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The Migration Attractiveness Factors Of The Russian Far East Region

Table 3:

Indicator FEFD as macro-region Minimum value among macro-region’s administrative territories Maximum value among macro-region’s administrative territories Russia
Population density, people/km² 2.90 0.07Chukotka Aut. District 11.51Primorsky Krai 8.60
Cost of minimum food product set in February 2020, rubles 5,409.91 4,452.70 Republic of Buryatia 10,551.44Chukotka Aut. District 4,160.94
Cost of minimum food product set in February 2020,% of Russia’s total 130.02 107.01 253.58 100.0
Percentage of public utilities costs in average family’s consumer expenditures, 2018, % 10.90 7.31 Trans-Baikal Krai 15.12Kamchatka Krai 9.60
Social expenditures of consolidated budget per one resident, 2019, thsd rubles 44.50 17.51Chukotka Aut. District 106.31Sakhalin Oblast 54.58
Mean price of an apartment unit with floor area of 60 sq. m as of the beginning of 2020, millions of rubles 4.10 2.92Magadan Oblast 7.10Sakhalin Oblast 8.80Moscow City
Integral index of infrastructure development (max 10 points) 5.44 4.84Republic of Buryatia 6.02Chukotka Aut. District 5.59
Sub-index of social development 5.68 4.97Republic of Buryatia 7.17Chukotka Aut. District 5.42
Index of energy infrastructure development 4.96 4.70Chukotka Aut. District 5.55Primorsky Krai 5.02
Quality of life (maximum 100 points, Moscow – 79.2) 40.07 28.20Jewish Aut. District 46.41Kamchatka Krai 46.41
GRP, 2018, billions of rubles 5,204.20 55.80Jewish Aut. District 1,179.7Sakhalin Oblast 84,976
Per capita GRP, 2018, thsd rubles 634.20 305.73Trans-Baikal Krai 2,407.9Sakhalin Oblast 578.7
Industrial production index, % change over preceding year 106.00 99.82Kamchatka Krai 114.2Magadan Oblast 102.4
Percentage in foreign trade turnover, 2019, % 5.67 0.02Jewish Aut. District 2.62Sakhalin Oblast 100.000
Percentage of capital investments, 2019, % 8.16 0.08Sakhalin Oblast 1.97Republic of Buryatia 100.000
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