Medical And Social Examinations As Basis Of Population Satisfaction With Medical Care


This article discusses medical and social examination of the population as the basis for increasing the degree of satisfaction with medical care. The types of medical and social examinations are considered, the classification of examinations is given. The reasons for the importance of medical care for the state and the population have been identified. The relationship between healthcare and digitalization was carried out through the introduction of artificial intelligence and digital platforms. The reason for the difficulty of introducing such technologies in Russia is described. The classification of "public health" is given and the individual components of this concept are described. The leading players in the healthcare market are described and the functional significance of each and every one of them is described. The strategy of healthcare development in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 is considered, which describes the key areas, where a special place is occupied by medical and social surveys of the population. An assessment was made of the coverage among the population of those who undergo a medical examination (both mandatory and optional). The stages of medical examination are described, as a result of which statistical data on the degree of satisfaction of the population with medical care are revealed. It is shown in figures how the pandemic affected the perception of Russian medicine from the outside. The main digital solutions used in foreign countries, which allow improving the quality of life of the population, are given.

Keywords: Artificial intelligencedigital technologiesgovernmentmedical and social examinationmedical care


A healthy and active population is the key to a successful country. In the pursuit of work and training, people forget to pay special attention to their physical well-being. Therefore, a huge role in maintaining health is assigned to the state as a stimulator of increasing medical and social examinations. They strengthen and support the working spirit and become the basis for increasing satisfaction with health care in the country. Practice shows that the satisfaction of the population is growing every year. This is due to the emergence of new tools and survey methods, the use of artificial intelligence systems, and the introduction of digital platforms. All this makes the process advanced and innovative, aimed at improving the quality of life of the population. But the "machine" does not fully replace the human factor. Therefore, much attention is paid to training medical workers, developing new examination programs that take into account the peculiarities of the mental and emotional state of the population, which changes under the influence of external factors, and drawing up an action plan to include these programs in the mandatory examination procedures (Averin, 2018).

Problem Statement

Social and medical assistance to the population is a mandatory measure that determines the "advanced" and socially oriented state. It is provided in healthcare facilities everywhere to keep citizens active and healthy throughout their lives. There are the following types of medical and social assistance to the population:







7.Orthopedic measures.


That is, these are the types of activities that are aimed at strengthening the health and fighting spirit of the population. In Russia, some programs are carried out free of charge, as well as on the basis of individual or collective health insurance programs.

"Population health", depending on the focus, has a certain classification:

1.Individual (health of an individual).

2.Group (health of social and ethnic groups).

3.Regional (health of the population of administrative territories).

4.Public (health of the population and society as a whole).

The key fact is that it is based on humans as a biopsychosocial being. This means that it is necessary to pay attention to all the main components: biological health, mental stability, social psychology and population interaction. The interaction and consideration of all these factors can lead to a comprehensive survey of the population, which will improve the quality of life of individuals.

Medical examination (physical component of health) involves the entire process of examining the patient to identify the full range of abnormalities. Another name for the process is clinical examination, which is carried out on the basis of an analysis of symptoms, sensor readings, on the basis of a comprehensive screening. This is a mandatory process and is especially useful for seasonal illnesses. In the current context of the Black Swan pandemic, examinations play a crucial role in identifying the primary symptoms of the disease (Basova, 2017).

So, prevention involves identifying early forms of the disease and preventing negative treatment outcomes. There are the following types of preventive examinations:

-targeted: examinations that detect certain diseases at an early stage - neoplasms, glaucoma, etc;

-in-depth: examinations that reveal diseases, pathological processes, deviations from the norm when examining organized contingents by several specialists;

-mandatory: examinations upon admission to work with hazardous and harmful working conditions;

-systematic: examination by periods of persons employed in harmful and hazardous working conditions.

Social examinations (as a component of the socio-psychological climate of each person) involves the diagnosis of social problems, situations and processes occurring in society and violating the mental stability of the population. The information received is carefully selected and grouped according to characteristics and becomes the basis for drawing up measures that increase the satisfaction of the population with life and, as a result, with medical care, if a medical examination has been carried out. So, there is a direct relationship between medicine and social diagnostics, because they are aimed at improving the quality of life of the population (Diveeva, 2017).

