikh, 2016).

A stable mechanism for effective scientific and methodological support of teachers of general and additional vocational education on the basis of Adyghe State University is a scientifically grounded, specially organized process of interaction of support subjects, including a system of interrelated actions, events, pedagogical events and situations focused on understanding professional the teacher's experience, the actualization of self-development, professional success, personal transformation. On the basis of the scientific, methodological and personnel potential available at ASU, there is a consolidation and coordination of efforts and work to train teachers for the implementation of design, research, management, methodological, cultural and educational, socially oriented, correctional and developmental activities in the system of general and additional professional education; ensuring the continuity of all stages of multilevel pedagogical education; orientation of university education towards a generalized model of teacher training for innovative activities (Demkina, 2012).

The directions of scientific and methodological support of educational staff of general and additional professional education on the basis of the Adyghe State University have the opportunity to include the following clusters:

scientific and methodological support of work with gifted children;

scientific and methodological support of a young teacher;

scientific and methodological support of teaching staff in the process of forming readiness to interact with special categories of students (minors in difficult life situations, students with disabilities, teachers working with children and families at risk) (Shebanets & Demkina, 2019);

scientific and methodological support for teachers of additional education.

Purpose of the Study

The goal of this project is to create and operate on the territory of the South and North Caucasian Federal Districts of a sustainable mechanism for conducting specialized research in the field of methods and practice of teaching educational disciplines, as well as the involvement of scientific and pedagogical workers of the FSBEI HE Adyghe State University in the continuous development of teachers regions of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District by consolidating and joint use of scientific, human, material and technical resources and educational organizations to achieve the main targets of the national project “Education”.

Research Methods

The article used the following methods for organizing and conducting the research: general theoretical methods of scientific knowledge (analysis, synthesis, comparison and matching, generalization, systematization, grouping, and others); general pedagogical methods (analysis of documents and literary sources, study of the results of research activities); predictive methods (modeling training and development programs); empirical methods: conversation, observation, questioning, testing, polling, pedagogical experiment and statistical processing of the data obtained.


Adyghe State University carries out additional professional education through the implementation of additional professional programs (advanced training programs and professional retraining programs). To organize effective work, the university uses modern approaches for developing the content and structure of additional professional education programs: a competence-based approach, a modular principle of building programs, etc. This allows you to expand the circle of potential listeners, adapt programs to a specific audience of specialists, taking into account their individual characteristics and initial level of education. Expanding the range of ongoing professional retraining programs is a promising direction in the development of educational activities due to the presence of a large number of interdisciplinary areas not covered by traditional bachelor and master programs (Kuvaeva & Demkina, 2015).

Adyghe State University has a wealth of practical experience in the field of scientific and methodological support of the education system, development of design solutions for the implementation of the effectiveness of the professional activities of teachers, organizational and methodological support for the functioning of the system for improving their qualifications, development and implementation of additional professional programs for teachers in the education system.

Confirmation of this experience are: participation in organization and conducting of regional and national scientific and practical conferences; presence of scientific schools and areas within which research is carried out and results are published; implementation of additional education programs for teachers of basic and additional education; existing experience in the implementation of projects aimed at supporting innovations in the field of additional professional education of teachers (reviews on the activities of the organization and publications in the media are attached).

Adyghe State University has a number of advantages that make it possible to create a stable mechanism for scientific and methodological support of teachers in the system of general and additional professional education in the region, namely:

close relationship of the university with all educational organizations in the region;

unique experience in organizing and implementing projects of interregional, all-Russian and international levels, including Olympiads, tournaments, and scientific conferences for schoolchildren;

an efficiently functioning distance learning system, covering not only students from all schools in the region, but also a number of regions of the Russian Federation;

possibility of organizing network interaction and distance learning for the implementation of educational programs for the study of general subjects at an advanced level;

sufficiently experienced and qualified teaching staff.