Thus, when conducting a medical and social survey of the population, the following market players are encountered:

1.The state (initiates and regulates the whole range of measures aimed at improving the quality of life and the degree of satisfaction with medical care).

2.Population (community of people who receive this help and take care of their health).

3.Business units (private business entities that conduct medical examinations on a completely commercial basis, acting in accordance with the laws and observing all the necessary requirements).

They all pursue the goal of improving the health and potential of the population in the field of medicine, while increasing overall satisfaction with health care, using advanced innovative technologies. There is a growing awareness in the healthcare system of the need to involve patients in the treatment process. An important aspect of restructuring the industry is the creation of the ability to use the continuous flow of health data from wearable devices, sensors and other similar systems and devices. The introduction of information exchange standards such as Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) will improve data interoperability in the near term (HL7 FHIR, 2011).

Collecting patient data will help develop predictive analytics models based on advanced algorithms, artificial intelligence and historical data. But physicians today tend to resist adopting such technologies and using them in their diagnostic and treatment decisions. The reasons lie in information and emotional overload, incomplete or unreliable data, privacy and security problems (Lazareva & Minaev, 2020; Lazareva & Vaníčková, 2020). Moving from inpatient care to remote patient care is opening up new opportunities that can help diagnose, treat, and prevent disease. But for this, it is necessary to expand the capabilities of collecting and analyzing data using complex algorithms.

Research Questions

A number of issues were considered during the study:

- what types of population surveys are there?

- how do medical and social examinations affect the efficiency of the working process of the population?

- are surveys the basis for improving satisfaction with health care?

- what innovative programs are used in population surveys?

- why are examinations the key to a successful and healthy society?

- how does the state improve the quality of life of the population through new medical and social examinations of the population?

Purpose of the Study

The aim of the study is to study the current medical and social examination of the population as the basis for increasing their satisfaction with medical care. Researching innovative developments and methodologies in the population survey is also included in the goal. The study of medical programs and existing activities is at the heart of the goal.

The purpose of the study also includes:

- consideration of state measures for the examination of citizens;

- research of world practices in social and medical examination;

-analysis of the effectiveness of programs from the point of view of increasing the efficiency of the population.

Research Methods

During the research, theoretical and practical methods were used. An analysis of the current medical examination system was carried out. An assessment was made of the innovative development and potential of medicine. The synthesis was applied within the framework of drawing up a unified model of medical and social examination. Deduction was used, which made it possible to draw conclusions about the quality of life of the population through a full range of measures. An analytical generalization of the facts is carried out to form conclusions on medical and social examination of the population. A comparison was made between foreign practices and the domestic approach to surveying the population as the basis of satisfaction with medical care.


A strategy of healthcare development in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 was approved in Russia (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 12.06.2019 N 254). It is based on an assessment of the state of national security of citizens in the field of health protection. The strategy involves the creation of an emergency response system that allows you to receive information about health quickly and individually for each patient, the creation of specialized multidisciplinary teams to provide medical and social examination. It covers all citizens with preventive medical examinations, which are carried out at least once a year. The list of preventive vaccinations is increasing. The integration of the state information system and information systems of compulsory health insurance is taking place (Kostina, 2017). A very important innovation of the new Procedure for conducting prophylactic medical examination was the organizational and legal possibility of attracting medical workers of medical organizations providing specialized medical care for conducting appointments (examinations, consultations), research and other medical interventions carried out within the framework of medical examination of the population. In addition, in accordance with the new Procedure, citizens will be able to undergo medical examination not only during the day, but also in the evening, as well as on Saturdays (Madeira, 2020). If chronic diseases are detected in patients, they are provided with dispensary observation (Lazareva et al., 2019). The target indicator of coverage with dispensary supervision is 70% of patients with chronic non-communicable diseases identified in the process of preventive medical examination and clinical examination, and in older age groups - at least 90%. For 2019, the target indicator for the coverage of citizens with medical examinations was 41.8%, which is 2.1% more than in 2018. The growth of conscientious citizens is noted. By 2022, the figure will increase by 12% to 53.8%. The number of citizens who passed the basic medical examination was 63.8% in 2019, while another 18% of the population passed the additional one.

During the PME (preventive medical examination) and clinical examination, the target group of registration is selected, for which the main criteria and factors are written out. There is a short preventive counselling, lasting 7 minutes, and then individual or group, calculated for 30 minutes. As a result, statistics of deviations by psychological factors are formed, entered into the data register and recurring diseases are determined. A table of the main directions of surgical treatment is compiled and preventive procedures are given. The study revealed that 49% of the population are satisfied with medical care and the built-up strategy of preventive measures. The pandemic has made its own changes around the world; in Russia, the number of citizens who are not satisfied with the medical care they receive has increased. More than 75% of citizens believe that it is necessary to monitor medical institutions by insurance companies. They must also protect the patient's rights in case of medical errors, and inform in the event of poor-quality medical care. This way out is seen by 29% of the population. The state sees the outcome differently: investments in medicine will increase by 40%. Health care spending should be increased to 6% of GDP. This will help solve staffing problems, improve the quality of services to the population and increase satisfaction with medicine. That is, by modernizing the medical and social structure and preventive examinations, it is possible to increase the loyalty of the population to domestic medicine. A properly conducted survey gives an increase in labor productivity of about 52%. Labor efficiency is over 80% at once.

Global digitalization is also making adjustments to the health sector. There is a shift from inpatient care to remote patient care that detects disease faster. But this requires the introduction of even more innovative platforms. In foreign countries (more than 50 countries), since 2013, the Validic integration system has been used, which unites over 350 medical devices and mobile applications. The platform perceives all data as a single flow of information in a single medical system. The information is checked for correctness. Patients, in turn, receive reports in the form of a control panel, which stores information about their full health.

The 2net platform is a secure, comprehensive, technology-independent, cloud service that connects medical devices (more than 875 different kinds of sensors and devices) to freely exchange data between users of such devices and medical institutions. This service has received approval for use from the FDA and, accordingly, can be used by medical institutions. The Qualcomm 2net network is based on open standards, and the platform itself is integrated with electronic health record systems from 50 different manufacturers, as well as a number of other technology companies. An add-on to the Clinical Follow-up platform can provide clinicians with contextual patient information in real time, which can facilitate early intervention, improve patient safety and improve clinical outcomes. The system can analyze data and provide actionable recommendations to help doctors make informed decisions quickly.

Canada has developed TactioRPM, a remote patient monitoring platform that supports more than 150 medical devices. The system allows doctors to remotely view the data generated by the patient's devices and devices, provide the latter with educational materials and involve patients in new, mobile-based relationships with healthcare professionals. In addition, TactioRPM provides a rich set of APIs for medical organizations, which allows the latter to organize additional data integration, automate their processes and connect special applications. Artificial intelligence will help streamline the process and speed up diagnostics when identifying the needs and requirements of the population. This will increase the level of satisfaction of the population with medical care, since the issue of bureaucratization, standing in lines will be resolved and the risk of misdiagnosis will be reduced.


Thus, medical and social examination is the basis for increasing satisfaction with medical care from the population. The state is thinking over a timely strategy for the development of preventive measures and measures that become the basis for directions in the healthcare sector (Lazareva et al., 2020). Close cooperation between the population and the state is able to reveal changes in the socio-psychological climate of each individual, to find out the reasons for social deviations and discontent. Through the introduction of digital technologies, there is an increase in the quality of life of the population and the degree of its satisfaction with medical care, since each person evaluates medicine in terms of manufacturability, speed and quality of reception and diagnosis, reliability and qualifications of medical personnel and accuracy in predicting and preventing diseases (Morozov, 2020). All this is achieved through the built-up channels of communication between the state - the population - private business units, which solve the common socially significant problem of improving the quality of life and the well-being of citizens. A well-thought-out system of preventive measures and carried out at the right time can increase the efficiency of citizens, the efficiency of business and workflow. A healthy population is the locomotive of the country's successful development.


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30 April 2021

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Socio-economic development, digital economy, management, public administration

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Lazareva, N. V., Minaev, Y. L., & Supilnikov, A. A. (2021). Medical And Social Examinations As Basis Of Population Satisfaction With Medical Care. In S. I. Ashmarina, V. V. Mantulenko, M. I. Inozemtsev, & E. L. Sidorenko (Eds.), Global Challenges and Prospects of The Modern Economic Development, vol 106. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 121-127). European Publisher.