In connection with the above, it can be stated that ASU has accumulated a lot of experience in creating and implementing programs for the study of general education subjects (mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, and others) at an advanced level, the distribution of which in partner countries will effectively solve the set tasks.

Let us consider the possibilities of using results of the implementation of the regional mechanism of scientific and methodological support of teachers with the following target audience: the state, educational organization, parents, teaching staff, students (see Table 1).

Table 1 - Target audience interested in project results
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At the same time, we will analyze the possible risks and ways to overcome them in the process of creating a regional mechanism for scientific and methodological support of teachers (Table 2).

Table 2 - Analysis of risks and ways to overcome them
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One of the necessary conditions for the functioning of scientific and methodological support of teachers of general and additional education is to attract network partners. The process of forming a network partnership has the following features:

organizations are invited to cooperate that show an interest in the problem of integrating teachers into the profession and have their own views and ideas on increasing the efficiency of this process, since it is necessary to ensure the main condition for network interaction – mutual interest;

mobility and efficiency of the educational organization in meeting the varied requests of teachers – availability of ф possibility of different communication formats within the framework of network interaction;

initiation of network events (contests, fairs, conferences, seminars, master classes, projects, etc.), allowing for network interaction between educational organizations, the focus of which is the teacher, connection of events with increasing experience in solving variable professional problems.

The main tasks that the Center solves within the framework of the formulated ambition are:

organization of the work of the consulting campus, whose activities are aimed at the implementation of comprehensive monitoring studies of professional deficits, interests, educational requests and needs of teachers of educational organizations, design of programs, methods and tools for identifying and developing the professional competence of teachers, with the possibility of obtaining an individual plan for professional growth;

creation of a space for the development of advanced competencies related to the organization of pedagogical activities, the development and implementation of smart programs for additional professional education for specialists in the system of general and additional education;

organization, holding and participation in the work of scientific and scientific-practical conferences, seminars, sessions on topical issues of supporting a young teacher;

implementation of programs of additional education (professional retraining and advanced training) for teachers of the system of general and additional professional education;

development of additional professional programs for training managers and specialists of general and additional vocational education for implementation of the developed mechanism for organizing scientific and methodological support of teachers;

personification of educational trajectories of teachers of the system of general education and additional professional education;

assessment of professional and personal development of teaching staff by means of humanitarian expertise;

meeting the educational needs of higher education institutions of the Republic of Adygea and partner regions in terms of teaching students in the areas of a pedagogical profile (Paatova & Demkina, 2014).

Thanks to the work carried out at ASU in the direction of supporting and accompanying the activities of teachers, it was possible to attract representatives of leading organizations from 5 regions: Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of North Ossetia (Alania), Rostov Region, the Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol.


Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that the creation of a sustainable regional mechanism for scientific and methodological support of teachers of the system of general and additional vocational education on the basis of the Adyghe State University will expand the “spaces of possible actions” of professional and personal development of teachers in the implementation of FGOS general education, will contribute the construction and implementation of an individual trajectory of self-development by a teacher, translation of innovative pedagogical experience in the design of the educational process with a focus on the new content and results of education, thereby contributing to the solution of one of the tasks of the National Project “Education” – fostering a harmoniously developed and socially responsible personality on the basis of spiritual moral values ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, historical and national-cultural traditions.


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17 May 2021

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Science, philosophy, academic community, scientific progress, education, methodology of science, academic communication

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Paatova, M. E., Demkina, E. V., Begidova, S. N., Buсhatskaia, V. V., & Naumenko, Y. V. (2021). Conditions For Creating A Regional Mechanism For Scientific And Methodological Teachers Support. In D. K. Bataev, S. A. Gapurov, A. D. Osmaev, V. K. Akaev, L. M. Idigova, M. R. Ovhadov, A. R. Salgiriev, & M. M. Betilmerzaeva (Eds.), Knowledge, Man and Civilization - ISCKMC 2020, vol 107. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1248-1255). European Publisher.